I just had a deck interview with The Beautiful Rebellion Tarot. It is like going on a first date with a new deck. You have to get to know each other before you make an intimate connection.

I am so excited to work with this gorgeous deck as I am a big fan of master artists from the late 1800’s and early 1900’s such as Dante Gabriel Rossetti, Edmund Blair Leighton, John Collier and John William Waterhouse.

There are so many tarot decks out there and each one has its own unique voice and energy. This is a practice that a lot of tarot readers with multiple decks like to do so that they’re better equipped to know which deck to pull for which situations and to ensure that it’s going to give the best answers for the type of questions that they have.

And hereby I share the deck interview I reference in the video:

Deck interview
Q1. Please introduce yourself – Page of Pentacle
Merry meet, I would describe myself as practical, responsible, patient, studious, eager to learn, trustworthy and attractive.
Q2. What are your strengths as a deck? – Three of Cups
I am joyful to work with. I am positive and healing. I am like a sister and we help each other.
Q3. What are your limitations as a deck? – Wheel of Fortune
I show the cycles of life truthfully and cannot be controlled. I can go up or down.
Q4. What can I learn from you? – Four of Pentacles
To let go a little and value things for more than their material worth only. Without a risk there is no reward. Share your gifts and let go of the tendency to hold on out of a false sense of security.
Q5. What is the best way to work with you/connect with you? – Strength
Self control, confidence and inner strength. Roar!
Q6. What is the potential outcome of our relationship? – Six of Pentacles
Kindness, generosity, giving and receiving. Let the energy flow, stop holding on so tight. Control is an illusion 😉
Have a wonderful week sweeties!