November 12th we see (and feel) a Full Moon in sensual, reliable, patient, practical, responsible and stable Taurus. And we can sure need some stability right now as our world is rapidly changing and there is an eerie energy in the air which feels like something big is about to happen (or so it feels to me). So now it is important to seek comfort within ourselves. Not in more stuff or masks, but in who we truly are, we need to find our peaceful centre within ourselves, so we can thrive in the ever changing outside world.
Every month the Full Moon illuminates what is working in your life and what isn’t so much (anymore). Every Full Moon has a different theme according to the sign it is in and how the Moon is positioned in relation to other planets. Full Moons are intense and energy is heightened and you will probably feel restless. However Taurus is a sign that brings a comfy warm blanket to wrap yourself up in which can be very welcome at this time of the Scorpio Sun. Scorpio relates to themes of death and rebirth and Taurus celebrates living the good life.
The Scorpio Sun opposite Taurus Moon brings your home and close relationships into the (Moon) light. Opposing energies such as work versus home, or what you need versus what you want, create tension and pressure. This would be a good time to ask yourself what in your life needs to die, to fall away in order to be re-birthed and transformed (also the theme of Mercury Retrogrades and we are in the middle of that as well). Ask yourself what do you really crave? From the body not the mind? What would you do if no one was watching and you had a magic wand. What do you really need? What would you choose if you really loved yourself passionately? What would you do? Or stop doing?
And the best way to to connect to answers to this query is nurture and Taurus helps you take care of ourselves and celebrate the senses. The answer is not in your head, you need to feel it in your body.
Now my Moon is in Taurus so I know this energy well, and I am lucky my Sun is in Libra, so I feel a deep need to balance. I am writing this as Taurus can also inspire us to overindulge. Enjoying our senses is fantastic as I feel that what makes life in a body on this Earthly plane so wonderful, just beware you actually nurture yourself and don’t end up on a hedonistic escape.

So please enjoy the pleasures of life and even indulge in some guilty pleasures, just don’t go overboard. Make contact with your body, feel your body, dance, sing, do yoga, go for a walk or have sensual sex, celebrate your body! Pamper yourself, go to the sauna or book a massage. Also Taurus loves making the house cozy, this is the time to get your home winter ready, burn some incense, make potpourri, clean and make the house smell and feel warm and welcoming.
Taurus is ruled by the love planet Venus and is a reminder to live a life you love. Express gratitude for what you truly value.

It’s important to start building the magick on time as on the night of full moon the powers are at their peak. You should take care of everything you want to increase in amount for more days and then, to end you work on the full moon.
I wish you a beautiful Full Moon in Taurus. Enjoy your senses and stay grounded.