
The Dark days until Winter Solstice

Door |november 1st, 2014|Angels, Blog|

Hi everyone! How was your Halloween yesterday? Please share with me what you did? Did you dress up, if so please share your pictures. I love all those creative costumes and dressing up is just great fun. Play is important. Myself however decided to not dress up and party this year. My body is screaming a need for rest, so I am trying to honor that. So I went out to dinner and a movie with a friend. Today I am [...]

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Samhain and the thinning of the veil

Door |oktober 26th, 2014|Blog|

Samhain is also known as Halloween or All Saints. The ritual year begins with Samhain on October 31st. The end of October has been a spiritually significant time for centuries. The Celts called their New Year celebration Samhain. At this time of the year contact with the other world of deceased ancestors and the spirits is easier to make. Samhain, Summer's End, originated in the 10th century in the Irish story Tochmac Emire, the Enchantment of Emer. In this story Emer, the [...]

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Welcome! This website is in English & grotendeels ook in het Nederlands!

Door |april 28th, 2014|Blog, Uncategorized|

  This website is in English and partly also translated in Dutch Ik spreek ook Nederlands en doe tarot readings/consultaties, ik geef SoulCollage® workshops, Soul Body Fusions® en stoel-yogalessen. Ik teken en schilder ook graag en heb een Etsy winkeltje waar ik enkele tekeningen verkoop.  Rechts in de sidebar (lekker Nederlands ;-)) zit een vertaalknop. Deze werkt niet helemaal top, omdat het vrij letterlijk vertaalt, maar het is iets als je geen Engels leest. Gewoon in het menuutje voor Nederlands kiezen en de [...]

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