A little while ago I did a career spread for myself. This year I celebrated my 10th year anniversary at my current day job. I am happy where I work, content, all is well and I think I am good at what I do and I think my colleagues feel the same. I am blessed to work at such an open minded and colorful place. I am not bored, but sometimes the mind wanders if I there are other opportunities out there for me, questioning whether this is my right path for now or if it is time for expansion and change. Now this can be within my job or in my own biz which I run in the time I am not at my job (which is full time by the way, which limits the time I can actually give to Joy in Creation).
Now the word career triggers me a bit. I have never been very ambitious as in having a career. I just want to do good work that makes others and myself happy (win-win). I want to add value to something. To do good and at the same time support myself, nothing more, nothing less. I don’t need a big fancy car or a swimming pool. I need to have enough. Enough to not lie awake at night stressed about money and how to make ends meet. I don’t need to climb a ladder or be the boss of other people. Of course I want to grow and learn, but the word career I would like to change in working life path. Or something like this. And for me what I aim for is that work isn’t work but actually is life.
So I did this ‘career spread’ by Emerald Lotus Divination.

Cards 1, 2 & 3: What are the next steps in my ‘career’ – The Chariot speaks of travel, action and change, Strength asks for self-love and confidence and the Nine of Swords foretells grief, depression and anxiety. Now to me this means I need a change and expand my horizons and take action to make this happen, muster the confidence and feel worthy enough to make these changes. However making changing also comes with a price of letting things go, which causes grief and anxiety. The key is to focus on self-love and know that change is inevitable, though it may sting a little.
Card 4: What does this career look like on a day-to-day basis – Princess of Pentacles which suggests a new job or a raise, a promotion.
Card 5: The next steps to take to make this a reality – Nine of Cups, having the confidence to know that all is well as it is, enjoy and share what I already have , not showing off, trusting that hard work will pay off and share the abundance. Wishes come true.
Card 6: What I need to let go of in order to move forward – The Emperor shows that I need to let go of the idea that I need a strategic plan to get somewhere. It is more about allowing and trusting. Not about making a plan and sticking to it. Let things unfold naturally. Don’t try and control the outcome.
Card 7 – How will my life change? Prince of Swords – living my truth and growing through curiosity and seeking understanding. Keep learning and growing. Evolving. Keep following my heart and explore life. My curious mind will be fed and happy. The search for knowledge continues. Never give up on the truth.
And so it is.