
Over Charissa

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So far Charissa has created 365 blog entries.

Sagittarius Full Moon Tarot reading

Door |juni 10th, 2017|Blog, Tarot|

Hello you! How are you? How was your Full Moon night? Did you receive any deep insights, do you feel more clear? I had so many aha-moments, I kept having to write them down, so waking up so many times last night and wide awake at 5 am. So I have already have a full day behind me. More about this full moon here: So today I am a day early with our tarot reading. I felt called to work with [...]

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Joyful June – will the real you please stand up!

Door |juni 3rd, 2017|Astrology, Blog, Coaching, Healing|

  Welcome to June, a month of sunny days and long warm evenings and nights. We are almost at that time of year that the duration of day and night are equal, the Summer Solstice. Can you believe we are almost already half way through this year?! I sort of got into a panic, because I haven't seen many of my big ideas come to light. But I took a step back and looked at what I did accomplish and [...]

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A piece of the puzzle – what is truth?

Door |mei 25th, 2017|Awakening, Blog, open mind, truth|

As I was awake last night because of some drunken hooligans outside my door, I decided to write this blogpost, as the Manchester attack was on my mind. Yesterday I posted on my Facebook timeline about the Manchester bombing and that it may not be what the Main Stream Media is telling us. That is may be a false flag operation (and no this does not mean that it didn't happen, that no one died, it means that the real perpetrators [...]

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Party Pooper

Door |mei 20th, 2017|Blog, Coaching, truth|

Every morning my desktop ask me "what is your main focus today?" And I always know the answer, as every day when I wake up I set an intention on how I want to feel that day, it is a small trick that can really direct your life. Now this post is about something I have been chewing on this week and that is where do we project our thoughts and what do we do when negative emotions come up? Do [...]

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Healing our inner mother

Door |mei 12th, 2017|Blog, Coaching|

This Sunday is Mother's Day. I always have a bit of a problem with certain days for certain people or things. Why do we need special days to show gratitude for the people in our lives. Every day is Mother's Day. But that is another discussion I won't go into. Also not the fact that it is an invention by the greeting card and gift giving industry. My I sound so cynical! And you know perhaps I am, but I also [...]

Are you free?

Door |mei 5th, 2017|Awakening, Blog, open mind, truth|

A good day to you! Today in The Netherlands we celebrate a day of freedom, Liberation Day, V-Day, what you want to call it. Today we commemorate the liberation of German occupation in 1945 and the liberation of the former Dutch Indies colonies. On this day we celebrate the greater values of freedom, democracy and human rights. Also today Cinco de Mayo is celebrated, same theme. Well this makes me cringe. Again, same as with the King's Birthday I cannot [...]

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May’s Magical Mayhem

Door |mei 3rd, 2017|Astrology, Blog|

Hello you! How are you? Just a quick check-in to welcome May and give you a brief description of this month's most relevant energies. So far 2017 has been intense and exciting. Many great things are happening in the world and on a personal level, but also many challenges and nudges for all of us to step it up. Life is clearly showing where we are out of synch and not aligned with our highest potential. What has come up for [...]

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Celebrate Love

Door |april 27th, 2017|Awakening, Blog, open mind, truth|

And why I am not taking part in King's Day To everyone celebrating 'our' King's birthday, I hope the weather will warm and you will have a great party. However I will not be celebrating the birthday of a member of such a horrible family with more skeletons and cupboards than a graveyard and a furniture store. Do your own research (see Bilderberg amongst others). Remember don't take my word for anything, not anyone's, always do your own research and use discernment. [...]

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Are you looking away?

Door |april 22nd, 2017|Blog, Tarot, Yoga|

Hello! Happy Earth Day to you! Did you hug a tree today? If not run outside now and show some love...♥ I did a video again of our Tarot reading and I also share with you what I am working on and a yoga meditation to rekindle our inner fire and connect to our primal creative force. In the video I share with you our tarot guidance for the week to come in a Clarity Spread. The big question this week is [...]

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New Moon in Aries – What is your Soul Direction?

Door |maart 26th, 2017|Astrology, Blog, Coaching|

Dear you I hope you had/are having a wonderful weekend! Here in Holland we switched to Daylight Saving Time last night so the evenings are getting longer. I always get a bit jetlagged even with the one hour difference, but in a few days I will find my rhythm again. The energies are powerful and building which may result in many of us to wake up in the middle of the night or very early in the mornings. Try to stay [...]

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