For myself I did two tarot readings today inspired by Threads of Fate.
The Seance Spread
The Spirit (1): This is a card that represents someone in your life who has passed, someone who wants to speak to or guide you.
Freya (VI The Lovers) and I have a strong feeling this is my mother coming through. Frige(frigg/Freya) is the All Mother. There is good reason to believe Freya and Frigg are one and the same. Just as Frigg is married to Oðin, Freya is married to Oðr. Also, compare the fact that half the slain go to Oðin and half to Freya, with the fact that Oðin champions people that rivals people that Frigg champions. Frigg and Freya both weep, have power of prophesy, a lust for gold, and many other similarities. Anyway my mother fits the Lovers archetype well. She could not be alone and loved love and being in love. She was also no stranger to attachments and addictions, so yes I feel this is my mother speaking. Hi Mom, miss you so much, thank you for visiting.
The Focus (2): This card is the central message you are receiving from the spirit and/or ancestor that wants to communicate with you.
The Morrigan (IV Sovereignty), the message is to take charge and stond in my own power for didn’t for a large part of her life and always relied on her partners and children. It wasn’t until she fell ill, she took charge. I was so proud of her and I could see how strong she was. She asks me now to never surrender what matters most and fight like a lioness defending her babies. Stay strong and stay true.
The Lesson (3): This may or may not be related to the The Focus card, but in general it is what you can learn from the spirit who has passed. It might be a quality they had, a choice they made, or something else that you are able to learn from them.
Arianrhod (XVIII The Moon) shows that the lesson I can learn from my Mother is to trust my intuition and embrace my woo and soul vision, never doubt my gifts and trust my magic and wisdom. My mother was very open to all possibilities and the she was connected to the spiritual realms. She trusted and listened. I am so grateful to her for never mocking my weirdness and for empowering me to deep further into the unknown and all possibility. To open my mind and heart to greater knowing and understanding. I will honor her by trusting the deeper waters and connecting to the cycles of life even more (instead of living from my head and trying to solve puzzles that aren’t meant to be understood by the mind). Be open and even perhaps a bit more gullible like she was. She had a certain innocence about her where I have grown tough and weary. This is an invitation to live a more magickal life.
How to Honor them (4): This card shows you what you can do to honor the spirit and thank them for the guidance they gave you. Perhaps you already have an altar but the card you picked shows a certain flower or a chalice indicating what sort of offering you should leave them.
Cailleach (Eight of Earth) work in proved and respected ways, honor the path of those who have gone before me, connect to the land I live on and the old ways and wisdom. Do not reinvent the wheel but delve deeper and master my craft. Deepening not widening my focus. Don’t quit on myself and trust that I can go deeper, it is safe, it is needed. Don’t be afraid of the dark.
Letting Go (5): This final card can be executed right away or at the end of the holiday season. It tells you how to let go of the spirit and/or how to guide them back to the spirit world.
Spider Woman (XVII Stars) Trust that we are always connected by the web of life. We are never alone. Believe and it will be. We are all part of a network, a radiant web that connects everything. Feel connection to the ones I love and see these shine with clear and flowing light, a light that flows through and fills me and whoever I think of. This way I can set my mother free, but connect to her when needed be and she can do the same. Trust that we will never be apart. Just follow our threads of fate.
The Graveyard Spread
The Fear (1): This card represents something in your life currently that you are afraid of or that is causing you strife. It could be tied to a more long term challenge but will most likely just be something that you’re currently afraid of.
Hel (2 of Earth) speaks of being afraid of making the wrong decision and having to let go of options. But if I don’t choose I will wear myself out, spread myself too thin and will not be able to delve deeper like the former reading suggests I should do. So choose a path and follow it fully, time to heal my fear of commitment and FOMO.
Digging up Bones (2): What bones do you need to dig up? In other words, what problems haven’t you been dealing with? This will be tied to The Fear card.
Tsonokwa (6 of Earth) suggests that my fear stems from a fear of lack. If I close of options I feel I may lose security and options to support myself. This card shows to release lack mentality and trust the flow and abundance of life, be grateful and generous. Share abundance and abundance will return to me. Also here, commit, spend my money where it is needed and supports my values and vision, invest in myself and others, let money and thus life flow more, don’t be so rigid and insecure.
The Disguise (3): This card represents something you are hiding behind or changing about yourself to deal with the last two cards.
Blue Dakini (3 of Air) speaks of hiding behind depression and heartbreak. And true everytime I feel I take big steps something big happens, something that throws me off guard and breaks my heart. This has kept me stuck and I guess also falsely feeling safe, for being stagnant releases my responsibility and keeps me in victim mode. False hope, frozen, not moving forward…unhappy…the feeling I know so well. It is time to grow up and be happy. Take the steps needed to set myself free and become a victor. Open myself to the emptiness, expand, into formlessness to sense a new and exciting potential.
Laid to Rest (4): This is a hopeful card that tells you how to deal with your fears. It is an action card. It well may be that simply doing this spread and confronting your fears is enough but if you need an extra step to take, this card can help.
Baubo (Siren of Earth) tells me to lighten up! Levity and humor go where rant and reason cannot. Now this is a message a lot of us need right now, perhaps a collective celebration of Baubo? This is an invitation to live in my body (again get out of mind, trying to control my life from there), push the boundaries of social convention, especially where it constraints me (no kidding, I so do need Baubo at this time, constraint? At this time…ha! Hail Baubo! Let us be free!). Be outlandish!! Shake things up and get things done. Don’t take myself so seriously.
Thank you for visiting, thank you for your support, thank you, I love you.
Charissa x