A happy New Moon to you. For more information on this Scorpio New Moon please read Friday’s blog entry here.

I just did a New Moon in Scorpio Oracle reading inspired by Ethony. I used my brand new Archetypes Oracle Cards by Kim Krants.

- What is transforming for me now?
The Hunter – my intuitive hit is that Scorpio will help me be more brave and daring, to charge forward and ‘hunt’ for what I really want/desire. No longer self sacrificing and playing small. No more giving up to fear. I hear the word “fierceness”. Galloping forward. Charge, time for action. From the accompanying book: ” this archetype will journey far and wide seeking the prize that calls to its heart”. Keywords are focused and energized. Oh I hope so as the luminal space has gotten me stirring in my own soup. I feel a bit restless and ready for more passion in my life. More primal fierceness. - What do I need to release?
The Queen – I hear that I need to get off my throne and get shit done, enough drama already. “If the King is the ego, the Queen is the expression of that ego in the world”. So buy wounded ego, dare to be who you really are and release a queen’s proper etiquette, time to be wild and free. - How do I remain balanced?
Gnosis – Well knowing is my calling and I am always contemplating the mystery. Gnosis is about seeking true knowledge, which truly can’t be found in books (even though I do read a lot of books), true knowledge is found through living and experiencing and yes I find my way more being alone in books. I need to balance this with actually living and experiencing for wisdom is knowing through experience and knowledge is ‘only’ understanding with the brain. It is what you do with that knowledge that counts. “Study your passion in the deepest way available to you” is what the book suggest for me. Well am doing just that so yay will keep it up and yes it does balance my life in the ‘ordinary’ world with time spent in the more mysterious and spiritual part of life. - How can I heal old pain?
The Box – My first insight tells me to stay in the centre and observe, be that light in the middle of the box and don’t get emotionally involved with the darkness in the box. However the box, being boxed in bothers me. I feel this card tells me to peeling off the layers, like the layers you can see in the box. Like the onion, keep peeling away the pain and focus on finding that light in the heart. Go beyond what is known and comfortable and let go of the box altogether. Break through “social constructs and pressure” and this requires “awareness, continued effort and bravery”. Let go of judgement, limitations and fear. Choose freedom, choose life. - Most important message this New Moon cycle
The Medallion – I feel I need to go for it, whatever it may be, I guess my passion, my spark, my deep inner desires, dare to find out what they are. Stretch and go for the prize, don’t be so modest. Hunt! Be fierce! “Reach for the medallion that aligns with your deepest values” and “uphold tradition, protect and honor”.
Such an inspiring and supportive reading. I wasn’t sure when I first saw them online, but now I have touched them and worked with them I do really like these strong cards and will work with them much more.

Nighty night
Set the intention to re-member your dreams tonight (well to do this every night is advisable – but make sure you pay close attention these nights) and journal first thing in the morning about your insights and downloads. Do not forget!