
The Dreamweaver Tarot deck interview

Door |februari 9th, 2020|Astrology, Blog, Tarot|

Happy Full Moon in Leo! This Moon is also called the Snow Moon, but no snow here in The Netherlands, nothing at all this year only in certain areas of the country a little has fallen. Flowers are popping up everywhere and nature is awake. Every morning I see lots of rabbits running around and there are birds out that should've flown south for the Winter.  February is a transitional month as Winter is fighting to keep its position while Spring [...]

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Imbolc Tarot reading

Door |februari 2nd, 2020|Blog, Tarot|

Hiya, just popped in to share this Imbolc reading with you. The spread is by Ethony.       By accident I didn't put The Emperor in the reading stack as it had clung to the box. So I guess no structure or mind over heart. This reading is about emotions and where my heart leads me. Seed - The Chariot tells me that in order to overcome obstacles I need to know when to take the reigns and when to [...]

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Happy Imbolc – A return to the light

Door |februari 2nd, 2020|Blog, witch|

May your seeds sprout and start to grow.Light the fire inside your heart and start.It is time to awaken! Spring is coming, can you feel it? When I look outside today I see everlasting Autumn in The Netherlands. We haven't really had a 'proper' winter, all but dark days and rain. But everything is still possible. Now I am not a Winter person so I am rejoicing at seeing the first flowers pop above the ground and show their bright and [...]

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31 Days of Tarot Challenge 3/3

Door |januari 31st, 2020|Blog, Tarot|

Welcome to the third part of the #31daysoftarot2020 challenge - day 21 through 31 (today)- Part 1 and 2 can be found here: 21. Your favorite 3 card Tarot Spread and why it is your favorite?Desire - Conflict - ResolutionStrength - Weakness - AdviceYou - Path - Potential 22. Your Top 5 Tarot Decks of 2010 – 2019Oh I don't know, only 5?! I am not going to overthink this, here goes from the top of my head: Tarot of [...]

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31 Days of Tarot Challenge 2/3

Door |januari 19th, 2020|Blog, Tarot|

This the 2nd part of the #31daysoftarot2020 Challenge. The first part is posted here     12. The Divination tool outside Tarot that you used the most in 2019Runes and scrying.   13. Where would you like to be with your tarot practice in 10 years time?I feel the tarot is a journey that never ends, it is the Fool's Journey and we move through cycles as we evolve in our practice. I want to create more balance between my [...]

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31 Days of Tarot 2020 Community Challenge 1/3

Door |januari 17th, 2020|Blog, Tarot|

Ethony's 31 Day's of Tarot, YouTube challenge is back for 2020. This is the fifth year that the #31DaysofTarot2020 is happening across social media platforms. Because I am not yet back on YouTube (planning to though) and haven't been able to make time to post everyday, I decided to do the prompts daily for myself and post all the answers in bulk (in 3 parts). I do this exercise mainly for myself and for you to get to know me a [...]

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Full Moon in Cancer Tarot Reading

Door |januari 10th, 2020|Blog, Tarot|

Happy Full Wolf Moon! The first Full Moon of 2020. This Full Wolf Moon in Cancer is extra magical because it's also going to be a Lunar Eclipse. We are in emotional waters now and it pays off to pay attention to what challenges are coming up for you as they might be themes that will play out for you throughout the year. It's time to let go or change the things that are no longer serving you so that you [...]

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New Year tarot readings

Door |januari 1st, 2020|Blog, Tarot|

Welcome to 2020!! Firstly, I want to express my gratitude to you. This month gives us the space to reflect on the lessons we learned this past year and to set intentions for the year to come. Let January be a time to restore and recenter yourself by letting go of what no longer serves you, so you can reconnect to that space of being conscious, being happy and most of all being you. For the first time in many years [...]

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My 2020 tarot year ahead reading

Door |december 30th, 2019|Blog, Tarot|

Hello there dear, thank you for visiting! How are you feeling these last days of the decade? Every year I offer year ahead tarot readings and I always do one for myself as well and I decided to share this with you today. For this reading I used the Dreams of Gaia Tarot, which is not a traditional deck and a system on its own. I always first let my intuition guide me but for this deck I also check what [...]

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The magic of the Rauhnächte

Door |december 30th, 2019|Blog, magic and spellwork, witch|

These are the 12 silent days between December 25 and January 6. The winter solstice has already happened, but during this period the nights stay about the same length. Only from January 6 do the days get noticeably longer every day. For the ancient Germans these were the holy days, the Rauhnächte. These were a time of purification, change and a new beginning. The ancient people during those holy days and nights performed their rituals to initiate a new fruitful year. [...]

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