Summer Solstice is the longest day and shortest night of the year and is occurring June 21 in the Northern Hemisphere.
The Goddess of Summer is calling us to come out and play in the light and enjoy the bounty of summertime. It is halfway in the year and worth taking the time for a review of your position and intentions for the year.

For this Summer Solstice Tarot Spread, take several deep breaths to ground and center and if you wish to do so draw a circle. Once you’re ready shuffle your deck with intention and attention and pull 7 cards for each of the questions below. I like to read each question out loud as I pull the corresponding card. Study the card and see what information you can intuit from the image. Let your intuition guide you!
I used this tarot spread from

For this reading I used the Crystal Power Tarot by Jayne Wallace.
- Five of Swords – I will heal myself. And this is such an on point card as at the moment I am going through another layer of healing. I am more withdrawn, doing lots of meditation, nature walks, journaling and other self healing techniques. I am facing my shadows and letting my emotions be. No longer pushing them away and trying to avoid uncomfortable feelings and confrontations. No longer denying my pain. So yes this is me at the moment. Not very Summery and outgoing, my energy is still in Winter retreat.
- The Hermit – I follow my own quest for personal truth. And yes perhaps the balance is gone. There is nothing wrong with seeking self knowledge, but I have gone almost fully into Hermit-mode. And in order to grow I need to participate in life and face my demons there. Staying alone, ‘safe’ is not helping anymore at this point. I can only fully heal myself if I show myself to the world and participate. Putting myself out there will heal myself. No longer hiding. So yes I can open the curtains and let the light in!
- Four of Wands – The Universe brings all I need to feel blissful. I shine brightest when I feel at home, when I accept myself fully and when I am with friends. I shine brightest when I celebrate life and trust there will be lots to celebrate in days to come.
- Knight of Swords – I choose my battles carefully. For me the Knight of Swords is a quick thinking, swift acting knight. Very determined and fighting for a cause. Out to defend and proud of his beliefs into the fullest extend. So this card in this place shows that my shadow is pushing my truth too hard and defending it too much. Too much outside focus, too much doing, instead of integrating and seeking truth inward. Holding onto ‘truths’ I perhaps should let go off. Change. Also if I live my truth that will be enough, I do not need to push my way of seeing things onto others. And if I do defend my ‘believes’ I need to feel when it is right to do so or when I am just waisting time and making things worse and pushing people away even more. Invite others to find their own truth. There are many fragments of the same diamond. Together we hold all the pieces to the puzzle.
- The Fool – I am guided and protected on my life journey. I will feel secure within myself. Secure enough to leap into the unknown and make changes in my life. I will take chances and have new beginnings.
- Eight of Swords – I release myself from self inflicted binds. To let go. Let go of all those old voices from the past. All the self corrections, all the habits that are not serving me and come out of isolation. Time to come out and enjoy the sunshine.
- Eight of Cups – I accept my situation without resistance. This is a bit of a sad card. A melancholic card. What will radiate from me the coming Summer and Fall? I guess it is not time to do my dance of joy just yet, I need to make changes first. This is an energy of disappointment and moving on, walking away from an unfulfilled life There is an energy of regret and sadness. Leaving the past behind and heading for new horizons. Time to acknowledge that this situation wasn’t serving my Highest Good and it is time to walk away.
Wow this was a very clear reading and it feels very true. It is exactly where I am at at the moment and the message is clear. Something needs to change. And that brings up old fear… fear I am actually working with right now. So the cards are spot on and confirm what I was feeling. The Tarot is so powerful and I just never cease to be amazed. I love the Tarot. I hope this was inspiring for you and that your cards show you the insights you need.
If you would like me to do a Tarot Reading for you please see this page for more information.
Have a beautiful and playful Summer Solstice!