

Door |mei 3rd, 2015|Blog|

Happy belated Beltane. I wanted to post this earlier, but because of a severe migraine I couldn't sit up and look at a screen. I haven't had one this bad for a while, can't keep anything down and could just lay down and wait for the pain to pass. I just got up and sort of adjusting to sitting upright. Slowly drinking some water. Hope to keep some food down later today. But anyway May Day has past, May 1st marked [...]

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Compassion & Forgiveness

Door |mei 1st, 2015|Blog, Gratitude, Healing|

Hello Everyone, how are you? Thank you so much for meeting me here.  I am so grateful you are spending some time here with me. Connection is so important and I would love to receive your feedback and interaction. After moving through highly charged energy lately, I have noticed old patterns of survival come up to the surface once again. But I believe a lot of it is leaving now for good. It has shown up now for all of us [...]

Strength in Stillness

Door |april 25th, 2015|Blog, Coaching, Healing, Joy, Meditation|

Beforehand apologies for this rather erratic blogpost which I wrote last weekend. I wanted to write and explore why I am feeling so tired lately and whilst writing I kept getting insides and hooking in to different themes. So apologies if this doesn't make much sense or seems scattered, I know it is. But please bare with me and I hope it makes sense to you and perhaps gives you some insights into your own behaviour and feelings. Tired Lately [...]

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Happy Easter!

Door |april 5th, 2015|Art, Blog, Gratitude, Joy|

Have a blessed Easter everyone! Be happy bunnies and practice resurrection in your daily lives. Here are some ways we can practice resurrection in our daily lives. Give your full attention to whatever you are doing, and you'll recognize the constant renewal of life all around you. Walk the path of beauty and notice the spiritual radiance in people, places, and growing things — more signs of rebirth. Whenever you with compassion open your heart, mind, and soul to the pain of [...]

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Finding lessons in hard times

Door |maart 10th, 2015|Blog, Coaching|

It's only been a few weeks since we found out that my mother has Lung Cancer. My biggest fear has always been losing my mother to Lung Cancer, somehow I always felt this would happen. I love her so much and the thought of losing her has always been too much to even consider, even though I know she will leave this body one day and probably before I do. And even though I believe death is not the end, but just [...]

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Travel as a spiritual practice

Door |februari 7th, 2015|Blog|

Hiya! How are you? What have you been up to? I would love to know please share below. Are you making travelplans or traveled recently? I returned from Sri Lanka last Saturday (has it been 7 days already!!) and went straight back to work on Monday. I only visited Sri Lanka for 15 days (17 incl. travel) but it feels so much longer. And I want more!! I so long to travel more. I am making this a priority in my [...]

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My intention for this year

Door |januari 11th, 2015|Blog, Joy|

This January what I desire most is to take a time out, to slow down. Usually I use the end of December to reflect on the year and set new goals for the year to come. I used a planner and started planning each month ahead. This brought me a lot of clarity and direction and at times this worked for me, I got so much done and achieved a lot of my goals. But did they all bring me joy [...]

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Month-to-month oracle card reading for 2015

Door |januari 1st, 2015|Blog, Joy, Tarot|

Hello everyone! A beautiful and joyous 2015 to you all!! I hope you all left 2014 with a clean slate and are ready to step forward with clarity, confidence and a commitment to creating joy in your world. Today I did a 2015 reading for all of us. I picked one card for each month and one overall card to represent the overall energy of this year.   If you would like a more personal and in-depth reading, please see my [...]

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An attitude of gratitude

Door |november 26th, 2014|Blog, Gratitude, Joy|

Dear you, I would like to start by saying , thank you, thank you for being you, thank you for showing up, thank you for sharing your presence and your love and thank you for reading this post and seeing me. And I thank me for me. I am growing into so much love and respect for myself, I never thought this was possible and I am eternally grateful. I thank The Universe for providing me this body so I am [...]

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Remembering those who have gone before us

Door |november 2nd, 2014|Blog|

Today is All Souls Day, a day to commemorate everyone who has died. Everybody knows the secular holiday of Halloween. But not everybody knows it derives from a holy day, All Saints' Day on Nov. 1 ( a day to commemorate all Saints, those people we believe are in heaven, through good works and God's grace.), which is followed by All Souls' day on Nov. 2. The root word of Halloween - ''hallow'' - means ''holy.'' The suffix "een" is an abbreviation of [...]

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