I did this deck interview with the long awaited Light Seer’s Tarot a while ago, but never got ’round to typing it out. So here goes.

I have been lustig after this deck for quite some time and I also felt very drawn to the same date release deck of Chris Ann’s Muse Tarot. I couldn’t make up my mind which to buy, so I bought both….yikes. Now these decks weren’t cheap, but I don’t regret buying them in the least for they are pieces of art. I will post a deck interview with The Muse Tarot at a future date. But for now, please meet The Light Seer.
About the deck
The Light Seer’s Tarot brings us into a world of traditional and non-traditional archetypes, and invites us to explore its collection of human stories and seeds of wisdom, as we travel the sunshine-and-shadow-laden path of the Light Seer. By reimagining the traditional tarot archetypes and symbols in a contemporary, boho, and intuitive style, The Light Seer’s Tarot expresses the light and shadow sides of our natures and explores the lessons that can be learned from both.

Deck interview
Q1. Please introduce yourself – 9 of Wands
Merry meet, I would describe myself as courageous, persistent and respectful of boundaries of others as well as my own. I have been born from resilience and as a result I am strong and victorious. Your readings with me will be empowering and strong.
Q2. What are your strengths as a deck? – 7 of Pentacles (RX)
I have a lot of patience, I provide you with a moment to reflect and re-evaluate in order to feel what wants to come to fruition and grow. I provide a time to nurture needs and desires.
Q3. What are your limitations as a deck? – The Sun
I would say none as The Sun shines on everyone and everything and brings life and joy. Though it isn’t me who brings these gifts, I shine a light on how you can bring love and true happiness into your life as working towards a joyous and sunny outcome, is an inside job. You have to do the work. I shine the light, also on your shadows.
Q4. What can I learn from you? – 8 of Pentacles
I can teach you how to master your craft through patience and determination as these are my traits.
Q5. What is the best way to work with you/connect with you? – Page of Wands
Practice, study and use me actively. Be curious about what I have to show.
Q6. What is the potential outcome of our relationship? – 3 of Pentacles
Skill and quality craftmastering, co-operation, team work, manifesting together. It may sometimes feel like hard work, as I work with the light and the dark and the lessons you need to learn, you may feel the strain, but if you stay committed and focussed, we will succeed.
Have a wonderful week sweeties!