Happy New Moon in Virgo! I woke up early, even early for me (I am an early bird) and I feel so awake, so clear. For the past week I have been feeling Autumn arrive and this makes me anxious to get the most out of the last days of Summer. To drink in as much Sunshine as I can until the cold season arrives. I also have been feeling this pressure because we are three quarters in this year and there is so much I still wanted to accomplish this year. I guess time is a restriction we put on ourselves, and ideas and intentions will not spoil, but still, sometimes it does feel I get nothing done and I feel I should be more productive, especially with Joy in Creation. Though this year has been more about clearing, connecting, deepening, learning and unlearning, insight and introspection, not so much doing and creating.

This moon phase moon phase is very empowering in starting something new or reenergizing something. This moon is conjunct Mars and this brings in a lot of creative energy and initiative. Use it! Start a new project or breathe new life into a project that needs refreshing. Ask yourself how you can serve this Earth in your unique way. Also the Sun trines Uranus, which brings in positive change, Venus trines Uranus bringing in unexpectedly opportunities for love and Mars trines Uranus, igniting us with passion to take action!

Tarot reading for this New Moon
As Tarot is my big love and ritual I did a New Moon in Virgo spread for myself and this one is by the wonderful Ethony.

- Community – How can I be of service to others?
- Cast off – What needs decluttering in my life?
- Pay attention – what needs my attention?
- Get organised – Where do I need to get more organised?
- Last quarter call – Where to focus your energy this season?

So here goes;
- Community – How can I be of service to others? The Magician – I can be of service to others by stepping into my role as a Magician more fully. Now taking this card very literal, I practice Magick and I have also been trained as a Magician and no not the one with the penny in ear trick and slight of hand. As with everything I do I never feel good enough to step up and be of service with my gifts. The reason why Joy in Creation exists is because I really had to push myself to get out there and present myself to the world. Now that this biz of mine is not thriving is because I still have this deep belief that I should study more, practice more, etc. This card tells me I am ready to share and that I can be of service using Magick. But also this card is about manifestation and inspired action, the exact things I wrote above that I am missing in my life right now. I need some creative oomph! Work with the elements, sort out what I really want and what I can do to make myself useful and just do it!
- Cast off – What needs decluttering in my life? Knight of Cups speaks to me about seduction. This night is a flirt. So I feel I need to get rid of distraction, all things that seduce me from my path. I am a person who is very easy led astray by the next shiny big (or little) thing. I am multi passionate and focus is not my forte. So yes let go of flirtation and delve in deep, commit!
- Pay attention – what needs my attention? Ten of Swords – ehm yikes, do I need to pay attention to falling swords, to all things crumbling down? Will I be stabbed in the back? This card is about having hit rock bottom, it’s as bad as it gets. I need to pay extra attention to deep wounds and painful endings. I feel in this spread this card is telling me I need to come back to grief and nurture my heart a bit more. I feel I stepped over some parts of the grieving process and it is catching up with me. We only heal by attention. Loving attention and affection. The Tower is the beginning of the shit storm, this card is more in the middle to ending phase of the storm. I need to pull out each sword one at a time, don’t skip over the process and really heal.
- Get organized – Where do I need to get more organized? Two of Cups – haha yes this is clear, to me the Two of Cups is the perfect relationship card. Not The Lovers as this card is more about choice and duality. The Two of Cups is about unified love, partnership and mutual attraction, these partners are on even footing. And yes I have been putting off subscribing to dating sites. I need to put myself out there as I am not successful in meeting eligible men in real life. I am not fond of online dating as it feels like a meat market to me, but a lot of people I have spoken to have found great partners online. So I really should give it a try. So yes I need to organize my love life. Go write that profile Charissa!
- Last quarter call – Where to focus your energy this season? Temperance – oh dear somehow that struck a sad chord in me and a hit of truth as I have been overspending lately. I needed to invest in my home and well the book and tarot buying has gone a bit out of hand lately. So yes I need to be more frugal and also when it comes to food and drinking habits I need to get back to a more healthy life style. Summer makes me relax and I tend to indulge a bit more. I do need to balance more. This card is also about patience and purpose, so yes what I read before, there is no rush. Heal, be patient and purpose will find me. Don’t try and put an expiry date to it. Focus, stop being distracted and come back to the core. That is where the ❤️ is.
Thank you so much for sharing this space with me!
Happy New Moon and have a great weekend! x
Love, Charissa
P.S. If you would like me to do a quick or full tarot reading for you, please see this page (https://www.joyincreation.com/oracle-card-readings/) for more information or contact me via email at Charissa at Joyincreation (please click to send message)