
Midsummer Night Fever

Door |juni 20th, 2018|Astrology, Blog|

Happy Midsummer to you! And Happy Midwinter/Winter Solstice if you live in the Southern Hemisphere. Here in the Northern Hemisphere we celebrate the longest day and shortest night. The Sun reaches its highest point in the sky and nature is at its most powerful and bursts with energy, fertility and vitality. Midsummer celebrates abundance, growth, and the magnification of whatever you set your heart to. So be aware of what you focus on (always, but now especially). Also check in with [...]

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Slow down – do you live with intention or just going through the motions?

Door |oktober 21st, 2017|Astrology, Blog, English, truth|

Hello dear you! Apologies to my Dutch readers first, this will be in English only. Tarot Time will be in Dutch this week. I need to set boundaries as the past few weeks have been quite challenging for me. It is the time in my Sun sign of Libra and I am confronted with finding balance in my life. The best intentions for my self are becoming more and more clear and I can see clearly where I am out of [...]

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Full Solar Eclipse – Time for humanity to break free

Door |augustus 16th, 2017|Astrology, Blog|

Can you feel it? The energy is very intense to say the least. I must admit that it feels ominous and exciting at the same time, like something big is about to happen. Now something big (hello eclipse!!) IS about to happen and is already happening, you just need to be willing to be open to it. The energy feels unstable, about to tip over one way or the other. We have the power to tip the scales the way we [...]

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How the August eclipses will transform your life

Door |juli 29th, 2017|Astrology, Blog|

A season of change is upon us as August brings us a cycle of eclipses. The portal will open on August 7 when the Moon is full in Aquarius. It is important that we are aware of the energies so they can help us make major shifts in our lives. These eclipse energies are intense and can make us feel really on edge as they show us where we are longing for change, but are perhaps afraid to take real steps [...]

Joyful June – will the real you please stand up!

Door |juni 3rd, 2017|Astrology, Blog, Coaching, Healing|

  Welcome to June, a month of sunny days and long warm evenings and nights. We are almost at that time of year that the duration of day and night are equal, the Summer Solstice. Can you believe we are almost already half way through this year?! I sort of got into a panic, because I haven't seen many of my big ideas come to light. But I took a step back and looked at what I did accomplish and [...]

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May’s Magical Mayhem

Door |mei 3rd, 2017|Astrology, Blog|

Hello you! How are you? Just a quick check-in to welcome May and give you a brief description of this month's most relevant energies. So far 2017 has been intense and exciting. Many great things are happening in the world and on a personal level, but also many challenges and nudges for all of us to step it up. Life is clearly showing where we are out of synch and not aligned with our highest potential. What has come up for [...]

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New Moon in Aries – What is your Soul Direction?

Door |maart 26th, 2017|Astrology, Blog, Coaching|

Dear you I hope you had/are having a wonderful weekend! Here in Holland we switched to Daylight Saving Time last night so the evenings are getting longer. I always get a bit jetlagged even with the one hour difference, but in a few days I will find my rhythm again. The energies are powerful and building which may result in many of us to wake up in the middle of the night or very early in the mornings. Try to stay [...]

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The Mirrors of March

Door |maart 5th, 2017|Astrology, Blog|

Big changes are happening right now and the energy is buzzing. It may feel a little more gentle than the Eclipse energy of February, but there definitely is a buzz. A strong, creative - get your butt in to gear - buzz. Can you feel it? Inspiration and restlessness I am just flooded with inspiration and ideas. For a long time I have felt like hibernating, like I was on the sidelines. I have been preparing, studying, thinking about creative projects, [...]

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Stilte in de chaos

Door |januari 14th, 2017|Astrology, Blog|

Het is een nieuw jaar, nieuwe kansen, bla bla, maar het is dan ook echt waar! Het is nu de tijd om energetisch aan te geven welke richting je op wilt in 2017. Omarm alle mogelijkheden waar je blij van wordt. Dit is ook een fundamenteel jaar waarin wij moeten praten over en actie nemen op hoe wij deze planeet laten evolueren. Samen. Dit is ook mijn eerste blog in het Nederlands. Het voelt nog wat raar en merk dat ik [...]

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Hold on, relief is coming!

Door |juni 17th, 2016|Astrology, Blog|

Hello, how are you? I hope you are well. Changes are that you feel pretty frazzled as the month of June is packed with intense energies. We are now in the middle of a huge retrograde period plus we are now feeling the planetary alignments which bring Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Venus, the Sun and the Moon into a Grand Cross, which brings up "stuff" we haven't resolved dating back to 2007. Giving us the opportunity to see and feel these old [...]

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