Happy Litha!
This is a Solar festival, the solstice marks the longest day of the year.
For me, Summer Solstice is a day for celebrating the warmth and light of the sun, the vibrant colors and bounty of nature and life in general. Though it’s also a bit sad, as the days now grown shorter as we head into the second half of the year.

Pic by @karina_grens

I’m not going to describe this sabbat as a lot can be found online. As for this website, this is a post from 2018 https://www.joyincreation.com/2018/06/20/midsummer-night-fever/ And this is last year when I was on my way to Switzerland for the tarot conference, I can’t believe it has been a year already! https://www.joyincreation.com/2019/07/03/travel-to-switzerland-tarot-conference-and-audrey-hepburn-pilgrimage/ – I felt so free and happy then… how life changes.


Of course freedom isn’t defined by our personal space, but at the moment I feel very restricted in my movement and expression. I have been absent from writing for a while, because I can’t find the right words or inspiration. So much is happening and I need to ground, digest and refocus time and time again. Every time coming back to neutral to observe and not let myself be emotional controlled and hijacked. But it is hard, it is hard not to fight, not to be angry, but to stand strong and embody what I want to see in this world which is which is love, respect, freedom, beauty, truth and connection and these are hard to find in the world right now. I am finding it very hard to find a celebratory vibe for Litha this year. Why celebrate?


Well why not?! I am now consciously moving away from doom-and-gloom future scenarios (though the future is very much here already), not to put my head in the sand or spiritual bypass, but to stop projecting fear into the future and manifesting what I don’t want. I can’t change the world, but I can take responsibility for my own life, my own relationships, creations, energy, health and abundance. Besides staying aware and making the darkness conscious, it is important to watch out for obsession and paranoia.

pic by @karina_grens

Live life

As I believe in the power of creation and manifestation I decided to celebrate LIFE no matter what. Today, I greeted the sun early this morning, making an offering of water to Gaia and I cried and cried in Mother’s lap, I feel like I am mourning, such deep pain and sadness, though the crying brought such release. I have decided that this is a beautiful day and I will decide this every day upon waking. I will spend time in nature, playing with the fairies (and bringing them honey), which I do so very much these days and I will feast and celebrate this Litha with yummy Summery foods and drinks (finally opening a bottle of Mead I bought for a special occasion a while ago, no time like the present). And this evening I am joining an online celebration with fellow witches and pagans and looking forward to connecting and togetherness, though I long to meet again in real life.


Also I am planning on doing a small fire ritual as the solstice at summer marks the passing of the longest day, and the encroaching darkness as night grows longer, I sure have some sorrow to commit to the fire this year.


Death happens in all our lives, big and small, a letting go, a release and it is scary because we don’t have control over what happens next and we don’t always know what will fill the void. This is an invitation to be conscious that we birth things all the time whether we know it or not and births aren’t pretty or easy, not for the mother and not for the child. Don’t we all sometimes long to return to the dark womb of the mother instead of facing the light of change and uncertainty, the light of growth and evolvement. Death and birth are partners in life, cycles that move us forward. Change will happen, no matter how much you cling to the past, the question is what do we want to birth this cycle, what do we want to create? Will we face the light or try to crawl back into the dark? Are you willing to leave the comfort of certainty and do the courageous work of manifesting a future we not only desire but is needed for humanity to survive and thrive?


What intrigues me about the current situation is that boundaries are blurring. That may sound contradictory as our freedoms are becoming more and more restricted. What is mainly happening now is that the standard of the past is blurring. We are thus more challenged to look at ourselves more honestly. Not by navel gazing, nor by the idea of ​​putting ourselves at the center of the universe, but to get to know ourselves better.

pic by @karina_grens

I feel that the current crisis is paving the way for a more conscious and spiritual society. To get there it is undeniable to get to know ourselves better. In prosperity, we are conditioned in such a way that the outside image determines everything. Tangible material is visible and with that we can easily identify and pigeon hole. But in the end, the key to other solutions to the global problems we may have to look deeper in the invisible, the world within ourselves.

I wish you a very happy and creative Litha! Be well and take care!