Today, Tuesday July 16th we witness a partial lunar eclipse, a Full Moon in Capricorn, and Mercury is still going retrograde, this is a week full of profound and powerful energy! A Full Moon is always a great moment to reflect on what is going on in your life and the bigger picture. Every full moon has a different effect due to its specific position at that time. This Moon is in practical, self reliant, stoic and ambitious Capricorn.
The lunar eclipse makes the focus on our inner world even greater than with a normal Full Moon. You can better feel your own emotions and needs and see where there is imbalance in relationships with others.
The full moon July 16, 2019 is strongly influenced by Pluto, providing confronting and powerful energy which can give intense emotions that can cause us to be overwhelmed. Behavior of others or an event can touch you deeply and possibly trigger something in your subconscious mind.

Just like the moon, Pluto also influences the Sun, which can cause some cracks in our confidence. This can be a balance of power or expose our self-destructive behavior, such as refusing to help ourselves or ask for help and staying stuck where we are, even though we know this is not in for our highest good. When we are open to change we can flow more with life, let life surprise you, don’t stay stuck (also saying this to myself!) Where do you block yourself? Where are you afraid to change even though you know you should? Which areas of your life need more attention, but you are struggling to make it a priority?
This is a potent time to release and let go of anything standing between you and your deepest desires, goals and ambitions.

To get more insight in what this Moon has to show me and how I can work with her energy, I did this tarot reading.
- Where am I at this Full Moon?
- What do I need to see?
- What needs to be released this Full Moon?
- What energy do I need to call in?
- What intention needs to be set?
- What magick will be made (potential outcome)?
I am rereading The Mists of Avalon and am loving it all over. So I decided to use one of my Avalon/Arthurian themed decks (yes there are quite a few available!), Legend Arthurian Tarot.

- Knight of Spears (Wands) – Strangely enough no Cup-cards in this emotional time. The first card tells me I am in a free-spirited place, with inspired action, travel, socializing and creativity.
- Eight of Swords is telling me that I need to see where I feel bound and trapped. These are self-imposed restriction and isolation. And yes even though I have lots of socializing events and I lots of inspiration, I do feel a lot of Yin energy. I am by myself and inside a lot which is unusual for Summertime. And yes something feels off. Even though live is flowing at this time, I do feel a sense of entrapment, that I can do and be more. A restlessness. I am playing it safe. And for a while this was just what I needed….but is it still?
- The Universe/The World advises me to release karmic cycles, certain life lessons I keep repeating, biting my own tail. A bit of an odd card in this placement as The Universe is very positive as in the meaning of coming full circle, completion. Perhaps I need to let my need for completion go. This makes sense. Also my first instinct was that this is about Karma, letting old stuff go and stop repeating it when I now move to card 0 The Fool and start my new adventure. So stop running after false ideas and that it is far too early to reach out for the Universe for there’s substantial work that has yet to be done.
- I need to call in the Queen of Shields/Pentacles this Full Moon for her quality of resourcefulness, practicality, nurture, business sense, security and independence.
- Page of Swords helps me with my intention: “I follow up on my new ideas, I keep my curious mind open and quench my thirst for knowledge. I show up full of passion, energy and enthusiasm!”
- Six of Shields/Pentacles tells me that if I do the work I will be met with generosity and kindness, an improvement in circumstances.
Happy Full Moon Eclipse to you!