On Friday I celebrated my 45th year on planet Terra (well in this vessel it is).

Friday started of with a bit of sadness as my external back up hard drive died during the night and I lost some precious photographs and document. This was a bit ironic as I just ordered a new disc to be delivered right on the same day as I was feeling it would fail any moment. If the HD lasted one more day, even hours, I could have made a proper back up and safe the files.

After a freak moment I quickly decided this is another nudge helping me to let go and release old ‘stuff’ and extra bagage.
The day quickly brightened (well not weather-wise as it was pouring with rain – cleansing!) as I was showered in cards and received a beautiful bouquet of flowers from my colleagues. I am so grateful, tears welled up in my eyes.

And after work Karina and her husband Gijs treated me to dinner at the local brewery. Good times!! I love my friends!

Saturday more letting go and releasing, severe diarrea and cramps, spent most of the day in the bathroom and in bed. Yuck.
Thankfully Sunday I woke up feeling fresh and light and had a wonderful day in Rotterdam at Camera Japan festival. This is a returning ritual, the annual Sunday brunch and film. This year I wasn’t in the mood for a big party, so kept it small with just Karina, who treated me this brunch. The film was lovely, about Bizen pottery. The passion for hand-made products, made with such dedication and craft really resonates with me.

After the film we walked to a pub to meet with two other friends to raise a glass or two on our friendship and the start of brand new year of Earth life for me.