
Over Charissa

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So far Charissa has created 365 blog entries.


Door |maart 9th, 2019|Blog|

A friend of mine asked in a Whatsapp group what we would love to do but is not accepted (by ourselves or by society). She is reading the wonderful The Artist Way and this was one of the morning pages exercises. And lots of inspiring answers from friends filled the app in no time, such as having a food fight in a fancy restaurant and crashing a business party in a tight tigerprint suit and stilletos. But I fell silent. No [...]

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The Colour of Spring

Door |maart 1st, 2019|Blog|

Spring has arrived early this year, here in The Netherlands, the warmest February day ever was measured on the 27th, a balmy 20 degrees, which is more like Summer warmth in this country. Now I am not complaining as I love love love to feel the sun caress my skin and drink it it’s rich and much needed nourishment. However let’s be honest this isn’t ‘normal’. Exactly this time last year I was wearing a big fake fur hat as it [...]

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Will you be my Valentine?

Door |februari 13th, 2019|Blog|

Happy Valentines Day! I just wanted to let you know that you are not the only one who may not have a special person to celebrate this day with. So why not treat yourself? Yes I know this day has been spoiled by commercialization and there is not a lot of romance left, but being a romantic soul, I do like the idea of this day celebrating romantic love (which is different from the Love we inherently are). The Lovers tarot [...]

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Fuel the fire

Door |februari 9th, 2019|Blog|

Hiya!! I hope you had a wonderful Imbolc! I saw the first flowers popping their heads up from the ground today and my heart just leaped with joy! The other day I read the following line somewhere (I am so sorry I can't remember where, so I can't give credit): When did blogs become all about information? Remember when they were more personal and beautiful and filled with a person's insights? And this sentence stuck with me throughout the week. I [...]

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Oink oink

Door |februari 1st, 2019|Astrology, Blog|

Hello, With the start of a new year not far behind and the start of a new season not far ahead, I have been reflecting on the effortless beauty and wisdom of nature’s cycles and how we can honour her rhythms in our lives. I have been feeling a bit withdrawn and in contemplative mode. I just don't feel like moving outward, publishing and making videos at this moment. I am craving me-time and taking it! I am rethinking how I [...]

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Let me hear you roar

Door |januari 22nd, 2019|Astrology, Blog, film review|

About Objectivism, Superheroes and Lions Okay so this is me using the Gutenberg editor on my website for the first time. Just playing. So bear with me if it looks horrible ;-) Unleashing my creativity here haha ;-) But this post is not about the editor, it is about being our unique selves and not let ourselves be edited! But to what extend that is the question. A not so clear picture of the Eclipse (it was blood red in real [...]

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ChaChaChat video & Full Moon update

Door |januari 20th, 2019|Blog, Tarot|

Hiya!!! I hope you are doing well. At this moment I am enjoying the silence and sunshine through the window. Finally there is sunshine. The past weeks here have been bleak and rainy and now it is cold and sunny. I love the silence and crispness frost brings. This weather calls me out to go outside and be in nature (I can now hear the birds calling my name), but it also makes me quiet and not wanting to disturb this [...]

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Willing to live in magic

Door |januari 11th, 2019|Blog, Tarot|

I have just finished the 2019 Tarot Visioning Week by Vanessa Sage and I am so grateful for this process and kind gift of hers. It was a magical and clarifying journey. Now I thought why not share my card pulls and readings with you?! So here goes, I hope this inspires you.   Essence, what is deep within Queen of Swords - I need to grow out of my set role and find the truth of who I really am. [...]

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Join me on the Empowerment Hour radio show

Door |januari 5th, 2019|Blog, Tarot|

I am honored to be a guest on Seema Kapur's Empowerment Hour on Wednesday, January 16th 2019 11:30 am- 12:30 MST / 6.30 - 7.30 pm GMT / 7.30 - 8.30 pm in The Netherlands. Where : Facebook live two way interactive broadcast; For this show I will also do a 3 card tarot card reading for people who will join the live talk, a bonus for 2019 and chance for discounts for my tarot readings! About Seema Kapur Seema Kapur [...]

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My 2019 Tarot Reading

Door |januari 1st, 2019|Blog, Tarot|

Hello dear one, I hope you had a good New Year's Eve and you are not too hungover right now ;-) I feel fresh and fruity, right after recording last night's ChaChaChat I fell asleep and once again, as I do every year, I slept through most of the noise of the celebrations and fireworks. We all seem to be reflecting and projecting at the moment. There is a sense of urgency in the air. We are rearing to go and [...]

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