
Start 2021 with clarity & vision – year ahead tarot readings (ook in Nederlands)

Door |december 6th, 2020|Blog, Tarot|

Voor Nederlands graag naar beneden scrollen, dank je wel! Yay the doors have opened to this year’s orders for the year ahead readings! I love love love doing these! I am so grateful that I can offer this service to you. I believe it is so important to have clarity and intention. We need a clear vision in order to move forward, otherwise we are just on automatic pilot, going through the motions. Would you like to know what is opening [...]

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SoulCollage® Wiel van het Jaar vieringen- doe je mee? (Nederlands)

Door |november 25th, 2020|Blog, Soul Collage, witch, worshop event|

If you don't speak Dutch and are interested in SoulCollage® Wheel of the Year celebrations, please let me know so I can organise these if enough people show an interest. Het heeft een tijd geduurd, maar ik heb besloten om SoulCollage®  workshops online te gaan faciliteren. Ik merk nu we niet meer in de lijve kunnen samenkomen er nog meer de behoefte is om samen het leven te vieren.   Wat is SoulCollage®? SoulCollage® is een simpele en leuke manier om [...]

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Entering the darker days

Door |november 1st, 2020|Astrology, Blog, witch|

How are you? As we in the northern hemisphere cross the threshold of autumn into winter, as the ancient Celts referred to it, Samhain (a Gaelic word pronounced "sow-win") or what's now called Halloween - was a time of honoring the dead. Not just ancestors who've crossed over, but the parts of our lives that are readying to die I hope you are well and taking care of yourself. These times are deeply emotional and a lot of people are on [...]

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Day of the Dead – tarot with the dark goddesses

Door |november 1st, 2020|Blog, Tarot|

Today, the Day of the Dead, I honor those who have gone before me. My ancestors, those who inspired me and I celebrate their lives and allowing them to live on in my memories. For myself I did two tarot readings today inspired by Threads of Fate. The Seance Spread The Spirit (1): This is a card that represents someone in your life who has passed, someone who wants to speak to or guide you. Freya (VI The Lovers) and I [...]

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Re-membering Cunera

Door |november 1st, 2020|Blog, witch|

Yesterday, Samhain, I joined a Pagan group in a Winternachten-Cunura-Walk. Who was Cunera; a legend, saint or Goddess? Just outside the center of Rhenen lies the Cunera hill, said to be the burial mound of a young woman named Cunera, raised for her by the Frisian king Redbad. According to the 14th-century legend only one virgin survived the massacre when Saint Ursula and her eleven thousand virgins were martyred in Cologne, Germany by the Huns during the fourth century. Her name [...]

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New Moon in Libra tarot spread

Door |oktober 17th, 2020|Astrology, Blog, Tarot|

Hello, How are you? The weather is getting colder and the leaves are coloring and falling from the trees, the Sun is setting and lower on the horizon. Everything turns inwards, which is a natural movement, the sap in trees already makes a start in the month of August. Saying goodbye to the warm season, warmth and joy brings sadness and a sense of loss. There is nothing wrong with that, tears help to dispose of waste. Grief and sadness are [...]

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Samhain Tarot offer

Door |oktober 11th, 2020|Blog, Tarot, witch|

Hiya dear you!, I hope you are doing well and are okay. I understand and feel that life can be very intense at this time and full of surprises (and not all of them happy ones). All of this chaos can distract us from looking deeper as we tend to tune out and distance ourselves when the going gets tough. We numb out with all kinds of distractions and addictions such as Netflix, alcohol, food, work, games, mobile phones, sex, etc. [...]

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A Tarot Spread for When You Feel Lost: The Compass Spread

Door |oktober 5th, 2020|Blog, Tarot|

Life can be confusing and at times we just feel lost. A lot of elements in my life are shifting and are unclear, such as my job and health and with this other areas in my life are affected. To gain more insight in what the status quo is at the moment, I can better anticipate and make choices. Even though the messages may not be what we would like, it does help us prepare and take pro-active steps. The [...]

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New Moon in Aries

Door |oktober 1st, 2020|Astrology, Blog|

Happy Full Moon! The Harvest Moon arrives today in Aries and this fiery Full Moon is a call for courage as boundaries are set and authority is calibrated. Aries is the sign of independence and strength, and its full moon today inspires inner courage. This is a call against despair, and an ignition of our strength. Feelings of not being able to go on and of not belonging is a deep wound that is now being felt. This is a time to [...]

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Mabon Tarot Spread

Door |september 28th, 2020|Blog, Tarot|

What to enjoy What to be grateful for What I have The highlight To put away What to prepare Let go of What I need The shadow Carry forward The first thing I notice is that there are predominantly Pentacle cards and a King to put away and one to carry forth through the dark days. The left part of the spread represents the light season (not light as a judgement or opinion, but light [...]

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