
I hope you had a wonderful Imbolc! I saw the first flowers popping their heads up from the ground today and my heart just leaped with joy!

The other day I read the following line somewhere (I am so sorry I can’t remember where, so I can’t give credit):

When did blogs become all about information? Remember when they were more personal and beautiful and filled with a person’s insights?

And this sentence stuck with me throughout the week. I started blogging a long time ago on Livejournal and it was all about sharing personal insights and sharing, well life…it was effortless, like writing a dairy. I wasn’t thinking about making a point, teaching something, having my perfect client or reader in mind. It was just me writing a sort of online dairy to make sense of life. People responded and it was wonderful. It was supportive, interactive and again effortless. And I want that back.

So this blog will change. I hope it will become more personal. I hope to share my insights and just what I am up to in life.

So what have I been up to?

At the moment I am in the middle of magic studies (so lots of meditation, reading and practicing visualization). Now I am always studying something and magic and witchcraft are modalities I have been practicing and studying for a long time by myself, but now I am taking a workshop to hear someone who has been doing this for a long time share his insights and also to meet new people who are interested in the same stuff as I am. Last year I did a witchcraft study year with a teacher and it was really nice to be guided for a while. I am a solitary witch as joining a coven is not my path. I do go to festivals and gatherings (at sabbaths and such) but I am not part of a coven. And now with magic I was drawn to learning from a teacher as there are so many kinds of magic….haha reminds me of a Queen song 😉

Also I am working on making my own tarot deck. I have about 12 images in progress. I made this one today and it still needs work (the hands for instance) and it needs to be painted. It is The Lovers card and decided to make this one this week because of Valentines Day. I used an image from the film Only Lovers Left Alive as inspiration (the next card will be The Magician based on Morpheus from The Matrix – and yes I am going about the process a bit random at the moment, but isn’t that how the journey goes?) The card to my liking is a bit too earthy with the roots and all, they just appeared on the paper, I tend not to think when I am drawing. The Lovers card however is a card for the element of Air as it corresponds with the sign of Gemini. Perhaps I will add some birds or clouds….or I will just leave it as is. That is why I haven’t painted it yet, I have not decided. What do you think?


Yesterday I took a day off to a Spa with my best friend and it was so needed. I have been having migraines again lately, and although I haven’t felt stressed, I have been quite busy. It was so lovely to be naked and warm. Just having to sit there and breathe.


And speaking of busy, today for the first time I feel like coming out of hibernation. There are strong winds blowing today and I feel like they blew straight through me and blew away all the cobwebs and stagnation. Yesterday in the Spa there was a sauna with a fireplace inside and I spent a real long time staring in the flames and letting the fire ignite me and fuel my passion for life. Something shifted with these elements at work, the air and the fire. I just feel so different, even from last week.


Tomorrow I will be facilitating a SoulCollage® session for my cousin. I so look forward to introducing her to this wonderful and powerful practice. For larger workshops in Amsterdam I will planning new dates soon. The location where I usually organize these workshops has been opened again and I will call with the owner this week and see if we can make the plans concrete. Keep an eye on this website (or subscribe to the newsletter here: http://eepurl.com/WtUJb) if you are interested. These classes are in Dutch, ‘though if you are interested in an English workshop, please let me know. If you know four or more people who want to join you, I would be happy to facilitate a workshop for you.

Imbolc cleaning

With this new energy, I feel like cleaning and clearing. I am parting with books, clothes and other things. I will be posting things on this website that you may like.  Please let me know if you are interested. 


Happy days and see you soon! Love, xxx Charissa