
Over Charissa

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So far Charissa has created 365 blog entries.

Time to play

Door |oktober 8th, 2016|Blog, Joy|

Blah!!! I am done with business coaching, marketing courses, blogging, finding ways to make this biz work! I don't get any joy from it at this time so I decided to drop all the pushing and pulling and go out to play! Rebellious I spend too much time at the computer. I have a full time desk job and in the evening and weekends I am working on Joy in Creation. But more on a marketing side instead of doing The [...]

Biz-y Yoga: Dissolve the post-holiday Blues

Door |september 17th, 2016|Blog, Videos, Yoga|

Do you suffer from back to work from vacation stress? Saying goodbye to the sun, sea and freedom often feels like the end of the world. There is nothing like a dose of the post-holiday blues to make you wish you’d chucked it all in and opened a yoga school on a Greek island. Well why not bring the yoga to your workplace? When you find yourself back at work- catching up, trailing through hundreds of emails, chasing more deadlines, rushing [...]

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Lightworkers & False Spirituality

Door |september 3rd, 2016|Angels, Awakening, Blog, truth|

A lot of so called spiritual people and Light Workers run away screaming when they encounter the very word Evil. But ask yourself, are we strengthening and supporting the very real effects of evil out of existence by denying that it exists? Hereby refusing to attend to any signs of its operations within ourselves. As this stance requires little reflection or action. Seeing everything as perfect and light we are marginalizing the relative physical world. Many so called Lightworkers are trying [...]

What is true?

Door |augustus 10th, 2016|Blog, truth|

Often people ask me what the truth is or they challenge me to defend my truth. When I feel someone isn't open to hearing my truth, I stay quiet. I notice that I still get disappointed when people who are working with light and love and are open about working with angels and ascended masters are so shut off from hearing anything that isn't of the light or so they label it. As if that is going to affect them and [...]


Door |juli 31st, 2016|Blog, Tarot|

Hello hello! Hope you are all doing very well! I am feeling wonderful, in my flow, calm. The short break to Southern France has done me a world of good. I can't believe I returned home a week ago...time flies. I so want to be back in Rennes le Chateau. Only been there a long week, but I feel like I have been there before and been there so much longer. I really miss it. Being home is also a good [...]

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S.O.S. for Love – Mary Magdalene Calling

Door |juli 27th, 2016|Blog, Gratitude, Healing|

I’m fresh off a retreat of Divine Alchemy in Rennes le Chateau, a small village perched on a hilltop near Couiza in the Aude département. Divine alchemy of the blessed Divine Self integrating with the blessed physical vehicle. I am so incredibly blessed and grateful that I gifted myself this healing retreat and now to be sharing some of my insights on this website with so many extraordinary people truly willing to make a shift from a disconnected worldview to one [...]

Stop reactive living

Door |juli 14th, 2016|Awakening, Blog, truth|

As we have past the half year mark of this turbulent year and we are celebrating Summer, I feel the need to unplug from computers, work, social media, to do-lists and anything where I have to use my brains. I just want to be. Stop seeking for truth, stop being a human doing and just be for a while. The world is forever changing and now at a faster and faster pace, we are being bombarded by distraction and change, everything [...]

Anarchy & Truth

Door |juni 26th, 2016|Awakening, Blog, open mind|

Lately there is so much emphasize on "waking up". People waking up, the so called awaken ones having to help other people wake up. The term waking up sounds so patronizing to me. Like one part of humanity is dumb and asleep and another part wise and awake. Then please define awake for me? I don't think there are many people that are fully awake to the whole Truth. Again define Truth. Is there one truth for all? And when are [...]

Father’s Day – Let him be

Door |juni 19th, 2016|Blog|

Last year I wrote this blogpost about my father: and a bit earlier this post Yes like anyone else I guess, my parents and my relationship with them have been a big part of my life. Huge catalysts for growth. Thank you dear Mom and DadNot good enough Back then (haha only a year ago!) when I wrote that post I had broke up with my Father, because I felt I couldn't get through to him and there was resentment for [...]

Hold on, relief is coming!

Door |juni 17th, 2016|Astrology, Blog|

Hello, how are you? I hope you are well. Changes are that you feel pretty frazzled as the month of June is packed with intense energies. We are now in the middle of a huge retrograde period plus we are now feeling the planetary alignments which bring Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Venus, the Sun and the Moon into a Grand Cross, which brings up "stuff" we haven't resolved dating back to 2007. Giving us the opportunity to see and feel these old [...]

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