
Home at Last

Door |juni 9th, 2016|Blog|

Last weekend my father past over. He was a man of the world, a sea man, with a great passion for the sea and roaming the world. He was popular and loved by many. He will be missed. His dis-ease and pain is over and his great journey and adventure to the afterlife has begun... So long dear Dad, until we meet again. Xxx So much love, your daughter Charissa Home At Last I licked my finger and raised it to the [...]

Open Your Mind & Unite

Door |juni 3rd, 2016|Awakening, Blog|

A few weeks ago (21 & 22 May) I attended the Open Mind Conference and it was inspiring and motivating. On Saturday the 21st of May the Open mind Conference NL was in Centrum de Zonnewijzer in Aalsmeer, hosted by OMC NL. Due to the unstoppable exponentially awakening in society there is an increasing need for opportunities to share information without any constraint. The set up was slightly different compared to the last conferences, as there will be a more ”interactive” set [...]

A Spark of Truth

Door |mei 18th, 2016|Blog|

Balance, it is all about balance. As a true Libra (ascendant as well) I am all too aware of that. A couple of years ago, after years of living in darkness, the day I stepped onstage at a coaching seminar and claimed my depression and severe home sickness, the moment I stepped back into my power and back into the light, that was also the moment I started to block out all darkness. Did not want to see it, did not [...]

The truth is out there

Door |april 17th, 2016|Blog|

Hello, Thank you for reading this and sharing this space with me. We are in the middle of change, a radical shift in perception. So much is coming to light and it is so important that we all perceive this. The more people see the truth, the more we bring it into our reality. The changes that are happening right now have a huge impact on opening us up to learning who we really are. To rediscover our true selves. We [...]

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Healing Family Patterns

Door |april 2nd, 2016|Blog, Joy|

Keep breathing, stay calm, take a time out, stop saying the word “busy”, let go, all is well. I kept repeating these mantras this week, knowing I wasn't paying attention to any of it, so it was no use. Practice what you preach, walk your talk. Sigh. It is so easy to live mindfully and from the heart when all is well. But when you are challenged in life and feel like you have run out of energy, this proves to [...]

Rabbit Hole

Door |maart 11th, 2016|Blog|

Hello you! Welcome down the Rabbit Hole ;) Do we perceive with our eyes, with our brain or with our intuition? What is truth? That is the question. Or is it? .... I am going through a process, a transformation. I want and need change. Joy in Creation as it is, is not resonating with me anymore. I have received many more insights lately and gone through a lot of processes. I have just grown out of this website, the [...]

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Work in Progress

Door |februari 14th, 2016|Blog|

Hello everyone, Long time, no write, I know. Life (and Death) have been keeping me occupied. Life is challenging at the moment. I think I have gone through every emotion possible in the past weeks; mourning, sadness, joy, anger, frustration, despair, loneliness, love, gratitude, trust, faith, doubt, and on, and on. Things go up and do within seconds. Setback, blessing, setback, blessing... I decided to be very grateful for this process as I am clearing so much stuck energy. At the moment [...]

Last Letter to Mom

Door |januari 31st, 2016|Blog|

This is my last letter to my Mother, the letter I read at her cremation. For now it is in Dutch only, because I have not had the time to translate it yet. I still have the flu and I am just very tired. There is still so much to take care of and I am calm, strangely enough, but I do feel a bit anxious about what is to come. We need to clear my Mother's house by the end of the [...]

Who am I?

Door |januari 17th, 2016|Blog|

Who am I and who do I want to be? Hello there! Hope you are well. Like millions of people around the world I am mourning the loss of a true star, David Bowie. His music has been a constant in my life, although I wasn't a huge fan like some people I know, I did listen to his music often, followed his career, and managed to see him in concert a couple of times. I always admired him for [...]

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Dear December

Door |december 4th, 2015|Blog|

December has started and there are only a few days left of 2015. The way you round off the year can influence your manifestations in the new year. You need to get out of bed on the right side so to speak. December for me often comes too quickly, as there are still so many plans for this year not accomplished and the feeling of not being quite ready to make a new start. Also the melancholy of another year over, and time seemingly passing [...]

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