
Ostara live YouTube celebration

Door |maart 18th, 2020|Blog, Soul Collage, witch|

  Dear friend, Because a lot of us are bound to our houses at the moment and we can't physically celebrate Ostara with other people, I just decided to do a live YouTube celebration.  Ostara, also called the Spring Equinox, is the time of year when we celebrate the return of light and fertility: the life energy. A time to get rid of the old and start new things. It is the time when life emerges from the earth and winter [...]

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Support in uncertain times

Door |maart 18th, 2020|Blog, Tarot|

Hello how are you holding on? I would like to provide some clarity and inspiration in these uncertain times, so I have decided to offer 50% off all tarot readings. This means a full elaborate reading is now: 27,50 euro and the 3 card readings are 7,50 euro. All come delivered as a PDF or recorded video, what you prefer. More information can be found here: Hallo hoe gaat het?Ik zou je graag wat duidelijkheid en inspiratie willen geven in [...]

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Finding connection in isolation

Door |maart 16th, 2020|Blog, Tarot|

Hello dear friends, how are you holding up? I hope you are well and calm. I am okay, at home for the coming three weeks as we are in lock-down (except for must do trips to the supermarket, as long as that lasts). So I will be working from home and find my recreation in nature. I was a bit emotional this morning, the thought of no human physical contact for three weeks made me very sad, but I am now [...]

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Time for a daydream – Full Moon in Virgo

Door |maart 6th, 2020|Astrology, Blog|

HelloHow are you? I am feeling a bit frazzled after all the storms and rain. The promise of Spring is in the air though and I find myself smiling at the trees and birds who are blissfully singing their songs and greeting nature back to life! Thankfully yesterday was sunny so I spent the day wandering through the city and drinking in the sunlight. Did me so much good! Now the wind and storms didn't just destroy what it found on [...]

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The Witcher Spread VR to Shuffle Tarot

Door |februari 29th, 2020|Blog, Tarot|

I only just started watching the series The Witcher as I finally caved and am now subscribed to Netflix. For now I can't say I am sold on the series, but perhaps I need a few more episodes. For instance The Game of Thrones took me forever to get hooked into. I think I restarted the first season five times, before I started to binge (I think the only series I have ever binged, I don't watch a lot of television [...]

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New Moon in Pisces – Tarot spread

Door |februari 23rd, 2020|Astrology, Blog, Tarot|

Happy Pisces New Moon - this is a time of dark silence, a time to reflect and to dream, dream big dreams. Just remember to not let the water sweep you away - stay grounded. Today is a perfect day to start or to strengthen your self-care routine. Feel where your body and energy needs extra attention. What can you leave behind this cycle, what is no longer resonating with you. Set powerful intentions to harness this Moon's energy and spend [...]

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Happy Lupercalia!

Door |februari 15th, 2020|Blog, Tarot|

Happy belated Valentines Day, I wasn't online yesterday, so this is late, but still very meant as I wish you so much love, especially self-love. And also happy Lupercalia! Yesterday there were many references to Valentines Day and Lupercalia which were coincidental/synchronical. Many old celebrations coincide with Valentine's Day, what is real and what is myth is up to you to explore. On February 15, Romans celebrated Luperaclia, honoring Faunus (see above as photographed at Rijksmuseum yesterday), god of fertility. Men [...]

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“Tell me what you want…what you really, really want” tarot reading

Door |februari 13th, 2020|Blog, Tarot|

I wanna really, really, really wanna zigazig ah This is a bit of theme in my life, for 44 years now! What do I want? What do I really want? I am not bored and all is fine, but I am so lacking a certain vision and direction and I feel I am missing my boat. I am not getting any younger. So at the last Full Moon I did this tarot reading for myself. I didn't post it sooner as [...]

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The Dreamweaver Tarot deck interview

Door |februari 9th, 2020|Astrology, Blog, Tarot|

Happy Full Moon in Leo! This Moon is also called the Snow Moon, but no snow here in The Netherlands, nothing at all this year only in certain areas of the country a little has fallen. Flowers are popping up everywhere and nature is awake. Every morning I see lots of rabbits running around and there are birds out that should've flown south for the Winter.  February is a transitional month as Winter is fighting to keep its position while Spring [...]

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Imbolc Tarot reading

Door |februari 2nd, 2020|Blog, Tarot|

Hiya, just popped in to share this Imbolc reading with you. The spread is by Ethony.       By accident I didn't put The Emperor in the reading stack as it had clung to the box. So I guess no structure or mind over heart. This reading is about emotions and where my heart leads me. Seed - The Chariot tells me that in order to overcome obstacles I need to know when to take the reigns and when to [...]

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