I wish you a happy and healthy October! This is a time of magic and mystery, a time when the veils between the seen and unseen is fading and it is much easier to move between worlds. This is a time of darkness and endings, a time of release and retreat. A time to be guided and let go and transition to….well the unknown, something new. Don’t resist, trust your heart and know that change is inevitable.
So wat is happening in the stars? Well this is a Venus month, Libra being ruled by this planet and also Venus moving retrograde from October 5 until November 15th in deep dark Scorpio.
Love me do
Venus being the planet of love, beauty, relationships, attraction and money, now let’s you feel it is now time to re-evaluate these aspects in your life. This energy is about self worth and value and you will see how you feel about yourself reflected in your relationships. So what do you see and where can you improve your self respect? You will notice old unresolved issues in relationships will come up for healing. Now learn from old patterns and behaviors, don’t shy away from these perhaps uncomfortable revelations and face what you see mirrored, give it a hug, and help it heal. Retrogrades are a great opportunity to gain deeper insights, don’t ignore them.
Also now is the time to determine how much you think you’re worth. Now’s the time to get serious about reviewing the price you attach to your talents and skills.
This is a good time to revisit your passion, redefine what is important for you, reconnect to what you care about, resolve issues with a partner, review your finances and re-assess what beauty means to you.
With Venus in Scorpio we could be more jealous, thinking more about commitment and our power in relationships and our sexuality too. Scorpio shines a light on our suppressed parts and asks us to deepen our relationships with others and self. So yes this means more inner work. This year is a biggie on dusting out all the cobwebs from our most hidden inner places. It is not easy, but it is so needed and worth it.
Reflection not action
Just a word of warning, retrogrades are not a good time for big changes, so please don’t make any big changes. If you suddenly want to redecorate your house or change your look, perhaps wait until Venus moves forward again, to avoid any ‘what was I thinking!’-moments. Also in regards to relationships, don’t make any rushed decisions just yet, this is a time of reflection not action.
New Moon on Monday
We also have a New Moon coming up in Libra and this New Moon is influencing relationships and co-operative projects. This is a time to get to the root of relational matters. More and more people are done with competition and strive, the loving with a hook, wanting something in return, we now want to come together in peace and equality and live in a more loving world. A Libra New Moon can give you beautiful insights about the needed breakthroughs in relationships, all kinds, so I advice you to pay attention and don’t push away uncomfortable feelings.
Personal health update
So what is moving on my side of the screen? Well I have a great urge for cleaning house, relationships, life, body and I am determined to heal myself and am taking extra good care of myself. I feel I am worth every effort and penny (because all these supplements sure are expensive!). I am now eating according to Ayurveda (I have dominant Vata/Deer energy – Air – so is my Sun sign (Libra) – and yes I tend to fly away easily – so bringing in lots of earth and fire to ground and energize me) and trying to strengthen my liver and rebuild reserve and active energy so I can also actually move forward in life. So far I feel a bit worse now, but it may be a flu that is going around or some die off effects as I have started taking herbs and oils to get rid of parasites, SIBO and Candida. I am hopeful that this is part of the healing.
After doing some more research and communicating with my body I have decided to do a gut biofilm detox and start from scratch. To get rid of the old and start building new and friendly gut critters who can fight of unwanted toxins. We build up so much shit (literally) in our bodies and even though I eat organic, don’t use toxic products in my house or on and in my body, etc. Still we live in a toxic environment and chem trails and such are real. Also I have a history of typhus (from travel) and antibiotics, so all the good stuff I put in now doesn’t even get absorbed. It is time to clean the slate and start new. 70% of our immune system resides in our gut and when our immune system is weak, pathogens find a way to set up residence in our body and GI tract. In order to evade the immune system and survive in a hostile, toxic environment, these bugs produce a slimy substance called biofilm that can be fought with natural gastrointestinal remedies (I am doing a detox with agents that help move the biofilm out). And then start rebuilding the GI tract by including quality enzymes , probiotics, prebiotics, and nutrients.
So first I will do this cleanse, I want to do it soon but need to find a good week to do it as it will probably leave me feel ill and tired (no food just water and shakes with herbs in them for a week) and I need to stay close to a toilet. Anyway too much information perhaps, but I will keep you up to date how it goes as I know I am not the only one dealing with gut-, parasite-, bacterial issues.
So for now I wish you to stay strong, keep up the great inner (shadow) work and know that we each have the opportunity to bless the world with our energy. Simply emanating the energy of peace is one of the best gifts you can give to the world.
Feel the love in your heart and hold yourself in peace. Embody the peace that is within you and choose to return to yourself, to love and compassion.