Hope you are well!
I am dropping in to share a Retrograde tarot spread by Spirit de la Lune.
Right now, the only outer or transpersonal planet that is not in retrograde is rebellious and innovative Uranus. Uranus will also be going retrograde soon, but not until the middle of August.
Retrogrades challenge us to review our approaches and release past outdated methods and this is exactly what is being asked of us right now on a world and personal level. We are asked to restructure, rethink and reimagine our society and our part in it so we can realign to our purpose and highest good.
I did this spread last Sunday, at the Full Moon:
I used this beautiful deck. When I saw it it was love at first sight!
- Mercury – How can I cultivate loving communication in my life? 3 of Cups reminds me to focus on relationships, harmony and balance, the perfect card for a Libra Sun, Libra rising such as myself. This card reminds me to concentrate on our similarities, find connections and cultivate friendships. Let go of everyone who is making me feel disempowered or disrespected. There is such polarization going on and it is making me sick and tired, it is not worth my energy and I am now focusing on people that I do align with and that raise my spirit and soul.
- Jupiter – How can I align my energy with abundance? Sovereign of Coins asks me to keep it simple and focus on what really matters, such as supporting each other and create a secure and harmonious environment for others and myself. Start taking practical steps and expand from there.
- Saturn – Are my career goals aligned with my soul’s purpose? Conqueror of Coins speaks of grounded, hard work and routine. I guess I am in the right career as I do like the routine of a nine to five office job. My personality likes and needs stability and routine. Also I like hard work, I like going the extra mile. I work hard, am reliable and have a strong work ethic. Also I like supporting and empowering other people to be their best so I feel I am in the right job as a project and management assistant (and ofcourse a tarot consultant and SoulCollage facilitator).
- Uranus – Do my relationships serve my highest good? Seven of Wands shows there is competition and people trying to nudge me out. And yes I have ‘lost’ or parted from friends lately. Again people that did not serve my highest good and I wasn’t resonating with anymore. This is painful, but it makes space for me to meet new people. I have never had a lot of friends and don’t do well in groups, but I feel that is because I haven’t found my ‘tribe’ yet. Or the issue is me not willing to fit in, still working with that shadow. I do commit myself to meeting new people despite my insecurities. I am grateful for the a couple of very good and dear friends as I love them so much, they are unique and beautiful souls and I am so happy to have them in my life.
- Neptune – What is my spirit needing during this time? Haha there it is AGAIN! Make a choice and set a structure in place! Make an action plan. But first do make that choice, be clear! Act upon inspiration and take myself seriously. Stop stalling and doubting and do it!
- Pluto – How can I create positive change in my life & community? Nine of Cups asks me to celebrate life and be grateful. Stop resisting what is. Relax despite the odds and have fun! Let my hair down, be joy and inspire others to be the same! Lighten up!
Wishing you happy days and inspiration!