
Midsummer celebrations

Door |juni 22nd, 2021|Blog, Heathenry, worshop event|

Happy and abundant Midsummer to you all! Midsummer, Midzomer, is all about honoring the sun and his generosity during the long summer days. I am writing this on Monday, June 21st, and from looking out the window you wouldn't think it is Midsummer as it is raining and chilly outside. Though nature is also, due to the rain, very abundant at the moment, all is in full bloom and growth. It is magnificent! Late May is the beginning of summer, is [...]

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Super Blood Moon Eclipse

Door |mei 31st, 2021|Astrology, Blog, Tarot|

How have you been feeling this last week or so? If you are feeling like you are in a blender of emotions and strong energies, unable to focus and confused, please know you are not alone and that the Super Blood Moon Eclipse of last Wednesday probably played/plays a big role in this. And don't worry as this is a time of powerful transformation and internal awakening. Eclipse season It is Eclipse Season! Eclipses, if used consciously, are considered thresholds to [...]

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Free and Freij on the Friezenberg

Door |mei 28th, 2021|Blog, Travel|

Almost happy weekend! How are you? I hope you received an empowering Supermoon Eclipse on Wednesday? I will be sharing my experience and personal tarot reading I did that day, at a later time. I am pretty busy on weekdays, so not much time to blog, will catch up though. First I want to share about last weekend's 3-day mini-holiday in Markelo, Overijssel. My photographs can be found here on Flickr. Markelo Last weekend, Friday, my friend Karina and I took [...]

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Beltane – gather by the fire

Door |mei 14th, 2021|Awakening, Blog, Healing, Tarot, Travel, witch, worshop event|

This Beltane post is rather late as I wasn't at home that weekend and needed some time to integrate and sit down to write it all down. This year I celebrated Walpurgisnacht and Beltane at Earth Awareness in Teuge, The Netherlands for a Psilocybin mushroom ceremony. Earth Awareness is one of the oldest and biggest off grid centre of the Netherlands. The creators Mark and Maya and many volunteers have built a beautiful Nature Temple here. This is an initiation centre [...]

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Mother’s Day – Heal your inner mother

Door |mei 9th, 2021|Blog|

This Sunday is Mother’s Day. I always have a bit of an issue with certain days for certain people or things. Why do we need special days to show gratitude for the people in our lives? Every day is Mother’s Day. But that is another discussion I won’t go into. Also I won't go into the fact that it is an invention by the greeting card and gift giving industry. My I sound so cynical! And you know perhaps I am, [...]

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Full Moon in Scorpio gifts us deep transformation

Door |april 27th, 2021|Astrology, Blog, Tarot|

Today is King's Day in The Netherlands (no comment) and a Full Moon in Scorpio (here it was Full at 5.33 am this morning). This Moon is also called the Egg Moon or Hare Moon with connections to 'coming out of the egg', setting goals, taking steps, rebirth, fertility and protection.

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New Moon in Aries

Door |april 11th, 2021|Astrology, Blog, Tarot|

Today the Moon is dark. A time for stillness, introspection and contemplation. A time to do our shadow work and feel what you need to create in the new moon cycle. The Moon will be new in Aries tomorrow. Actually five signs will be in Aries!! Things are getting hot! Aries teaches us to believe in ourselves and stop seeking approval of others. This is so powerful and exactly what we need now more than ever! Aries nudges us towards independence [...]

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Happy Ostara – time for new growth

Door |maart 21st, 2021|Blog, Tarot, witch|

Happy Ostara!! As the flowers re-emerge this Spring, we are also collectively re-emerging. Much of the world has been in lockdown, waiting to return to community and festivities. Yesterday, day and night were equal at length. Today we celebrate the astrological new year as the sun rises in fiery Aries. Throughout history, this time has been celebrated by our ancestors. Today we celebrate Ostara, a time of reawakening and of balance between light and dark, as we honor the Spring Goddess Ostara. [...]

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Full Moon in Virgo – Snow Moon

Door |februari 27th, 2021|Astrology, Blog, Tarot|

At the beginning of this month we celebrated Imbolc, the midpoint of Winter and the last, usually coldest and most bleak stretch of the journey through the biting dark months towards the Spring time and the rebirth of the Earth. At the moment I am typing this my desk is bathing in sunshine. We had 18 degrees Celsius weather this week which is more suiting Spring/Summer here in The Netherlands. While the week before we had snow and ice with temperatures [...]

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The Ghetto Tarot – reveal my shadows spread

Door |februari 3rd, 2021|Blog, Tarot|

The Ghetto Tarot is an interpretation of the well-known traditional Rider-Waite-Smith deck by photographer Alice Smeets. Set in the Haitian ghetto, these fresh scenes were inspired by those originally created in 1909 by the artist Pamela Colman-Smith. The scenes were replicated by Alice Smeets with the assistance of a group of Haitian artists called Atis Rezistans using only material they were able to find or create locally. While Tarot originated many years ago when the circumstances within the world seemed very [...]

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