
Introspection and regeneration

Door |mei 10th, 2020|Astrology, Blog|

I wanted to post sooner, about the powerful Super Full Moon in Scorpio, but time is just not working for me at the moments, days seem to blend together and planning is just outdated. During this Full Moon - and still am in this Moon's window - I am working with those deep dark Scorpio aspects and the stings are painful but transformative. This Full Moon in Scorpio invites introspection, digging in the dark places of our psyches, and regeneration. We [...]

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I do not consent – let’s liberate ourselves!

Door |mei 5th, 2020|Blog|

Slowly I am breaking free from primal emotions of fear (for the future, not the virus, I am not afraid of this virus), sadness, frustration and anger. Slowly I am pulling away from social media and 'truther' websites. Slowly I am feeling more creative and have shifted my focus from the pain I see in the world, to my own little bubble. Now this is not out of egocentricity, but because I can only change what I see in the world, [...]

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Beltane tarot reading

Door |mei 2nd, 2020|Blog, Tarot|

I hope you all had a beautiful Beltane celebration! I posted about my day yesterday, but just popping in to share my 3-card Beltane tarot reading, which I did after yesterday's ritual. Winter - the recent past - Death, a time of letting go, transformation and re-birth. And personally this has been a process for me over the past couple of years. A lot of (actual) death (physical as in people I know dying), but also a lot of smaller personal [...]

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A solitary Beltane

Door |mei 1st, 2020|Blog, witch|

Wishing you a blooming, blossoming, beautiful Beltaine/Beltane/Beltene. Now in Modern Irish Bealtaine can mean the month of may and La Bealtaine is May Day. I will for now use the anglicized spelling Beltane. What the name means of comes from is up for debate. Some say it means 'bright fire', the fire of the Celtic god Bel, or Belenus, a.k.a. Bile or Belinos. Some say the holiday refers to the fire of the Semitci god Ba'al, whose name means 'lord'. Beltain and [...]

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Door |april 30th, 2020|Blog, witch|

I have been staring at my screen for a while now, I feel a bit uninspired and deflated, far from fertile (as in creative) which is we celebrate on May Day. This is a time of passion and sensuality, but I feel far removed from these sensations. Here I am, alone, glued to my computer in my comfy (and very unsexy) home wear, craving to be touched. My skin is famished and writing about Walpurgisnacht and Beltane just feels so out [...]

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Taurus season – rage like a bull

Door |april 26th, 2020|Astrology, Blog|

Hiya! How are you doing and being? Apologies for the delay as I find it quite hard to put to 'paper' what I am feeling and sensing, what I want to share and where I just want and/or need to be quiet. This is such a healing time for the collective. We all go through deep wounding that comes to the surface for review and release. And this can be a lot to handle. I find it challenging to discern what [...]

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Let it be

Door |april 11th, 2020|Blog|

Speaking words of wisdom, let it be. On the 9th we had a full moon in Libra - the sign of balance - but squaring Neptune and Mercury, both of which are in Pisces. Questions emerge such as "Are we stuck in delusions? Do we control our illusions (reality) or do they control us? Do we use our creative power to manifest our lives with intention, or do we not use that power at all?" Our creative powers are our highest [...]

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Full Moon in Libra tarot reading

Door |april 8th, 2020|Blog, Tarot|

Hello! How are you? I hope you are healthy and finding a way to be in this trying situation. As my head and neck were hurting for days, my mind was working overtime, I couldn't sleep and was fed up staring at a screen the whole day, I decided to take the day off from work. It was such a warm and sunny day that I just had to be offline and outside. I went of a 20 km walk and [...]

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What’s being reborn? Or are we just recycling?

Door |april 1st, 2020|Blog, Tarot|

How are you? I so hope you are well. I am quite worried about the state of the world and how easy people agree to the measures being taken. People don't seem to question or think for themselves. Well that is a generalization, thankfully I also see a lot more people scratching their heads about the succession of measures being taken to control us and limit human interaction. But generally people attack me quite viciously when I question what is going [...]

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Burn away the distractions – New Moon in Aries

Door |maart 24th, 2020|Astrology, Blog, Tarot|

This is a powerful New Moon as it is the first New Moon of a New Astrological Year. The Moon and the Sun are now in Aries and this is a powerful time to use the Aries energy to make a new start and meet our challenges, with clarity of vision, confidence and courage. Aries is about action, rebirth and moving forward. You may have strong feelings welling up and bursting out. Aries needs to move and express. I now see [...]

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