
Travel to Switzerland: Tarot Conference and Audrey Hepburn pilgrimage

Door |juli 3rd, 2019|Blog, Tarot, Travel, witch|

Happy July! I hope you are enjoying the Summer (Northern Hemisphere) as much as I am. I just love the warmth, the sunshine, the energy, and wearing light dresses and sandals! Sigh... Eclipses Astrologically this month looks interesting with two eclipses (2 July with the New Moon and 16 July with the Full Moon). Eclipses present us with massive accelerations of growth, usually during very short pockets of time. These accelerations offer us very big energetic opportunities.  Mercury turns retrograde on July [...]

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Mid year review – Summer Solstice tarot Spread

Door |juni 15th, 2019|Blog|

Summer Solstice is the longest day and shortest night of the year and is occurring June 21 in the Northern Hemisphere. The Goddess of Summer is calling us to come out and play in the light and enjoy the bounty of summertime. It is halfway in the year and worth taking the time for a review of your position and intentions for the year. For this Summer Solstice Tarot Spread, take several deep breaths to ground and center and if you [...]

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I am welcome!

Door |juni 15th, 2019|Blog|

Driving up the Hollendewagenweg (Rolling Wagon Street - real name!), I never suspected such an oasis hiding in the middle of the long-stretched meadows. Here we find a warm and welcoming place full of discovery and beauty. Last week, Pentecost weekend, I spent in a former nunnery near Utrecht, called Samaya, for a workshop Self Image and Emotions lead by Paul Loomans, Zen monk and owner of De Stressontknoping. (the Stress denouement). A beautiful 3-day workshop with 14 wonderful and open [...]

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The Beautiful Rebellion Deck interview

Door |juni 2nd, 2019|Blog, Tarot|

I just had a deck interview with The Beautiful Rebellion Tarot. It is like going on a first date with a new deck. You have to get to know each other before you make an intimate connection. I am so excited to work with this gorgeous deck as I am a big fan of master artists from the late 1800’s and early 1900’s such as Dante Gabriel Rossetti, Edmund Blair Leighton, John Collier and John William Waterhouse. There are so many [...]

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Who am I really?

Door |mei 31st, 2019|Blog|

My innate gifts & challenges An astrological journey At the moment I am meditating, listening in, delving deep into myself to discover what my deeper reason for being here on this Planet at this moment is. Life is nice and quiet at the moment, which is really welcome after years of stress and upheaval. But to be honest, it is also kind of dull. Not that I crave a lot of excitement, but I do feel I am not living to [...]

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Gifts & Talents Tarot Reading

Door |mei 30th, 2019|Blog, Tarot|

At this moment I am trying to uncover where I want to go in this phase of my life. I am trying to get a clear picture of my innate gifts and talents and somehow find some purpose and meaning in my life. As I am multi-passionate and am quite skilled in a lot of things, I have sort of lost track of what really makes me spark and that I would like to pursue in years to come. I feel [...]

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Suffering is optional

Door |mei 28th, 2019|Blog|

Lately I am very much into Yin Yoga. I still love Kundalini Yoga, but I feel really drawn to receptive and restorative postures at the moment. To lean in and just be. Be with it all without resistance and stretching my comfort zone. I have a need to balance all the yang of day to life and I find peace and clarity in Yin yoga. It helps me stretch my boundaries in other ways (not better) than Kundalini yoga does. Kundalini [...]

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The NeverEnding Story

Door |mei 19th, 2019|Blog, film review|

‘Turn around, look at what you seeeee'... It's 1984, I am 9 years old and I walk out of the cinema mesmerized. Now the year 2019 and I must have seen this film over 50 times and I know it by heart. Other films I loved as a child (and still do) were Dark Crystal and Labyrinth. Looking at these films now I find some of it a bit disturbing and dark, filled with a lot of occult symbolism. Definitely not [...]

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Know Thyself

Door |mei 14th, 2019|Blog, Travel|

Last week I was away for a workshop week in Niedersfeld Germany (near Winterberg in Sauerland). This was a Self Knowledge retreat hosted by Pateo (Johan Oldenkamp). The location was at Savita, It is a meeting place and a place of inspiration for "seekers". People with the desire to give their lives more depth, the desire to break through restrictive thoughts and patterns, to experience more love, to get a better grasp of their own lives, to get more contact with [...]

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Re-member you are free

Door |mei 4th, 2019|Blog|

Today is the commemoration of the dead in The Netherlands. A moment to be still and silent. This day is not only to remember those lives lost in the war, but everyone who has past on. At this moment of silence I always think of those in my personal life that have crossed over before me, such as ancestors, parents, grandfathers, grandmothers, uncles, aunts, friends, colleagues, pets … If remembering brings up feelings of mourning, don't push it away. Take this [...]

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