Hello, merry Yule to you, I hope you are well and in good spirit. I am enjoying a day off from work and just doing what I feel like doing. I have been drawing, reading, making a SoulCollage® card and doing tarot readings. Haha I am glad I don’t have to cook this evening as I have ordered a meal to support a local business. Enough doing, after I have typed out this blogpost, I will go out for a long refreshing walk in nature.

These last days of the year for me are always spent in reflection, taking stock and looking forward by setting intentions. Integrating lessons learnt in order to move forward with clear energy. To help me with this I did a tarot reading. I used this spread by @XiaHunt.

  1. The Lord has grounded me in the past year by helping me set clear boundaries, have personal authority, rational thinking (though many may beg to differ, I stand by my views), clarity and integrity. I follow my own guidance and do my own research.
  2. The Fool haha so typical, I so wish to know what I really really want, it is a recurring theme of me not having clear wishes, as I can’t manifest unless I know what I desire. I guess I just want to gain as much knowledge and innerstanding as I can. The Fool inspires me to trust and live a little for pure wisdom comes from bringing knowledge into practice. Release in playfulness and enjoy the ride. Follow my inner knowing, my joy and don’t be afraid to have an adventure. Strive for freedom, courage and optimism.
  3. Ace of Wands shows my gratitude for having received a promotion. I am finding it hard to share and to be truly happy as I know many people are struggling, but guilt is not helping anyone and I feel I deserve this. It has been a stressful year and for a while it looked like I would be out of a job in 2021. So I am very relieved and very grateful. Also the Ace of Wands signifies my newfound creativity and inspiration. I want to create more in 2021 instead of having other’s create my reality for me.
  4. Death is a very fitting card in this position. I need to let go of fear and everything that is no longer in alignment with my current state of being and path. Trust the cycles of life, clear away the old to make room for something new. It is time for a profound transformation.
  5. King of Swords asks me to stop overthinking everything and to loosen my need for justice and discipline. Again play more and live a little…from the heart, not just from the mind. Trust my intuition.
  6. Seven of Wands is a bit of an odd card here, but it does make sense as it asks me to stand my ground, overcome obstacles by my ability to view a situation form a clear vantage point. Stick to my truth and don’t let others push me over. Be comfortable in having another point of view. Wish is hard for me as I am a typical Libra Sun, Libra Rising, I just want everyone to get along and don’t like to ruffle feathers. But I do need to learn not to be a push over and hold my own opinion. So my truth is my guiding light in 2021…and beyond.

    A lot of Majors and two wands. So an important and creative year ahead. This was really insightful and so was the SoulCollage® card I made this morning.

I am the one who…

I am the one who sees clearly
…who is barren
…who is strong
…who branches out
….who reaches high
….who is rooted in calm water
…who sees
…who looks up to the sky
…who has a light in her eyes
…who reflects the light
…who shines bright
I am the Guiding Light

I hope you are well and finding peace and joy in these last days of the year. And if you are not doing well that is perfectly fine and normal. See if you can make time to do something that lights you up and if you can’t think of anything, go out for a walk or do some other movement. Moving the body helps to get the energy flowing. Take care and big hug!


I am still accepting orders for the 2021 Year ahead Tarot readings; https://www.joyincreation.com/2020/12/06/start-2021-with-clarity-vision-year-ahead-tarot-readings-ook-in-nederlands/ – please don’t wait to long as the final spots are filling up quickly and I am taking orders until January 1st.