Happy Full Moon (the Full Sturgeon Moon) in rational, eccentric and humanitarian Aquarius! The Sun (in proud and loyal Leo) now forms an exact opposition to the Moon. In astrology, the Sun rules our overall character while the moon rules our inner Self. So the Full Moon shines a light on our Selves that only comes out in the dark. That Self that ‘outside’ people don’t get to see. And this may bring up some tension if your outside you is not congruent with the inside you, if you know what I mean. Are you wearing many masks? Are you hiding parts of you? Are you censoring yourSelf? This is why the time of the Full Moon brings great insights and change, this Moon shines a light on everything we try to hide, but we truly really want to set free.

Now a Full Moon is a time when our intentions come to fruition and this is not a time to set new intentions, but I feel a bit restless and want to know what to do next? The lull of Summer is fading away and life starts to feel more real. And I must admit I feel a little blah, I need some focus. I am slagging off a bit and I feel I need to make better use of my time. And as this Full Moon promises big changes in our lives that beckon us to be our true, authentic selves, I think this tarot spread is right for now.

Card 1. Where am I now? – Three of Wands – This card confirms that I am ready for expansion, I just need to believe in myself.
Card 2. The next step/task – Five of Cups – this card asks me to heal the pain of feeling unloved and unwanted, as long as I don’t heal this, I can’t move forward and will keep playing small.
Card 3. Obstacles at this moment – Page of Pentacles – I need to practice. I need to learn how to use this element, Pentacles. So this is about livelihood, money, matters of security, stability and wealth. I feel this card tells me I need more practice and experience, so use this time to learn and practice, to experience and experiment. Learn how to use my power before I can expand and take the next step.

Card 4. Strengths and Resources – Four of Cups – This is an odd card on this position as this card speaks of inaction, sulking, pouting, “I don’t wanna”-energy. This card says it is okay to rest, but warns me not to stay there. There are unexpected gifts, pay attention! And yes this is exactly the energy I am ‘stuck’ at, at this moment, the blah, lethargic feeling. I guess this is a strength as it gives me contrast and a break to ‘normal’ hectic life, so I can practice, experiment and have no pressure to make big moves, but I do need to get off my arse!
Card 5. New focus or Outcome – Four of Wands -YAY! Celebration, friends and joy! This is the beginning, a moment to take in what is happening, before fully moving forward. This is the moment before something wonderful happens, the moment before life changes. Take a moment to take it all in and make a memory!
There are no Major Arcana cards in this reading so this tells me there are no big life changing issues at play now, I feel that comes after card number 5. These cards are about every day life. All the steps we take in between major life events. Very important steps, don’t underestimate the minors! The Court cards speak more of the characters we play throughout our lives. We start our journey as a Page, then we become a Knight, then a Queen and finally we become King of this part, this element of our lives. And the Minors are our toolkit of mastery, from Ace to Ten we learn how to use the tools to our disposal in these stages of our lives. But remember life isn’t linear, it goes up and down, inside and out.

Celebrate this Full Moon by being a little more present to the connections that fill your life with joy and love.

P.S. If you would like me to do a quick or full tarot reading for you, please see this page (https://www.joyincreation.com/oracle-card-readings/) for more information or contact me via email at Charissa at Joyincreation (please click to send message)