A happy September to you!!
Welcome back from wherever you have come from, whether you went away this Summer or stayed put, wherever you are, wherever you have come from, welcome home within yourSelf.
The month of transformation
And welcome to Sweet September. The month of change, of transformation. You now start to see this clearly in nature and you may feel it stirring within you. Where are possibilities arising for you and how are you responding to them? Are you seizing them or do you react out of fear of change. Do you re-member the intentions you set at the beginning of the year and how aligned are you with them at this moment? This is a good time to renew your intention and truly integrate them in your life. The key is repetition and moment to moment being mindful of how you respond to life, instead of reacting to the chaos our world is at this moment. Follow your own path.
Now this is a good reminder to myself as well because the days just seem to blend together and I find it very hard to find my oomph, my passion for creating anything new. At the moment I am purging and ofcourse September is harvest time. Letting go of what is not working, physically and spiritually and storing what I need for Winter. A big clean before the bitter cold arrives and it feels good and spacious.
But when we make room, we also see more clearly what is missing and for me this may be a life partner. Now it is not missing in the way I am miserable and looking for Mr Right all the time. I am not and perhaps that is why I haven’t found “him” yet. I am doing just fine without him, but if I am be really honest, it would be a great next step in my development to commit to another and to share my love and passion.
Now I have been single for a long time and it hasn’t been a problem for me. For a long time I didn’t even want a partner, because I had to much ‘stuff’ going on in my life. I didn’t want to have a relationship where I couldn’t show up and commit fully. Now I am not saying I can and am willing to do that now, but I am ready to give it my best go. I love doing things by myself, I need me-time, and can take very good care of myself, but I also feel more and more that I would like to share with someone special. I am a Libra and ruled by Virgo and yes I do love romance and love. I love company and connection. I feel that moving towards being open to finding a partner is not out of lack on my part, that something is missing, no it is about sharing and mutual support. And relationships offer opportunities to grow in areas I may not encounter at this moment. I feel I am ready.

Now I have said not so long ago that I would put myself out there and subscribe to a dating platform, also thinking that even though I may not find “him” there (because I seriously doubt it), it would send a signal to the Universe that I am open to finding a romantic partner. Today I was on the verge of subscribing to a few platforms I picked out, but now I am feeling so strongly that this is not for me. Now is this fear or is this intuition? I just don’t want to enter a meat market and I don’t want to find a partner who is looking for women online. The whole online world is depleting me lately. More and more I feel the need to quit social media and really lessen my time on the computer (haha guess where I am now). So adding a profile to a dating website feels off and just not right for me. I have used them in the past, but no not now.

But how do I find “him” then?
I feel it has nothing to do with a place, but with an energy. So I will be doing love spells and rituals and keep checking in with myself why I want a partner, is it for all the right reasons? And I need to open my eyes (and heart) and look around. Be open to meeting new people.
Also let me ask the cards, and what better deck to use but the “Blood, Bread & Roses Tarot”.
I used a spread by Madeline Montalban, an English astrologer and ceremonial magician, who co-founded the esoteric organization known as the Order of the Morning Star.
Question: Where and how can I find my love match?
The Queen of Cups represents me. This queen is charming, attractive and beguiling (bekoorlijk in Dutch). Now this is the meaning of my name, so kinda perfect! Now the fact that I don’t feel I earn this name, explains why I deep down don’t feel worthy of finding love. And yes this reading confirms this as the card that supports The Queen in this reading is The Empress and she symbolizes fertility and homely happiness, she feels super comfortable in her home and body and because I don’t I don’t invite anyone in. Ouch so true.
The next card is the 8 of Cups and in this reading it represents a happy union with someone I least expect. This card is about disappointment and abandonment, of wanting to escape a situation. This card suggests something is missing. This card asks me to figure out wat brings me fulfillment on a deeper level. Do I really want an exciting and passionate relationship or do I really need the secure homely relationship? So I need to be honest about what I feel will bring me true happiness and realign with this energy. The card on top of the 8 of Cups is The Moon stressing the energy of deception and seeing love through rose colored glasses. The Moon is strong in both cards, so I really am asked to look beyond the deception, beyond the way things look at first glance.
The final cards are the Knight of Cups and The Sun. Well woohoo! The Knight again shows that “he” is not the one I am expecting. This Knight is seductive, charming, compassionate, kind and caring. He is in touch with his emotions. This knight asks me to follow my heart not my head. The card that tops this King is The Sun, the most auspicious of cards and lets me know that all will work out. I need to focus on channeling my inner Empress and look beyond what my mind thinks I am looking for. Be open to be surprised and pierce through deception….and all will be well!
May September bring you love, love for yourself and for others. May we be love.

P.S. My birthday is coming up and if you would like to receive the chance of a free elaborate tarot reading and/or a discount please subscribe to my newsletter and I will send you the details on my birthday: Link to Newsletter subscription (this comes with a fee 3 card tarot reading by the way! Yay!)