This time of year is perfect for divination as the veils are extra thin and the connection to our higher knowing is more easy to access. Also our senses our heightened by the Scorpio energy of this time. We are invited to delve deep, deep in the corners of our where our shadow is lurking. The shadow are those pieces of ourselves that we’d rather not acknowledge and definitely don’t want the outside world to see.
Today I have used a tarot spread designed by Kelly-Ann Maddox.

The first thing I notice is that the spread shows majors and court cards only. This lets me know that this is about big life issues and the people involved or how I show up in life (the expression of character, traits).
- How can I work safely and effectively with my shadow at the moment?
- What’s a current hot button issue and how can I deal with it?
- 2019 in focus: Processing failure, regret and disappointment
- What do I need to know about self-honesty during my shadow work?
- What are key shadow work exercises to use from Samhain to Imbolc?
- Beware! My potential danger zones as a shadow worker.

- The Emperor (RX) – I need to let go of the need to be in control of my life and most of all, my emotions, let go of my need for order, I am advised to lean into the chaos, as chaos feeds creativity. Repetitiveness kills creativity.
- King of Swords (RX) – I find it hard to hold back truths, especially concerning censorship and injustice. I am triggered by the corruption and (mind) abuse I see in the world. The way to deal with this is by turning the card around and show discernment, be well prepared in what to respond, educate myself (even though I know education means ‘the training of animals’), but I mean finding out as much about something before speaking up, don’t parrot. And most of all keep a distance from all the drama, observe, but don’t get involved.
- Knight of Wands – This Knight indicates that I am feeling frustrated or impatient with the lack of excitement or action in my career at the moment. I have my mid term evaluation this Monday, so this is a good talking point to take with me. This card is also be telling me to get a job that allows me to travel as I do not like to be stuck in an office. The Knight of Wands also warns me to watch the outgoings of money (I have been buying to many decks lately!) and make sure I think before spending as this card can indicate a tendency to spend mindlessly. Also this year I haven’t found or tapped into my passion the way I would have hoped, again I was swept away by everyday busy-ness and running after deadlines. I feel I need to delve deeper and explore more, be more free in my creativity. I remained not committing to expanding my business and finding a life partner, it feels like I am in the same place a year later, though I know a lot has shifted and changed. There is a tinge of disappointment and feeling of urgency and haste. The answer to this is to be grateful, all is well and perhaps better than expected and I just need to be patient, commit and follow through. And perhaps work less in my day time job (at the office), so I have more time to explore.
- Temperance – I need to find balance and bring opposite forces into equilibrium. As a Libra I have a great need for balance, but my life tends to be a bit all or nothing energy with issues of self-control (too much or too little) and setting clear boundaries. I need to be more forgiving to myself. I ‘have to’ too much, too many ‘shoulds’, and too much stuff I try to do by myself. It is time to give myself an break and take good care of myself, also health wise I need to find balance and a more alkaline state in the body, a state where the elements are in harmony.
- King of Pentacles (RX) – this King suggests that I show effort and follow through on what I want to commit to. Don’t strive for material success and I need to stop being so practical all the time. Get out of my comfortable little box and expand, lean into my creativity and let go of the outcome. Keep it up!
- Justice – haha did I just mention that I am a Libra, with Libra rising, so yes I see myself as someone who is fair and has a hard time facing injustice. Now this world ain’t fair, so if I stay stuck on justice I will have a hard time facing my and the world’s shadow. Life is about cause and effect, I need to focus on my cause, I need to pick and commit and don’t get distracted by all the effects that we see in the world. Focus and trust that justice will serve.
Thank you for reading and wishing you a very happy Samhain!!