We are at the end of the year and perhaps you have done a lot of reflecting lately.
I have been pondering questions such as
Are the things I am pursuing truly what I want?
Does life have to be such hard work?
Who am I really?
How do I want to live?
What is the purpose of life?
What makes me truly happy?
And how can I make my life more magickal and aligned?
The power of intention
The power of intention is magical. Ask yourself what 2018 bring brought you, in experiences, insights and concrete results? This helps you develop gratitude for the richness in your life. In order to allow new things to come into our life, we need to make room by completing the old. Which lessons have you learned? What are you done with and ready to say goodbye to? What are your deepest desires and also ask yourself why. This is important, because these deep desires are an indication of our soul mission. Therefor take your feelings seriously and do not limit yourself by saying “yes, but…”. Know what you truly desire and start 2019 open to receiving this. Hello 2019!!
As we develop every year another theme presents itself to work on and all are connected to that greater soul mission. So last year my word was Worthiness and every year I pick a new word to focus my intention and attention on.
So just before Christmas I visited a naturopath who is helping me with my digestive issues. For me these indicate that I am not digesting life properly.
I am a very airy person and lack fire. And I have been guided towards the element of fire a lot lately. So I am trying to balance this with Kundalini Yoga, Pranayama, warming foods, fire rituals and awakening my passion(s) and enthusiasm for life. These are conclusions I drew myself. The practitioner helps me with bio-resonance and healing. During the healing she received these words for me to work on and help to restore my energy (and digestive issues) – and ‘coincidentally’ these are the words/themes I had been thinking of for 2019:
Individual freedom, inner power, quality of life and fulfillment of my own needs.
The process
So as I do every year I started journaling about what I want to embody in 2019, such as values, characteristics and personality traits. I wrote down things such as inner strength, deepening of life, compassion, connection, creativity, authenticity, being present, live fully and live magically. After this you write down what it is you fear, what are the obstacles, what shadow don’t you want to deal with. For me it is not being able to take care of myself (financially), abandonment, rejection, loneliness, not being seen, heard and understood, not being loved, not being useful, being overruled. So what do you avoid looking at and keep pushing away? Write that down and then journal about what you want in 2019 and what you don’t want in 2019 and see what is tugging at you. Look for the extremes, those things that pull you in opposite directions. And there can also be extremes/polar opposites in things you do want such as for me I am all about social warmth (my Venus is in the 11th house), but I also have a great need for alone time and individual freedom, so I need to find a balance between social warmth and inner warmth, I need to keep my own cup filled. I sometimes get lost in crowds and other people’s emotions. Also I tend to put other people’s needs before mine (because of a deeper need to be loved and a fear of rejection). I am more aware of this now, but it is a natural inclination of mine to be of service and to check how the other feels first. And I don’t mind it at all, I love that about myself, but I do need more balance, because I tend to lose who I am and what it is that I want.
So in my journal I wrote phrases and words such as resting and laughing to balance the doing and working, find my own rhythm and dance my life in my unique way, enJOYIng life (become a bon vivant/epicurean), unapologetically be my authentic and unique self and awaken and follow my passion.
So to condense it down to one word (or words/phrase) the theme for the coming year is to Dance to the beat of my own Drum
Tarot inspiration & guidance
And I searched for three tarot cards to represent this energy I want to achieve in 2019 and I picked:
Strength – one of my intention words a few years ago was “softening”, and now the word is “strength”, this doesn’t seem to match, but these two don’t cancel each other out and go hand in hand. I am quite strong and have a lot of grit, drive and perseverance, but it is more like a bulldozer energy and ploughing through teeth clenched. The strength I mean here is inner strength, a natural authority and power. Not pushing but allowing and guiding. Courage and compassion to take my individual freedom and fulfill my needs.
And here I need my Soul Card, The High Priestess so I can follow my own deeper guidance and intuition. The High Priestess signifies spiritual enlightenment, inner illumination, divine knowledge and wisdom.
And because am I Libra, the sign of scales, of balance I find that mere niceness (people pleasing) is unbalancing, so sometimes I need to use the sword in Justice‘s other hand as navigating my own is far more difficult than that.
And The Magician will help me put my inspiration into action and help manifest what I feel guided to create. The Magician brings the tools, resources and energy to make our dreams come true.
(and also relevant are Queen of Wands and Ace of Wands – wands = fire -> the Queen is self-assured and confident and the Ace is the start, the spark of inspiration, of creation).
And I invite you to do the same and then journal about what connects these three cards. For me it is creation from a place of inner wisdom and strength. All these cards are about a deeper knowing and power from within.
A 3 year
And good to know (and for me very much aligned with my intentions) the coming year is a 3 year and this is connected to Jupiter, ruler of Sagittarius and key words are expansions, optimism, enthusiasm, authenticity, spirituality, future oriented, persuasive and enjoying life. It is a year of exploration, travel and deepening knowledge (perfect as I signed up for a thorough magic course).
Make room
You can make the most of the next few days by making room for yourself, so that there is enough space for the new. Space in your head, in your home, in your work in your way of thinking and looking at what is going on in your life and in the world. Take a time out, relax and have fun as this helps you to feel what it is all about in your life. This way it becomes clear what your heart really yearns for. No distractions. If you truly connect to your heart all will become so much more clear. It is time to start moving, to take the lead and do what really fits you in a way that is true to you. This is the way where you are of most service to the greater whole.
Be honest with yourself about what you can and can’t do and when to ask for help, and who you balance your time with.
Live an inspired life! Inspired by the heart not the head.
Release all that does not serve you anymore and step into pure awareness, beingness, and expression.
Instead of pushing, pausing.
Instead of just giving, receiving.
Instead of controlling, surrendering.
Things do not have to be as hard as we make them out to be, life can be a lot better a shift a lot more quickly if we just sit with what we’re running from, whatever our biggest fear is.
“My role in society, or any artist’s or poet’s role, is to try and express what we all feel. Not to tell people how to feel. Not as a preacher, not as a leader, but as a reflection of us all.” – John Lennon
So I am writing to you today to ask you to take a moment to pause. To put your hand on your heart and ask yourself how you’re feeling.
Whatever feeling it is, feel it.
Ask it what it needs.
It can change your life.
For you to be seen. And loved. And heard.
For you to be held.
In joy. In sorrow. In ideas. In love.
Happy New Year
Happy New YOU!
“Produce your own dream. If you want to save Peru, go save Peru. It’s quite possible to do anything, but not if you put it on the leaders and the parking meters. Don’t expect Carter or Reagan or John Lennon or Yoko Ono or Bob Dylan or Jesus Christ to come and do it for you. You have to do it yourself.” – John Lennon