
Friday the 13th Full Moon Love Spell

Door |september 14th, 2019|Blog, Book of Shadows, Spellwork, witch|

13 September 2019 🌕 Oh it's been so long since I have been in love. I miss those butterflies, that rush you get when you are besotted with someone. I miss having a special person in my life. The past years have been hard, with a lot of loss and healing, the last thing on my mind was finding a partner. But now time has passed and time has healed and I feel so much stronger and open and I feel [...]

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An emotional Full Moon – with tarot spread

Door |september 14th, 2019|Astrology, Blog, Tarot|

Happy Full Harvest Moon in Pisces. I hope you are having empowering day! This Full Harvest Moon is on the date of Friday the 13th (not everywhere, in The Netherlands where I live on Saturday morning) and only happens once every 20 years! I sure had very vivid and powerful dreams last night, some I still try to make sense of. I will meditate and journal more on them, wrote pages and pages this morning. Yesterday, Friday, the day of Venus, [...]

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Love match

Door |september 6th, 2019|Blog, Tarot|

A happy September to you!!Welcome back from wherever you have come from, whether you went away this Summer or stayed put, wherever you are, wherever you have come from, welcome home within yourSelf. The month of transformation And welcome to Sweet September. The month of change, of transformation. You now start to see this clearly in nature and you may feel it stirring within you. Where are possibilities arising for you and how are you responding to them? Are you seizing [...]

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Happy New Moon in Virgo!

Door |augustus 30th, 2019|Astrology, Blog, Tarot|

Happy New Moon in Virgo! I woke up early, even early for me (I am an early bird) and I feel so awake, so clear. For the past week I have been feeling Autumn arrive and this makes me anxious to get the most out of the last days of Summer. To drink in as much Sunshine as I can until the cold season arrives. I also have been feeling this pressure because we are three quarters in this year and [...]

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So what now? – Tarot spread

Door |augustus 15th, 2019|Astrology, Blog, Tarot|

Happy Full Moon (the Full Sturgeon Moon) in rational, eccentric and humanitarian Aquarius! The Sun (in proud and loyal Leo) now forms an exact opposition to the Moon. In astrology, the Sun rules our overall character while the moon rules our inner Self. So the Full Moon shines a light on our Selves that only comes out in the dark. That Self that 'outside' people don't get to see. And this may bring up some tension if your outside you is [...]

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A career tarot spread

Door |augustus 9th, 2019|Blog, Tarot|

A little while ago I did a career spread for myself. This year I celebrated my 10th year anniversary at my current day job. I am happy where I work, content, all is well and I think I am good at what I do and I think my colleagues feel the same. I am blessed to work at such an open minded and colorful place. I am not bored, but sometimes the mind wanders if I there are other opportunities out [...]

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Romeo where art thou?

Door |juli 28th, 2019|Blog, Tarot|

Today I want to share with you a Lenormand reading I did for myself around the theme of love and romance. I have been single for about nine years now and I am opening up to the idea of meeting a man romantically. The past years I have had many excuses not to focus on love, excuses that may be very real as my heart wasn't open (well it was, wide open, but wounded and mourning) and I didn't have the [...]

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Full Moon Lunar Eclipse

Door |juli 16th, 2019|Astrology, Blog, Tarot|

Today, Tuesday July 16th we witness a partial lunar eclipse, a Full Moon in Capricorn, and Mercury is still going retrograde, this is a week full of profound and powerful energy! A Full Moon is always a great moment to reflect on what is going on in your life and the bigger picture. Every full moon has a different effect due to its specific position at that time. This Moon is in practical, self reliant, stoic and ambitious Capricorn. The lunar [...]

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Swiss Tarot Fest 2019

Door |juli 14th, 2019|Blog, Tarot|

Two weeks ago I attended the Tarot Fest in Switzerland. a marvelous day with very fascinating speakers and workshops gathering of Tarot lovers coming together to explore the mysteries of the Tarot. The Festival offered a casual and relaxed setting for Tarot authors, artists, teachers, beginners and professional readers to come together in a friendly and welcoming atmosphere, a place where skills and teaching expertise were shared. An opportunity to tap in to the wisdom and knowledge from those who have [...]

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Lilith in Pisces – understand unconscious fears

Door |juli 12th, 2019|Astrology, Blog|

We are in the middle of Summer and I have been spending time away from the computer as much as I can in my spare time. Summer asks us to let relax, take a step back and now with Mercury in retrograde (until July 31st) a perfect time to reflect and ponder (perfect for Summer holidays, not so good for travel). This is the season to stop what you are doing and reassess, take stock and feel if you are still [...]

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