Just dropping in to say hello and write a bit more about what is coming up in this time of Venus Retrograde. I also wrote more about this in this blog: https://www.joyincreation.com/2018/10/05/venus-rx-do-you-love-yourself/
Venus will start its retrograde period in intense, real and moody Scorpio (Oct. 6-31), before moving into rational Libra (Nov. 1-17). Now is time for self-love, for me-time, nourish yourself and reconnect. But be aware that you don’t become a hermit. Offer support to others, connect, take care of each other. Don’t shut yourself off from the world. Find the perfect balance for you. At the moment I feel quite triggered around themes of not feeling good enough, feeling unloveable and lonely. I probably am extra sensitive to Venus energy because my Sun is in Libra and my Ascendant (Rising Sign) is also Libra. And my Moon is in Taurus. Now both Libra and Taurus are ruled by Venus.
Airy fairy
Libra is a cardinal sign, leading the element of air. These cardinal signs are instigators, ready to forge ahead with plans, and attract those that can support their efforts. Cardinal signs are leaders, and tend to be outgoing because they’re engaged with the world in a dynamic way. They’re restless to start new projects, and happiest when running the show. So Libra initiates through new ideas, and by being a balancing force among people. Cardinal air is forceful with ideas, sometimes using them as a weapon, with the sword being its symbol (see Tarot). So yes I always have so many ideas, so much inspiration and it is so not like me to not be creating. So of course we are always creating, but I mean consciously and deliberate creating. I have some issues resurfacing about creating space to be myself, to do what I want to do, but nothing feels good enough and I feel a bit overwhelmed. Also I am healing (old) issues in my health, and I need to rebuild my strength and energy, before I want to venture out into the world. In other words I am hiding because I feel inadequate. This sure is frustrating and lonely sometimes. It is a seeking of balance, a balance between my energy and the world around me. You see Libras are also pleasers and will bent every direction to help other people, but they also love people and are very social. Libras tend to have unclear boundaries and well quickly lose track of what it is that they themselves want. So what is it that I do want?
Venus medicine
With Venus the lesson, the medicine if you will, is about self-worth and where we can expand this energy. There is transformation in the knowing that you mirror the other. So now we will see where we are feeling ‘less than’ and ‘not deserving’. This Venus Retrograde (which is a quite rare transit as is) is super special as a Venus cycle (the time between it traveling retrograde in the same sign) lasts for eight years. So yes we have eight years to learn about what we value and how we relate to others (yay more lessons! 😉 ). We now have a deep longing for harmony and beauty. A balanced Venus is beautiful as she is kind, she finds compromise, she is social and she connects. But with Venus there is a need for space to be yourself, so when she is challenged and feels ‘trapped’, she will turn us into critics, towards others and ourselves, and make us unsatisfied and unthankful when we should be embracing life with all of the gifts it has for us. Venus Rx is the rare time when our collective Venus coping mechanisms break down and yes we do see that all around us in the collective and within ourSelves right now. If it hurts it has to heal.
So yes some questions, especially around love and relationships are coming up. I see this in people around me and I find myself pondering my own relationships more than usual these days. You see I have been single for quite some time now and was fine with it, but something is shifting. I have been single for about seven years already, time sure flies. Now in the past I was never alone for a long time, but seven years ago I decided it was me-time, time for self exploration and I guess it still is. As a Libra I find it hard to balance myself when I am with others as I tend to focus on the other. So now I have gotten so used to being single that I find it hard to find a new partner. Now I wasn’t open to finding one for a long time as so much happened in the last years that my focus was not on love or love relationships for a very long time. Life changing events such as the death of both my parents and my stepfather, a life threatening disease and a whole lot of childhood/adolescent healing coming to surface. So this kept me occupied for a long time and not open to meet anyone. At the moment I hear myself saying I am open to meet someone, but am I really? As when I meet someone I like, I feel such deep fear and old pain in myself of not being good, pretty, nice, sexy, etc. enough. Too old, too thin, too woowoo, etc. All the excuses present itself to talk me out of approaching someone. And I know that I need to heal this before I can meet my partner, my equal. So thankfully I am not in a hurry but I am done with these shadow parts of myself that I know are just not true or not important and me writing about this here helps me put to shadow parts in the light. I have my own unique qualities and I know there is someone out there that finds me perfect as I am. But first I have to really feel I am PERFECT as is, otherwise I will never truly feel it and not be able to give this feeling back in return, as it flows back and forth, such is love.
You know what I am a perfect work in progress as we all are as we are always evolving. So what am I waiting for? Yes it is fear keeping me from opening my heart to meet a man to love me and I him.
Now under the Scorpio moon it is a perfect time for inner reflection, to meditate, brainstorm and explore ideas you haven’t had a chance to look at. At this time it is healing and helpful to work with questions such as these and start journaling – don’t just read them and answer them with your mind, but really sit with these questions and ask your heart:
1) What does love mean to me? What does it look like in my daily life? How does it manifest/present itself?
2) Do I value myself? And where does this show in my daily life (to myself and others)?
3) Do I value my relationships (all sorts of relationships)? And how does this show? How do you show others you value them?
Love longing
I love Astrology, now I don’t know super much about it but I do love the tools it gives me to understand my emotions and feelings. Now I don’t blindly believe it, I try not to believe anything as belief is the enemy of knowing (end of quote 😉 ). But here goes for some more deep diving in what kind of love I am seeking (cause what do I want, the same old question – what do I long for in love?); my Venus is in Aquarius or the 11th House so this makes my approach to relationships rebellious (and that is not a very Libra thing to be!) and unconventional. This is probably why I am single and have no white picket fence or children. I love a partner who is ‘different’ (and these aren’t always the ‘easiest’ men) and a beautiful mind for me is a turn on as I love someone who inspires me and thinks out of the box. I don’t like the idea of marriage or someone ‘owning’ me, I am very much a free spirit (which is a challenge for most men). My mate must be a strong individual with a lush life outside of the relationship. Jealousy is a pretty foreign concept for Venus in Aquarius. Alas, this levelheaded approach might dull the sparks with a more passionate person (I am seldom jealous of anyone and this is often perceived as emotionless or cold or uncaring, but I do care I just don’t believe I deserve more above others). Because I run cooler I must be careful not to minimize my partner’s feelings. These are lessons that have come up for me and also surface in friendships. I tend to move on more quickly than others. I don’t hold grudges and am just not a super passionate (hot) person. I am seldom angry or aggravated. Yes a cold fish that is me 😉 But ofcourse I do have emotions and I do get passionate but I am not easily ignited, I tend to have my feelings in check and am quite rational. Though I do seem to attract men that are temperamentful and hotheaded so this doesn’t always gel well. On the other hand opposites attract, but there should be understanding and respect when it comes to these differences otherwise it clashes and people get hurt.
♥ Chakra
Especially the heart chakra needs extra attention right now. As the center of your energy system, the heart chakra really acts as a mediator between your lower and higher chakras. The lower or earth based chakras are often about grounding, security, needs and wants, whereas your higher chakras are more about receiving, self love and the connection to spirit. Perhaps since Venus has been retrograde you may have been feeling a pull between these two areas of your life and you may have felt off balance with your needs and desires and in actually receiving them. Aside from being the keeper of energy, the heart chakra is also where we connect to our source or our soul. From this place we receive our life force, our passions and our sense of balance and peace. A lot of the time we can loose this connection, especially as we enter into some of the heavy lessons that Venus may be trying to stir within us as she moves retrograde.
When your heart chakra is out of balance it usually manifests as:
- Being emotionally closed off or feeling the need to push others away
- Inability to receive abundance or support or help from others
- Being overly critical of yourself and others
- Blaming others or feeling a sense of superiority
- Pushing away others out of fear of rejection or being hurt
- Being out of touch with your emotions
- Losing trust in the state of humanity and the world
- Feeling withdrawn or isolated from others
- Feeling out of touch with your passion
- Feeling overwhelmed with fears and anxiety
- Holding on out of fear of loss or of being alone
If you can check many of these on the list, find ways to heal and strengthen your heart. Do not dismiss this as this will surely cause even more imbalance. This is a wake up call, this Venus RX, use it wisely. These issues will not heal themselves or go away.
Samhain tarot offer
I have been slowing down and letting go of structure and letting inspiration come my way. I’ve been committing to what works, and releasing what doesn’t. I find myself in a place of ease and grace. Letting go and letting God (or what you want to call this energy).
I’ve also been diving deeply into personal readings with clients, and as besides astrology another FAB tool for self understanding is Tarot! The veils are very thin now and my senses are heightened, this is my favorite time of year to spent inside at my altar doing readings. So hereby I offer a Samhain reading, valid from now until 3 days after All Hollows Eve for a special discounted price of 33 euro (about 28 USD). Please contact me if you are interested Charissa@joyincreation.com
So all of this information above I share of of this with you to inspire you to do the same. Be open about what is living inside of you and invite you to dig deeper, to fully understand yourself and your drives and to be compassionate and understanding to behaviors of yourself and others you may not like very much. Also to show you that you are not alone dealing with stuff. Understanding makes it so much easier to love, yourself and others. Loving should not be easy or hard, it should be natural and always flowing without bounds and rules. Love IS!