Last week I was away for a workshop week in Niedersfeld Germany (near Winterberg in Sauerland). This was a Self Knowledge retreat hosted by Pateo (Johan Oldenkamp).
The location was at Savita, It is a meeting place and a place of inspiration for “seekers”. People with the desire to give their lives more depth, the desire to break through restrictive thoughts and patterns, to experience more love, to get a better grasp of their own lives, to get more contact with their own deeper core.
Even though it is May, the weather was very chilly (still freezing temperatures at night) and wet. But my does this make for beautiful nature! We had time off every afternoon, so I took some wonderful walks into the woods and mountains. It was amazing and so needed to get out of the head and into the body. The air is so clean there and no (or hardly any) Wifi. My head felt so still, now back home the headaches are back. Makes me wonder. At home it always feels like I am sticking my finger in the electrical socket, all is buzzing, ears ringing and stabbing pains in my head and neck. So being away was so healing and right on time as I was feeling really poorly when I left.

We were with a small group, six, seven counting the workshop leader/facilitator/teacher Johan (4 women en 3 men). This was nice as there was plenty of time for everyone and we were all eager to learn. I met beautiful and dear people there and am ever so grateful. Also I don’t like big groups as I tend to get lost in others, so it was really nice to truly connect to a few people on a deeper level.
So what was on the program?
Seven complementary self-knowledge methods
You can only truly understand the world when you really know yourself. That is why, for example, the Ancient Greeks also emphasized increasing self-knowledge. Self-knowledge is therefore the heart of Wholly Science, which is the healing reunification of true Science and pure Spirituality. In Ancient Greece and also Ancient Egypt (called Khemit), Science and Spirituality were two sides of the same coin, but in the eighteenth century, both sides were pulled apart in Europe. As a result of this unnatural separation, the universities have since then been providing false science, and religions are proclaiming impure spirituality. However, the instructor has made his life’s work to reunite both sides into one medal. He called this healing reunification “Wholly Science”, or the Whole Science of the Whole. Heelig (or Heilig) and Heel actually mean the same thing, and that also applies to the “healing” and “healing” (or “sanctifying”) effect of Wholly Science.
During the Self-knowledge week, each participant got to know themselves better through the following seven complementary self-knowledge methods:
There are four basic moods in Humeurology. Most people usually only use two of them. Learning to recognize one’s own moods provides a striking amount of self-knowledge. The scientific discipline of Humeurology has been around for more than 2500 years, but strangely enough it seems to have been completely forgotten today.
The life number (or life path number) of each participant was calculated on the basis of the date of birth, as well as the numbers of each phase of life. The meanings of these numbers help to see the big picture in everyone’s life. Numerology can also be applied to the full birth name in order to find the Soul number, the personality number and the Life lot number.
Solar Year Astrology (also known as the “Western” Astrology)
The birth chart of each participant was discussed. In addition to the meaning of everyone’s zodiac sign, the Ascendant and the Northern Lunar Node were also explained, as well as those of the planets in their relative positions. This part actually comes down to a crash course Horoscope Reading.
Lunar Year Astrology (also known as the “Chinese” Astrology)
On the basis of the date of birth, the meaning of the corresponding animal from the so-called “Chinese” Zodiac was explained for each participant, which is referred to as the Lunar Zodiac within Wholly Science. In addition, the birth time and the month of birth also correspond to their own moon ‘animal’, which has an additional meaning.
Stellar Year Astrology (also called the Nine-Star-Ki-Astrology or the “Japanese” Astrology)
The meaning of the corresponding three digits of this method was explained for each participant on the basis of the date of birth. The first number (the year number) shows, among other things, the key to a more harmonious life. The second number (the monthly number) shows the energetic nature of everyone’s communication style. And the third number (the home number) shows everyone’s most important positive and negative traits.
Galactic Day Astrology (also known as the “Mayan” Astrology or the Tzolkin Astrology)
The meaning of the Tzolkin seal and that of the Tzolkin tone was explained for each participant based on the date of birth. This is about the authentic Tzolkin calendar of the Maya, and not about the Dreamspell. All other Dutch (alleged) Mayan calendar experts use this Dreamspell version, which is therefore not at all from the Mayans. Johan is one of the few researchers in the world who works with the authentic Tzolkin calendar (see also his book about this).
Based on the numerological value of everyone’s first name in combination with everyone’s self-image, the meaning of the corresponding personality type according to the Enneagram was explained for each participant.
If you are interested and would to read more about this please check the books here:
Even though I have read many books, articles and watched videos about these methods, even some workshops, I have never read or heard it explained so clearly as Johan did this week. Everything just clicked and made such sense.
Also all the outcomes were so true and clear for all participants it was almost scary. I guess we do live by a blueprint and to know this gives us a key to escape this. Some people warn against these methods as they say they keep us trapped in this matrix, because we live from our programming. But as mentioned above, I think if we know how we operate, we can rise above it. And for now I am playing this game, so I’d better know which role I am playing, and what my pitfalls are.
In other posts I will share more about my insights, what I am pondering and trying to piece together as writing helps me make sense of things and see patterns. It helps me organize my thoughts. So to be continued.