Happy Lughnasadh!!!
I hope you are well, safe and healthy and taking plenty of time for yourself to explore your what brings you joy. Life is to short to postpone. I notice myself that when things are uncertain (and life is never certain) I tend to freeze. Like at the moment my job’s future is uncertain because of a reorganization and I find that I am afraid to go on holiday (as I feel I need to safe money) or make any other investments and of course my fridge and freezer went kaput last week – my inner and outer world perfectly mirroring each other – and living without a fridge is not really an option, such a waste of food as I had to throw away the contents of my freezer & yes was forced to make a big investment, now I much rather have spent it on a holiday 😉 that’s how it works, put your money (energy) where it brings you joy and passion, energy will flow, so better direct it the way we wish. So my state if mind lately has been a bit blah with all the ongoings in the world, all seems useless and has left me lacking a sense of enthusiasm for life and having ‘just’ fun. It’s like I am in this waiting room, but waiting for what exactly? Permission? A savior? But I don’t believe in all of that so why am I stalling life? My health was starting to go downhill, so this was a clear warning to snap out of my rut and start focusing on what I want and not wait for permission. I see very clearly now that our own happiness is all we have ‘control’ over, so it is so important to invest time and energy in our happiness and expansion. Live the life you wish to see reflected in the world and start right now, start with yourself, it is such a cliche, but therefor so true. When all seems chaotic and lost, make your focus smaller and bite of what you can chew. Focus on love and support, for yourself and others. In the end this is all we truly have…and need.
And yes it’s that time of year already, a time I dread and enjoy (because I love celebrations). The Sabbat Lughnasadh/Lammas (also called Lunasa,or August Eve) soon upon us (August 1st), and I tend to feel melancholic. Summer is heading towards its end 🙁 , with nature not quite as lush, leaves are falling already, and the scent and breeze of Autumn can be sensed. Loving summer as I do, I feel a melancholic sadness in my heart. From spiraling outward since Beltane with exuberance, I feel the spiral inward, as we head towards Samhain.
And how are you feeling? Are you enjoying the summer or is the holiday feeling for you also hard to find this year? I feel a restless undercurrent. It is an uncanny feeling that has been dormant for a few months. But I actually only now notice how tired I feel, I am exhausted and I’m not alone. According to professor Stefan van der Stigchel, many people are currently tired. But why is this collective (over) fatigue popping up now? In an interview with NRC Handelsblad, the professor of cognitive psychology explains that the Corona crisis is much more drastic for our mental health than we think. Since Spring we have been worried about our family, our job, the economy, the world … In addition, we have been torn from our normal routine. Many people also feel lonely. And unnoticed, this all costs energy. And the whole situation is far from over yet. Van der Stigchel warns that we run on adrenaline for far too long, so that we as a society are mentally exhausted. This is call for extra self-care and balance. I for example take walks in nature every day, leave my phone at home and just walk sensing my surroundings. I also love to play music (well ‘music’; my drum and singing bowls), dance, read books, make art, SoulCollage, cook (and eat) and daily yoga and meditation. This and additional pampering such as booking massages really helps keeping balanced. But even though I practice self-care, still I notice I am tired, I feel in the relaxing all this comes to the surface and this is an invitation to let it be and not push it away or try to fix it with cafeine or alcohol. Just be with the exhaustion and I trust this too will pass. Give your body and mind time to recover.
Also it helps to tap into the wisdom of your feelings. Anxiety serves as a well-lit pathway to the truth of who we are and to how to navigate life when paralyzed by anxiety, depression, overwhelm, and a sense of hopelessness. All in all, it is actually not strange; in times of unrest and uncertainty, the feeling of insecurity and the associated stress increases. You feel that it is important to create a stable foundation somewhere. A base where you do not have to be alert to threats from the environment, where you do not have to wear a mask and where your stress level is immediately lowered because you can be there all by yourself. And where better to start than at home! Anxiety can help you uncover the true source of your discomfort and find the rich self-knowledge within.
Gradually, the Corona crisis makes it clear that there is a connection between the things that we have not wanted or could not see for a long time. What is happening in China does have an effect on how we can live our lives. Nothing is separate, everything is interconnected.
Do you know that when you are in joy you are on a high vibration. And by being yourself, you affect the world as we don’t live in a vacuum. It’s simple. 😉 And no this does not mean walking around with a fake smile, no you broadcast what lives within you on a deeper (or higher?) level. Start by moving your focus and look out for joy, just the fact that you are here is worth a celebration. Seek out love and passion, what makes your heart beat and how can you increase this feeling in your life and keep adding these moments to your daily life? Don’t wait for a special occasion or when you ‘have’ time. It doesn’t have to be this big ass thing, no, heck I cried tears of joy the other day watching and smelling a flower and I nearly wet myself laughing at a joke someone made. Isn’t it wonderful to have your stomach hurt with laughter? And when tears of sorrow are more near, cry those tears, set them free… tears of joy will fill their place some day…you will see.
Every day is a new opportunity! So breathe deeply in and out and promise to Yourself: ‘I ENJOY’!
Things are moving and changing and faster than we could have ever imagined. This is the time we signed up for. This is where we make the changes needed to propel towards a better future. Our soul knows and is ready, we are now catching up.
The world rattles and rumbles on all sides. Everyone realizes that we are in a moment in time when every choice counts. A choice that will help determine which way the world will go. We wish ourselves and everyone a better world of course, but that is by no means self-evident! You cannot change what someone else does. However, you can make different choices for yourself than you have done so far.
Choose wisely from a place of love.
Thank you for connecting. Love, Charissa xx