
Compassion – sharing and tarot spread

Door |september 16th, 2018|Blog, English, Tarot|

Hello dear you, Thank you for dropping by. How are you doing? How was your week? If you want to share or respond, please feel free to do so in email or via the comments below. You are welcome! Well I am still having my pity party. I am doing well though and I find it very insightful to write all the stuff in my head down, trying to make sense of it all. Now when I read back my blogposts [...]

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New Moon in Virgo – release those heavy fruits

Door |september 8th, 2018|Astrology, Blog, witch|

Happy September! Are You Ready for Autumn? September is a time of transformation and an invitation to balance. The leaves are starting to fall and the trees are releasing their heavy fruits for harvest. Time to get ourselves and house in order and prepare for Winter. Tomorrow, September 9th the New Moon is in Virgo and this it the perfect time for taking inventory of your life. Are you going in the right direction or do you need to course correct? [...]

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Live(r) Lessons – what my body is teaching me

Door |september 7th, 2018|Blog, Healing|

Hiya! I hope you are well. Again apologies for a bit of blogging irregularity. I am working through another layer of healing and I need time (away from the computer) to integrate and heal. I will record another ChaChaChat this weekend and I can't wait to catch up with you. Vulnerable Now this place is my home, a place where I feel free to share and be vulnerable. I think that is important. There is already too much pretending online. I [...]

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Healing old wounds

Door |september 4th, 2018|Blog|

Hi you! First of all I want to express my gratitude to everyone who has given me advice, supported me and helped me in the past weeks. I posted about my health problems on Facebook and the response was heartwarming and overwhelming. As a lot of people are asking me how I am, I am writing this post. Thank you! Secondly I would like to apologize for not posting a ChaChaChat video last weekend. After a week, or weeks, of fatigue, [...]

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ChaChaChat 26 August 2018 (blog &video; astro & tarot)

Door |augustus 26th, 2018|Astrology, Blog, Tarot, Videos|

Happy Harvest Full Moon! The Summer seems to be slowly saying goodbye, withdraw, and getting ready for Autumn. The wind of change is in the air and the promise of Autumn is caressing us with rain and a cool air. This is a time for harvest. This Full Moon marks the beginning of harvest season for many cultures. As the days are noticeably getting shorter (hello candlelit evenings and actually going to sleep in the dark) and the Harvest Moon extends [...]

Reacties uitgeschakeld voor ChaChaChat 26 August 2018 (blog &video; astro & tarot)

So sloooowwww

Door |augustus 24th, 2018|Astrology, Blog|

Geez this week crawled by slowly. I feel like walking through sticky molasses. And almost everyone I met this week is sighing and stating how heavy and tired they feel. There is a collective density on weighing us down and we need to lighten up!   Last week, this time I was asleep, I slept for 24 hours. I just went out like a bulb with for no apparent reason, I just felt sick all of the sudden, went to sleep, [...]

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ChaChaChat 12 August 2018 (Dutch Video – English text)

Door |augustus 12th, 2018|Astrology, Blog, Tarot, Videos|

English text below the video  Hallo allemaal, Bij deze de Nederlandse video. Dank voor het kijken! Hello you all! I hope you had an expanding New Moon in Leo experience on yesterday, Saturday August 11th. This new phase was amplified by the August 8 Lion's Gate, when your energy was magnified. A lot of people I am in contact with/know are going through a time of tiredness, illness, life changing challenges, burn outs, depression, etc. Not many people at this time [...]

Reacties uitgeschakeld voor ChaChaChat 12 August 2018 (Dutch Video – English text)

ChaChaChat (video) returns & update (picture time!)

Door |augustus 5th, 2018|Blog, English, Tarot, Videos|

Hello dear you! How have you been? Am feeling a great need to connect with you this morning so I decided to record this ChaChaChat en Tarot Time for you. I am planning to do weekly videos again. I took a little time out as life has been really busy and needed to balance my energy (outward vs inward). I will share when I feel inspired and rested. When I feel clear. So I had a lovely week. Things are slowing [...]

Reacties uitgeschakeld voor ChaChaChat (video) returns & update (picture time!)

Grrrrrr en nu is het genoeg / and now it is enough

Door |juli 17th, 2018|Blog, Coaching, Dutch, English|

FOR ENGLISH PLEASE SCROLL DOWN "Grrrr" dit geluid gaf ik de afgelopen weken wel erg vaak. Voelde me net een cactus, zo prikkelbaar en gefrustreerd. Dit zijn drukke tijden op kantoor. Ik wil het niet steeds als een mantra zeggen, maar het is gewoon retedruk. Terwijl een hoop mensen met dit warme weer een tandje terug gaan, is het bij ons het vuurtje opstoken. En ja in tijden van stress kom je jezelf tegen. Dit weekend heb ik met vriendinnen een [...]

Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Grrrrrr en nu is het genoeg / and now it is enough

ChaChaChat 8 juli 2018 (Dutch video/English abstract)

Door |juli 8th, 2018|Blog, Tarot|

For English abstract, please scroll down   Hallo daar! Een heel mooie nieuwe week alvast! Ik hoop dat je fijne dagen hebt gehad. Ik merk dat bij een hoop mensen moeheid en geleefd voelen de kop op steekt. De energie is nu heel ehm ja energiek en naar buiten toe gericht. Neem ook voldoende tijd om naar binnen te keren en even niets te doen. En vooral daarna lekker weer gaan spelen. Geniet en laat je voeden door de energie van [...]

Reacties uitgeschakeld voor ChaChaChat 8 juli 2018 (Dutch video/English abstract)
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