
A love note / Een liefdesbriefje (English and Dutch)

Door |februari 13th, 2018|Blog, Gratitude|

  Nederlands scroll naar beneden ajb A love note (English) Tomorrow is Valentines Day. A commercial invention, but I will not go into that today. Let's forget all the cards and gifts and talk about Love. Yes because this is the day of Love (isn't every second about love?). And yes I am all for celebrating love and showing the people you love you love them. But should there really be a special day for this? But besides the point again. [...]

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Moederliefde / Motherly love (Nederlands en Engels)

Door |januari 20th, 2018|Blog, Dutch, English|

For English please scroll down, thank you Moederliefde en het helen van de moederwond De moeder-dochter relatie is beladen en vol ingewikkelde processen. Tot wij ongeveer 10 maanden oud zijn voelen kinderen geen verschil tussen hun eigen lichaam en dat van hun moeder, ze zijn als het ware versmolten met elkaar. Alle genderdiscussies daargelaten gaan jongens zich gaandeweg met hun vader identificeren, terwijl dochters dit sterk met hun moeder blijven doen. Er wordt wederzijds angsten, behoeftes, dromen en wensen geprojecteerd. Morgen [...]

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Gezien worden (SoulCollage® video)

Door |januari 17th, 2018|Blog, Soul Collage, Videos|

  Apologies English speaking friends, this video and text is in Dutch only Hallo lieve jij! Gezien worden is een groot thema in mijn leven en ik denk ook dat dit mede bijdraagt aan mijn passie voor SoulCollage®, want dankzij deze prachtige methode zie ik nu mijzelf, al mijn delen en mijn plek in het grotere geHeel en ben ik niet langer meer op zoek om door anderen gezien te worden. Dit uitte zich voorheen met name in 'pleaser' gedrag, faalangst [...]

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2018 – my year ahead reading

Door |januari 1st, 2018|Blog, Tarot|

Happy new year!! I hope you had a safe and warm end of year celebration. I like, like for many years now, managed to sleep right through all the fireworks. I intend to stay up each year and I stretched it to 11.30 pm this time. But I fell over and went to bed, expecting the fireworks to wake me up. But as the fireworks had been going off all evening already I probably didn't register the difference and slept right [...]

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My word for 2018 – Worthiness

Door |december 30th, 2017|Blog|

Hi There, We are at the end of the year and have done a lot of reflecting lately. Where am I doing all of this for? Who am I really? Why do I want to live? What is the purpose of life? What makes me truly happy? And why is it becoming harder and harder to motivate myself to get out of bed in the morning. A few weeks ago I was so excited about doing a SoulCollage® workshop, I rented [...]

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It’s a wrap – setting goals for 2018

Door |december 22nd, 2017|Blog, Coaching, English|

The time between Christmas and New Year's is the ideal time to turn inward and find a deepening, inspiration and renewal. The energy of the last few months has been about going deep with in cleaning, cleansing and releasing and re-inventing ourselves. It is this deep inner clearing of witnessing intense patterns stirring and allowing them to let go of old patterns to create new passion in our lives. Yesterday the Winter Solstice was celebrated and we greeted in the sun [...]

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Snow Magic

Door |december 17th, 2017|Blog, magic and spellwork|

Hello you! How are you! I hope you are well. I am doing so much better and I hope you are as well. The past few weeks were like moving through deep, dark, cold mud, but I feel so much lighter and happier now! And feeling into it I feel that the snow played a part in this. Now here in The Netherlands we have had some early snowfall and it messed up our tiny country big time. The Netherlands is [...]

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All I want for Christmas …and how to experience peace, love and magic this season

Door |december 15th, 2017|Blog, English|

December, it is often time of 'too busy', too many obligations and too much doing. When this really is a time when nature calls us to slow down and turn inward. A time to reflect and celebrate our past year. So many people are working overtime to make the final deadlines and people in retail almost work round the clock to keep up with all the shoppers trying to find that 'perfect' gift. And well most of us are feeling dare [...]

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An attitude of gratitude

Door |november 21st, 2017|Blog, English, Gratitude|

First of all, before I start writing this post, I want to reach out and send you gratitude. Thank you for being you and for helping make this world a more beautiful place. To express my gratitude, my gift to you this Thanksgiving is a 50 percent discount on all healings and readings ordered this week (expires Sunday at Midnight GMT+1). Link to all services And now a blogpost about gratitude, the benefits and how to cultivate this practice. I hope to inspire you [...]

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Say yes to no

Door |november 12th, 2017|Blog, Coaching, English|

Hello! How are you? I so hope you are well and taking good care of yourself and your energy. I am going to make this brief as my eyes are not handling the screen very well. I had a rough week. I fell into old patterns of overwhelm and of not setting healthy boundaries. Old patterns of working too fast, too much and too long and ignoring all physical and mental signs that I was heading for an abyss. I [...]

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