
Samhain and the thinning of the veil

Door |oktober 28th, 2017|Blog, Dutch, English|

Nederlandse vertaling hieronder / Dutch translation underneath the English text Samhain is also known as Halloween or All Saints. The ritual year begins with Samhain on October 31st. The end of October has been a spiritually significant time for centuries. The Celts called their New Year celebration Samhain. At this time of the year contact with the other world of deceased ancestors and the spirits is easier to make. Samhain, Summer’s End, originated in the 10th century in the Irish story [...]

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zondagmiddag 17 december in Amsterdam: Introductie workshop middag SoulCollage®

Door |oktober 27th, 2017|Blog, Dutch, Soul Collage, worshop event|

zondagmiddag 17 december in Amsterdam: Introductie workshop middag SoulCollage® Vroeger toen we klein waren, toen we nog speelden en creatief kleurden, plaatjes plakten of dingen bouwden. Toen stonden we nog in direct contact met onze intuïtie en waren we nog niet bezig met het begrip tijd en allerlei zaken die moesten. We waren gewoon. Helaas zijn veel van ons die staat van zijn en lekker creëren kwijt geraakt. Heb je behoefte om gewoon weer lekker te spelen en zo jouw inspiratie [...]

Reacties uitgeschakeld voor zondagmiddag 17 december in Amsterdam: Introductie workshop middag SoulCollage®

2018 is knocking at our door / 2018 klopt op jouw deur

Door |oktober 27th, 2017|Blog, Dutch, English|

  Nederlandse tekst onder deze Engelse tekst!  2018 is knocking at your door Hello dear you, How are you? How has your week been? I hope you are well. Personally I am doing much much better. More relaxed, more in my body, happier, more me. I feel good and full of inspiration and gusto. I wish you the very same. Maybe you're not thinking of this at all, but 2018 is coming! That means it's time to think about what you [...]

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Slow down – do you live with intention or just going through the motions?

Door |oktober 21st, 2017|Astrology, Blog, English, truth|

Hello dear you! Apologies to my Dutch readers first, this will be in English only. Tarot Time will be in Dutch this week. I need to set boundaries as the past few weeks have been quite challenging for me. It is the time in my Sun sign of Libra and I am confronted with finding balance in my life. The best intentions for my self are becoming more and more clear and I can see clearly where I am out of [...]

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My personal Eclipse Insights

Door |augustus 27th, 2017|Blog, Tarot|

Ugh! :-( just wrote a blogpost (part of it twice because this happened twice!), took me over two hours, pressed a button and it is gone! And somehow when I press undo it doesn't come back. Saved files in between, but gone. Very odd. Very Mercury Retrograde. It was quite a personal post and wrote it free flowing, so it is hard to rewrite in the same tone. I guess it was meant more for me personally to release it from [...]

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Full Solar Eclipse – Time for humanity to break free

Door |augustus 16th, 2017|Astrology, Blog|

Can you feel it? The energy is very intense to say the least. I must admit that it feels ominous and exciting at the same time, like something big is about to happen. Now something big (hello eclipse!!) IS about to happen and is already happening, you just need to be willing to be open to it. The energy feels unstable, about to tip over one way or the other. We have the power to tip the scales the way we [...]

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How the August eclipses will transform your life

Door |juli 29th, 2017|Astrology, Blog|

A season of change is upon us as August brings us a cycle of eclipses. The portal will open on August 7 when the Moon is full in Aquarius. It is important that we are aware of the energies so they can help us make major shifts in our lives. These eclipse energies are intense and can make us feel really on edge as they show us where we are longing for change, but are perhaps afraid to take real steps [...]

Joyful July – anything is possible

Door |juli 5th, 2017|Blog|

  Hello! Thank you for being here and taking this time to read and connect. Remember that this is time and energy invested in yourself. All wisdom is within you, but knowing more about the energies that influence us can empower us to live life with more ease and grace. It may also help you understand (our mind loves to understand) why we are feeling a certain way. So thank you for doing this for you so you can shine your [...]

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A poem from my father – Father’s Day this Sunday

Door |juni 16th, 2017|Blog|

Here in The Netherlands, when I was young, a lot of children had poetry books (Poëzie/poessie albums ;-)) which we would pass along to our friends, family, teachers, etc. for them to fill a page with poetry and decorations. Friends and I were talking about these books a few weeks ago at a party and we asked each other to write a page in it. So I dug up my old book (Yay I still have it!) and it was so [...]

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Sagittarius Full Moon Tarot reading

Door |juni 10th, 2017|Blog, Tarot|

Hello you! How are you? How was your Full Moon night? Did you receive any deep insights, do you feel more clear? I had so many aha-moments, I kept having to write them down, so waking up so many times last night and wide awake at 5 am. So I have already have a full day behind me. More about this full moon here: So today I am a day early with our tarot reading. I felt called to work with [...]

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