
How are you doing?
I am well. I am in the middle of a two week work break, the weather is hot and I am loving it. Taking life slow and enjoying the outdoors.

At Lammas I did a personal tarot reading, but haven’t had the chance to type it out yet, so here goes.

I used this spread by Furious Horde and the Dark Wood Tarot.

Wow a lot of reversed cards, perhaps I am not ready for harvest and that is exactly how I feel. I feel strangely confused between living in the full buzz of summer and winter hibernation, but certainly not harvest time, I feel like I haven’t ‘done’ anything this year, but ofcourse this isn’t true, this time is great time of change and the fatigue I feel is because living at this moment is intense and hard work. We are doing so much energy work right now, do not underestimate how important you are and give yourself a break.

1. Glowing. What is the most nourishing fruit (skill, offering to the world, ability) that you carry right now?
Hanged Man (RX) tells me that at the moment hiding from the world and a refusal to participate is my nourish fruit. And this makes sense as I refuse to take part in the madness of the world today and find myself hiding away in my own happy bubble and seeking out people (and nature) that nourish me and where there is mutual upliftment and support and not a constant focus on the C-word.

2. First Reaping.  What are you harvesting?  What are the fruits of your labor?  This may include completed projects, overcoming personal obstacles, and abundance of all kinds.
Knight of Wands (RX) is helping me release and forgive, seek freedom and temper my restlessness.

3. Scythe. What are the tools at your disposal to gather your harvest?  Tools include your professional and personal skills, your magickal practice, and your own perseverance.
Seven of Cups (RX) reminds me to use my attention wisely. Where do I focus my energy on is more important than the tools to use. Turn my attention away from a situation and focus on what feeds my joy. Again this speaks to the first card and the current world situation. Attention is our greatest tool and training our focus our greatest skill.

4. Ripening. What is still ripening?  What needs time to further mature?
Page of Pentacles (RX) asks me to observe more, find more patterns and connections, discover how everything is interconnected (oh wow I wrote exactly that the other day, this is a great confirmation and also speaks to the former card).

5. Changing.  What is changing within you as the dark of the year waxes?
Eight of Cups (RX) reminds me that in turning my back to our current situation I need to discern whether this is the best way to go about this or whether I am avoiding responsibility. Perhaps this card is affirming the nagging feeling that I need to contribute to the new world we are creating in some way, I need to take care and figure out how and who I connect with.

6. Giving.  What ways can you share your abundance?
Five of Wands affirms that I can share in action and standing passionately for my beliefs.

7. Receiving.  What do you need to receive more of in your life?  In other words, what are you most resistant to changing and accepting in that process of change?
Nine of Pentacles (RX) encourages me to take care of my personal energy and don’t overshare, feed myself first and don’t let my energy drain, open up to receiving support and positive energy. Stop trying to fix everything myself and stop resisting love and support. So more receiving, less resisting and rejecting.

8. Descending. As the dark year waxes, what do you need to focus on between now and the Autumnal Equinox to prepare?
Six of Swords promises that better times are ahead, but I first need to travel over emotional waters. On my journey I need to be aware of manipulation and menacing powers.

Thank you for visiting and reading this blogpost.

Wishing you love, health and prosperity and ofcourse JOY!

Be well.