
Beloved Dead – weaving my ancestors voices

Door |november 1st, 2019|Blog, witch|

Lunar Samhain has arrived in the Northern Hemisphere. Although Halloween is celebrated on the 31st of October, this year's Samhain portal runs between the 27th of October (New Moon) until the 8th of November, the Solar Samhain (midpoint between the Autumn Equinox and Winter Solstice). The Scorpio New Moon is the darkest Moon of the year and here in Holland last Sunday the clock was set to Winter Time. This always gives me a sense of jet lag and it takes [...]

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Samhain Tarot Reading – what’s lurking in the shadows?

Door |november 1st, 2019|Blog, Tarot|

This time of year is perfect for divination as the veils are extra thin and the connection to our higher knowing is more easy to access. Also our senses our heightened by the Scorpio energy of this time. We are invited to delve deep, deep in the corners of our where our shadow is lurking. The shadow are those pieces of ourselves that we'd rather not acknowledge and definitely don't want the outside world to see. Today I have used a [...]

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New Moon in Scorpio oracle card reading

Door |oktober 27th, 2019|Blog, Tarot|

A happy New Moon to you. For more information on this Scorpio New Moon please read Friday's blog entry here. I just did a New Moon in Scorpio Oracle reading inspired by Ethony. I used my brand new Archetypes Oracle Cards by Kim Krants. What is transforming for me now?The Hunter - my intuitive hit is that Scorpio will help me be more brave and daring, to charge forward and 'hunt' for what I really want/desire. No longer self sacrificing and [...]

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Deck interview – The Light Seer’s Tarot

Door |oktober 20th, 2019|Blog, Tarot|

The accompanying book is AMAZING! I did this deck interview with the long awaited Light Seer's Tarot a while ago, but never got 'round to typing it out. So here goes. Look at the green edging!! Love it!! I have been lustig after this deck for quite some time and I also felt very drawn to the same date release deck of Chris Ann's Muse Tarot. I couldn't make up my mind which to buy, so I bought both....yikes. Now [...]

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Full Moon, pain and loss

Door |oktober 12th, 2019|Astrology, Blog|

To get straight to the point, this week has been tough! No other way to put it. I am still a bit stressed about the new workplace, been having headaches because of the paint fumes and something else perhaps in the building, not sure I just feel bad (physically) when I am there, and fine when I am not at the office. I hope it is just the paint fumes, as they will be gone (I hope) in the next few [...]

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Standing fierce with Freya

Door |oktober 12th, 2019|Blog|

Yesterday evening I visited the Temple of the Goddess in Amsterdam. Friday, an evening to gather with Freya. I will not write much about the ceremony, because this is not for me to share, it is public if you want to visit sometime (see the website for more information). I learned about new insights about Freya which the Priestess of the Temple received over the years working with her, such as how long back she may have been worshipped, where and [...]

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Oracle of Black Enchantment – free Samhain reading gift

Door |oktober 6th, 2019|Blog, Tarot, witch|

Patrick Valenza is best known for his Deviant Moon tarot, but I prefer his his independent self-published decks such as Mildred Payne’s Oracle of Black Enchantment. The deck continues the story that he has conjured about the fictional young witch Mildred Payne. The story he provides is that this oracle was found in her coffin and was created in 1933 against the wishes of the Fenwood Coven. The illustrations are such a (Halloween) treat, inspired by English woodblock prints, particularly those [...]

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Nehalennia Harvest Festival

Door |september 28th, 2019|Blog, witch, worshop event|

Greetings sweet❤︎ Can you feel it? The changing of the leaves, the slight chill in the air, that particular smell of nature slowly withdrawing… its magick! 🍃🍁🍂 The Autumn Equinox has just turned the wheel and before long it will be Samhain, the Witch's New Year. But I am here to write about the last festival of Mabon and the Harvest Festival of Goddess Nehalennia. Picture by Nehalennia Festival For a long time Nehalennia has been hidden under the water surface, [...]

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Finding balance this New Moon

Door |september 27th, 2019|Astrology, Blog|

& happy new birth year to me Happy birthday to me! I celebrated my 44th birthday last Wednesday on the 25th. Thank you all for the many many birthday wishes!!! You make my day! Thank you! Apologies if I haven't replied in person - it has been quite busy at the office. This was a bit of a bittersweet day as this was the last day working here, at this place. So goodbye Amsterdam city centre and hello Sloterdijk…New location, new [...]

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Grimoire or Book of Shadows?

Door |september 14th, 2019|Blog, Book of Shadows, Spellwork, witch|

At the moment I am using a beautiful leather bound book to write down my craft work, journal, keep record of spells, etc. To have a beautiful Book of Shadows has always appealed to me and over the years I have had many ideas of what I want to do with my BoS, but who am I kidding! I don't have the time to make it all pretty and fill it with all kinds of general witchy information. And yes of [...]

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