What is Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs?
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs is one of the most well-known theories in psychology regarding human behavior and what motivates our actions. The concept was first coined in a 1943 paper called “A Theory on Human Motivation”.
Named after its creator, Abraham Maslow, this theory focuses on the idea that human beings have certain needs in their lives and that these needs can be organized into a hierarchy based upon how primitive or advanced these needs are, with higher needs becoming relevant only once lower and more basic needs are met.
I found this spread on Labyrinthos.co
As at the moment I feel a bit lost on what I want and need I decided to do this spread today to give me insight on what my true needs and desires are.
For this spread I used the Golden Botticelli Tarot.

What I notice first is that all cards are of the Cups suit and Major Arcana. This tells me my needs have a lot to do with emotions, with the element of Water.
- Physiological – The Lovers – this card tells me that my basic needs have to do with balance and deep love. And yes as a Libra this really resonates with me. I am always seeking balance and for health this is very important, no excess, not too much, not too little, but balance. Not be too strict, not be too indulgent. Also with ‘stress’, not too much (burn out) or too little (bore out), but the right stimulation. And deep love, yes isn’t that a basic need of us all and yes I feel that is an important factor that is missing in this base of my needs-pyramid. And this deep love starts with myself, me loving me…deeply and unconditionally.
- Safety – Knight of Cups – another basic need, besides health, is safety. The Knight of Cups is a very positive card. Around shelter and stability this card tells me to rely on my creativity and that I have nothing to worry about.
- Love & Belong – 3 of Cups – now these are issues I am finding myself focused on these days. This cards is perfect for this position as it shows celebrating with friends, friendship and cheerfulness. And yes my friends are my family and this card tells me that I should celebrate life with them. I can create belonging by focusing on joyful times spend together. I can bring this joy to the party.
- Esteem – The Devil – now this card kept popping out of the deck, so yes I get ‘the picture’ haha no use in putting it back in the deck. This card clearly wants to speak. As an answer to why I deserve recognition and respect and why I should be appreciated has to do with originality, magnetism and bewitchment. Hmmm this card to me also means temptation, and being bound to something. So what is my best quality and skill? Addiction? Or does it have to do with overcoming the challenges The Devil brings? Such as claiming my independence, overcoming addiction (have had an eating disorder for years), freedom and revelation. I feel this is correct. And as with the first card which speaks of balance, also here I always seek balance, not to fall for attachments and balancing the light with shadow. One is not better than the other. Showing no fear in dark times and not be tempted by The Devil so to speak.
- Self-actualization – 7 of Cups – and yes this card speaks of too many choices and how true! I am multi-passionate and 24 hours just isn’t enough in a day as I have so many things I want to explore. My greatest challenge is focus and sticking to one thing and really delving deep. So commitment. I need to commit to really self- actualize. And I know this and I have said this many times before. And here another confirmation and reminder. This card also tells me to pay closer attention to my premonitory dreams, as I have many and they will lead me to greater expression of my deepest needs and true purpose.
Yay! Thank you so much dear Tarot for once again giving me clear insights and direction.
I hope I inspired you to also do this reading for yourself (or have me do this for you).
Happy day to you! Wishing you inspiration and joy.

P.S. Would you like a short or elaborate tarot reading from me? Please read more here about my tarot service: https://www.joyincreation.com/oracle-card-readings/