We are in the middle of Summer and I have been spending time away from the computer as much as I can in my spare time. Summer asks us to let relax, take a step back and now with Mercury in retrograde (until July 31st) a perfect time to reflect and ponder (perfect for Summer holidays, not so good for travel). This is the season to stop what you are doing and reassess, take stock and feel if you are still enjoying the path you are walking. Is this the best way for you? Is this still serving you? Are you happy? So stop and drop what you are doing if it doesn’t resonate at this moment, you can always pick it back up in another season, but maybe you won’t need to.
My reflection
Personally I am rethinking the way I am leading my life, asking questions such as why, what if and how do I want to feel? A lot is becoming clear and I am surprised (well perhaps not really, I know there are many layers left heal) how old patterns are still running my life. And how subconscious energies are still influencing me more than I ever dared to admit. However much more is coming to the surface and memories are flooding back. I feel more and more clear and confident and starting to see where I need to course correct. But for now this is all in the reflection phase as this is not the time to make concrete steps.
Eclipse season
This month the energy that the solar eclipse delivered on July 2, with the new Moon in Cancer, sets the tone. One day after the new Moon, Venus also entered the sign of Cancer. The atmosphere and moods will be characterized by feeling and sensitivities. A square aspect from Venus to Chiron on July 7 can raise very old – or more recent – wounds, something demands considerable attention. At the time of the eclipse, Mars switches to Leo and we are urged towards powerful actions. The lunar eclipse at the full moon in Capricorn on July 16, fuels the main theme of recent times; our suffering from limitations, our sense of futility and fear of the future. These are issues that are linked to the imminent conjunction of Saturn and Pluto in January 2020, an energy that can pose great challenges for all of us.
Still, despair will not get much room this summer, as Mars forms a triangle with Jupiter in Sagittarius on July 25 and the Sun in Leo makes a square with Uranus on July 29. The vision and plans for a better world, whether large or small, can be pursued in good spirits, yay!

Black Moon Lilith
Now at the moment I am not feeling the playful joy and blessings Summer usually brings as I feel quite withdrawn and faced with some old demons…or dark goddesses … Old scars are itching and memories are re-emerging. The Black Moon (Lilith) entered Pisces last May (for all of us) and I am feeling it profoundly. Pisces is a difficult position for Lilith as it can undermine your confidence and fight and resist your own vulnerability. And I know as my personal Lilith is also in Pisces, so this energy is with me always. (in the 6th House which means that daily routine becomes unbearable, easily distracted and can not find the right concentration – if you know me a little, sounds familiar right?). The transit of the Black Moon through Pisces brings up feelings of failure and trust issues for all of us, but particularly those with the Sun, Moon, Chiron, or Black Moon (Lilith) in Pisces or Virgo (the opposite sign). This transit happens twice a month and these are the dates that the Moon will be in Pisces or Virgo, this is when our shadow side is exposed and we feel extra vulnerable (and tired and negative) – so don’t schedule any big things on these days and take extra self care. These are the days Lilith invites us to delve deep in order to conquer the weaknesses within ourselves:
July 6-8
July 19-22
August 2-4
August 16-18
August 29-31
September 12-14
September 26-28
October 9-11
October 23-25
November 5-8
November 19-21
December 3-5
December 17-19
December 30-January 1
January 13-15
January 26-27
Now with Lilith beware that you don’t stay in the dark, she likes to keep us there, as she knows the light will destroy her.
Lilith will exit Pisces for Aries on Jan 27th, 2020. So we all feel this influence. That is why I am sharing this blogpost with you.
Who is Lilith?
The Black Moon, this astrological position, is named after Adam’s first wife, made from the Earth, who was exiled from the Garden of Eden because she refused to submit to him. She is female free spirit, raw sexual energy, unapologetic, rebellious and wild. She is the archetypical female energy present in both men and women, she is the outsider, the witch, the prostitute, the demon and the other woman. After realizing what a stupid mistake he made, Adam asked God to bring Lilith back to him, but she refused (you go girl! His loss!). So God created the lesser and compliant Eve from his rib as his new partner. Lilith shows us there is a price to pay for being independent and strong as we may be shunned and exiled. Lilith is powerful, but she had to make sacrifices.

Of Adam’s first wife, Lilith, it is told
(The witch he loved before the gift of Eve,)
That, ere the snake’s, her sweet tongue could deceive,
And her enchanted hair was the first gold.
And still she sits, young while the earth is old,
And, subtly of herself contemplative,
Draws men to watch the bright net she can weave,
Till heart and body and life are in its hold.
The rose and poppy are her flowers; for where
Is he not found, O Lilith, whom shed scent
And soft-shed kisses and soft sleep shall snare?
Lo! as that youth’s eyes burned at thine, so went
Thy spell through him, and left his straight neck bent,
And round his heart one strangling golden hair.
-Dante Gabriel Rossetti 1868
Lilith is all about female empowerment, but she has a dark side and to deny this is to ignore who she really is. If you ignore her anger you make yourself vulnerable to her distorted energy. The highest expression of Black Moon Lilith in Pisces would be to transcend the anger and forget about those who don’t accept you. Tap into this sign’s independence and rise above what is socially acceptable. Show forgiveness and above all forgive yourself for feeling guilty or harboring feelings of failure for not conforming to the Eve archetype (mother, wife, good girl next door). Show fierce forgiveness and stand in your feminine power. It is time to rise.

Primal instincts
The Lilith Moon characterizes our primal instincts and natural impulses, and originate in all the all our immoral actions that we have committed in previous incarnations. The totality of these actions is reflected in the depths of our subconscious. The Black Moon Lilith tempts and tests us to help us transcend our subconscious wounds by exposing or taking something down which no longer serves our highest good, which hits us hard at a subconscious level, we react from our shadow side. She is the devouring mother. She shows us our deepest fear and how we judge ourselves and others. We are faced with situation that can be very difficult and painful and if we don’t face our demons we can be defeated by our subconscious pain and make the wounds even deeper. This is why shadow work is so important, if you know where your biggest wounds are, you can stop the repetition of the same life lessons and heal yourself. This is the nurturing mother. We can start all over, better than before. Lilith helps us understand our unconscious fears and teaches us how to love ourselves. The Black Moon shows our connection and disconnection from Source (Love). From Lilith we learn how we are reacting from our primal fears and she helps us to transcend it by responding differently and remembering that we are always connected to All that is.
Muddled waters
Now Lilith in Pisces is tricky as with Pisces the waters muddle your clarity. The main wound for a Black Moon in Pisces is trust (distrust), vulnerability, fear of showing the real us, self-judgement, and fear of being rejected, but this does not show on the outside and others often see us very differently. With Pisces all is below the murky waters. While Lilith is in Pisces, watch for tricky situations where the lines are blurred. Also people with Black Moon in Pisces tend to trust the wrong people, they tend to be either gullible or suspicious, so it is really important to use discernment in who to trust and let down walls with people who do deserve our trust. People with BML in Pisces tend to test people to see if they can be trusted and find it difficult to be truly intimate with other people as we find it hard to feel safe. So yes this means commitment issues. The shadow is healed when we trust who deserves our trust, we show our real selves and are strong enough to face opposition.

Rejection & separation
Lilith in Pisces also brings up wounds of feeling rejected and separate as she craves connection to the whole. People with this placement are very close to Spirit and have strong intuitive, psychic, empathic, clairvoyant, healing, visionary and artistic gifts, with a deep sensitivity, imagination, but do need to ground as they can get lost in fantasy and flight easily. People with Lilith in Pisces often pacify pain by sitting in between heaven and earth, not really belonging on this world, but also not really up there. Kind of in limbo. There is a dark occult energy surrounding Lilith in Pisces, they seem to attract this even if they are not interested in it themselves. There is an intense desire not to be present and get lost in our illusions and this can result in fleeing in addictions and other forms of escapism. Stay grounded! Delve into the root course of our prime fears, a fear of separation.
Black Moon in Virgo
Where Pisces tends to get lost in imagination, the opposite sign of Virgo is very real and all about tangible efforts. Virgo, carries the shadow of ability, the primal fear is of failure. This is where we feel deeply flawed and have extreme self-criticism and often project this to others. The goal is not to focus on flaws and not feel responsible for everything. People with this transit often feel not good enough and and have a deep need to prove themselves, by working very hard. You can heal this by forgiving yourself for mistakes as they are an illusion. Feeling disconnected from Source is not your fault, we all experience this. Examine where you feel you have ‘failed’ and where you have the tendency to project.
Art heals
The best way to work with Lilith in Pisces is through artistic expression. Bring out your inner world and show others, so they can connect with you. This is a time for self-healing and focusing your energy on you.
The challenge for BML in Pisces is learning to create clarity in chaos, to learn to tell the difference between pure intuition and fantasy. And when I look around me this is exactly what is playing out in the world today. So yes this energy is affecting us all. Work with Lilith and let her heal us. Use her power as Lilith in Pisces excels in balancing the mind and intuition.
Strength to you.