This is a powerful New Moon as it is the first New Moon of a New Astrological Year. The Moon and the Sun are now in Aries and this is a powerful time to use the Aries energy to make a new start and meet our challenges, with clarity of vision, confidence and courage.
Aries is about action, rebirth and moving forward. You may have strong feelings welling up and bursting out. Aries needs to move and express. I now see a lot of people coming up with great creative ideas, but also people lashing out and shaming others out of fear and frustration.
As both the Sun and Moon are in Aries this brings double the amount of heat, since Aries is a fire sign. So things will get fiery, beware not to get burned, but use this creative energy to find ways to move forward in new ways.
Following the Saturn-Pluto conjunction on January 12, we have the ongoing breakdown of old systems, and this includes our immune system, but also the health care system, financial systems and other systems that don’t allow for our freedom. Time for an upgrade!
The New Moon in Aries is all about shedding the belief that we are not good enough. Aries let’s us feel that we all have the power to stand up in the face of adversity. The fire of Aries burns away all obstacles that are in the way of full confidence, self-worth, and personal power.
By the bye, Saturn has just gone into Aquarius for the first time since 1991-1994. Because Saturn is the ruler of Capricorn, all of the planets in Capricorn will begin to take on a more Aquarian qualities such as freedom, authenticity and grassroots change. I feel that this time of being at home allows us to reconnect to who we really are without all the distractions. It is time to feel what is most important to us and to reassess our lives. Saturn will remain in Aquarius until July.
Tarot reading New Moon in Aries
Insights into our current situation – C-virus and beyond. I did this reading with the powerful and stunning Mary-El Tarot.
- Represents our current situation – A lot of Cups in this reading and yes emotions in abundance at this time. The Knight of Cups, now traditionally this knight would be the knight in shining armor, a Prince Charming trying to win your heart. This would be a strange description of this time, but is it? When I look at this card I see this situation is a gift to us, an invitation ,if you will, to reconnect with ourselves and to re-emerge like the Lotus on this card. Also I feel this a huge present for Mother Nature as she can now take a breather and recover as well. This card is not just about romantic love, but about the search for the meaning of life, like the Grail Knights were seeking their reason for Being. Also this card shows a situation that asks maturity and to become self-made people and not to rely on systems.
- How does this affect our lives? The Hermit. Well how fitting this card is! We are asked to go within for clarity and personal Truth.
- What obstacles are we facing? The Magician shows we are challenged to stay focused and not be distracted from our solitude and personal quest for personal truth. Not to be swayed from our inspiration and actions to turn our visions into reality. The Magicians represents everything, all elements and yes we will be distracted by obstacles in our thoughts, feelings, emotions, actions, home, jobs and finances.
- How can we overcome these obstacles? 4 of Cups says that though we may be feeling scared and devoid of our freedom, our way out is to look for unexpected gifts and solutions. Pay attention and think outside of the box. Be patient and pay attention to messages from your subconscious. Also look beyond where everybody is focused on, see the bigger picture and look the other way. The way out is not obvious. We are advised to slowly work on our challenges, proceed and create what we want, one layer at a time. On the card it shows water erosion which builds great chasms. And there is a shell which holds a pearl and this made me think of how pearls come to being; A natural pearl arises because a non-body’s own particle, usually a parasite or an animal and not, as often thought, a grain of sand, settles between the shell or even in the shell of a shellfish. In response to this irritation, the shellfish begins to release mother of pearl to counteract the irritation caused by the invader. Layer by layer, the intruder is “wrapped” in mother-of-pearl, creating a pearl over time. Once encapsulated, the animal has resolved the irritation. Okay wow!! Does this sound familiar?!!
- What will we learn? The 7 of Cups speaks of commitment, focus, holding strong and the ability to keep going in times of adversity. We will build stamina and confidence.
“Midway upon the journey of our life
I found myself within a forest dark
For the straightforward pathway had been lost”
– The Divine Comedy, Inferno – Dante Alighieri
Fear keeps us in step with the rest of society. Fear keeps us on the well-worn path in the dark forest. If we conquer our fear and step of the path we will meet the wolf, which may be the fierce aspect of our individuality and potential.
This is an opportunity to learn about our own and our collective dark side. We will continue on our path with focus and vision on what we desire, not on what we fear.
Oh wow, I feel these were profound and encouraging messages coming through. I am so grateful for this reading.
This is an invitation to share your wisdom and love. Will you accept?
I hope this inspired you on how to proceed.
Be well and stay true.