
Over Charissa

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So far Charissa has created 365 blog entries.

Mabon Tarot Spread

Door |september 28th, 2020|Blog, Tarot|

What to enjoy What to be grateful for What I have The highlight To put away What to prepare Let go of What I need The shadow Carry forward The first thing I notice is that there are predominantly Pentacle cards and a King to put away and one to carry forth through the dark days. The left part of the spread represents the light season (not light as a judgement or opinion, but light [...]

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Happy birthday to me!

Door |september 28th, 2020|Blog|

On Friday I celebrated my 45th year on planet Terra (well in this vessel it is). Friday started of with a bit of sadness as my external back up hard drive died during the night and I lost some precious photographs and document. This was a bit ironic as I just ordered a new disc to be delivered right on the same day as I was feeling it would fail any moment. If the HD lasted one more day, even [...]

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Wild Roots Herbal Gathering

Door |september 26th, 2020|Blog|

A few weeks ago, September 13th, I took part in a beautiful gathering of women seeking to connect with wild herbs. This beautiful day was lovingly created by Nutmeg Baker. An herbal gathering organized for women, by women. Nestled under the Oak, Birch, and Linden trees Women from various walks of life gathered to learn the medicinal and spiritual uses of plants. This full-day retreat allowed women to explore their relationship to the natural world through the practical and medicinal properties [...]

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Mabon musings

Door |september 20th, 2020|Astrology, Blog, witch|

Greetings! Oh wow I realize I am not posting a lot these days, I was almost about to write "as I should", but trying to get rid of those, so no "shoulds" here. Is it just me or has time sped up? And is it Fall already? The weather in The Netherlands is still unusually warm and sunny (we even saw 30 degrees Celcius temperatures last week and now it is a comfortable sunny 21 degrees) though there is chill in [...]

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Do You Want To Become A Next Generation Business Yoga Teacher? (in Dutch & English)

Door |september 4th, 2020|Blog, Yoga|

As some of you may know, I am a Business Yoga Teacher and in the past I offered this as one of my services. I will do so again soon as teaching online also provides new opportunities. I still teach at the organization I work for and I am so thrilled to announce that my teacher Sat Kirtan Kaur Khalsa, is offering her Business Yoga Teacher training online in English and in Dutch! Wahe Guru! The course starts this month, but [...]

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Fear stifles creativity

Door |augustus 30th, 2020|Blog|

Hello, Long time no write, my apologies. I hope you are doing well. This year has just been ... no words, let's say challenging and it is not seeming to ease up. The year for me started with a party, for me a first in a long time. I haven't been celebrating New Year's for ages, because I never felt like there was anything to celebrate, the past years have been rough and I decided this would be my year, 2020, [...]

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Lammas Tarot Reading

Door |augustus 14th, 2020|Blog, Tarot|

Hiya! How are you doing? I am well. I am in the middle of a two week work break, the weather is hot and I am loving it. Taking life slow and enjoying the outdoors. At Lammas I did a personal tarot reading, but haven't had the chance to type it out yet, so here goes. I used this spread by Furious Horde and the Dark Wood Tarot. Wow a lot of reversed cards, perhaps I am not ready for harvest [...]

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I enJOY! I am JOY!

Door |augustus 1st, 2020|Blog|

Happy Lughnasadh!!!  I hope you are well, safe and healthy and taking plenty of time for yourself to explore your what brings you joy. Life is to short to postpone. I notice myself that when things are uncertain (and life is never certain) I tend to freeze. Like at the moment my job's future is uncertain because of a reorganization and I find that I am afraid to go on holiday (as I feel I need to safe money) or make [...]

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Happy Lughnasadh

Door |augustus 1st, 2020|Blog, witch|

Happy Lughnasadh! Today marks the Sabbat Lughnasadh/Lammas (also called Lunasa,or August Eve). This is the first harvest festival of the year. After a whole year of caring for your "crops" and caring for your goals and dreams, now the time of harvesting what you have sown begins. We bake breads, begin enjoying produce from our summer gardens, and celebrate the prosperity of the year. This is a good time to think about what you would like to grow in your 'garden', your life and [...]

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New Moon in Cancer (incl. tarot spread)

Door |juli 21st, 2020|Astrology, Blog, Tarot|

Yesterday was the New Moon in Cancer and family is very important to Cancerians. Cancer is the zodiac's sign of home, family, and nurturance. The new moon phase is about setting new intentions, setting new goals and making fresh plans for the coming lunar cycle. Since the new moon is in the domestic sign of Cancer, it's good to get in touch with loved ones and relatives again, especially if you haven't seen them in a while. If there are conflicts [...]

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