
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

Door |april 27th, 2019|Blog, Tarot|

What is Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs? Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs is one of the most well-known theories in psychology regarding human behavior and what motivates our actions. The concept was first coined in a 1943 paper called “A Theory on Human Motivation”. Named after its creator, Abraham Maslow, this theory focuses on the idea that human beings have certain needs in their lives and that these needs can be organized into a hierarchy based upon how primitive or advanced these needs [...]

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Fitting In

Door |april 26th, 2019|Blog|

Hello, how are you? Are you feeling the Venus-Cheiron conjunction? This time brings up relationship wounds and shows us yet another layer of healing. Cheiron is the Wounded Healer and this time is an opportunity for feeling the emotions (instead of pushing them away and numbing them down) and loving ourselves and supporting ourselves more, for being more ourselves, without needing the approval of others. Because deep down we all have a need to fit in and be approved of. Or [...]

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The sun, the moon and stars don’t seem as far as they did yesterday

Door |april 20th, 2019|Blog, Soul Collage|

Last weekend I travelled to Amersfoort for the annual SoulCollage® facilitator get-to-gether. Amersfoort This year's theme was Our Sun & Our Moon and was hosted by fellow facilitator Renée. We did a constellation with our Sun and Moon so to actually feel these work through us at this moment. For this we don't even need to know which sign our Sun and Moon was in at the time of our birth. However I do know, Libra is my Sun sign and [...]

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Progress of my DIY tarot deck

Door |april 13th, 2019|Art, Blog, Tarot|

Two of my big passions are art and the tarot. I really want to tap into your creative spirit and make a custom deck of my own. One of the marks of being an effective practitioner of magic is the ability to make do with what’s on hand. After all, people have made their own Tarot cards for ages. A personalized deck is something I can customize to your own needs, wants, and creativity. The sky is the limit when you’re [...]

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Wishing you an awesome April

Door |april 6th, 2019|Astrology, Blog|

Wishing you an awesome April Merry meet and welcome to my playground, my place of connection and service, Joy in Creation. Happy New Moon in Aries! The first New Moon after Mercury Retrograde is a powerful time to make positive shifts in your life. The fog is clearing, Mercury is going direct again and life feels lighter. March was tough for a lot of us. It is now time for action. Time to put those plans into motion, new plans or [...]

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Door |april 5th, 2019|Blog, Coaching, Dutch, film review|

Bij een prijsvraag van Bewust Nederland werd een vraag gesteld die mij prikkelde. "Wat is jouw Drømmeland?" Mijn antwoord was: Drømmeland is voor mij die plek in mij waar ruimte en vrede is. De plek van waaruit ik bewust creëer. De plek waar ik thuis ben. De plek waar ik bijkom. Het is niet ergens buiten mij. Het makkelijkste bereik ik deze plek thuis voor mijn altaar, aan mijn tekentafel of op een plek in de natuur, weg van de gekte [...]

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Local & historical witchcraft

Door |maart 31st, 2019|Blog, witch|

Merry meet! Just a brief sharing of a day out I undertook with a friend yesterday. We visited Helmond where there is an exhibit on the witch trials held there back in 1595. Click on this photograph to be taken to the Flickr-photo album Now I am writing another (elaborate) post on witchcraft, what it means to me and much more. However as I have quite a lot of feelings on the subject of what witchcraft means to me, I really [...]

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Ostara SoulCollage® workshop (Nederlands)

Door |maart 31st, 2019|Blog|

Apologies to all English speaking readers, this blog entry is in Dutch and about a SoulCollage® workshop I facilitated last week. As I am only doing these workshops in Amsterdam (and in Dutch) I decided to do this blogpost in Dutch, my apologies. Met plezier en dankbaarheid kijk ik terug op de Ostara SoulCollage® workshop van vorige week. Het was met een kleine groep, omdat ik wat laatste minuut annuleringen voor de workshop had. Dit is om eerlijk te zijn best [...]

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What I really really want

Door |maart 11th, 2019|Blog|

As I just wrote in the former blogpost I haven't a clear notion of what my deeper desire for life is (instead that I love exploring, learning, creating and experiencing...the good, the bad and the ugly... But I also have a deeper need for direction and creating consciously therefor I am struggling to write my Life Plan. I am not even aware of what my more manifested desires are… Know thyself...I guess I have always been so concerned about other people [...]

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Door |maart 9th, 2019|Blog|

A friend of mine asked in a Whatsapp group what we would love to do but is not accepted (by ourselves or by society). She is reading the wonderful The Artist Way and this was one of the morning pages exercises. And lots of inspiring answers from friends filled the app in no time, such as having a food fight in a fancy restaurant and crashing a business party in a tight tigerprint suit and stilletos. But I fell silent. No [...]

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