Last week, this time I was asleep, I slept for 24 hours. I just went out like a bulb with for no apparent reason, I just felt sick all of the sudden, went to sleep, and woke up the next day, just missed an entire day. And the whole week I have had this hangover, I am yawning, dragging my feet and sleeping 10 hours a night. I feel frustrated, out of synch and a strong urge to escape my own restlessness and just be. I am sick of my planner, the have to’s, must do’s, responsibilities and other drags. I just want live a little, no a lot! Not just go through the motions, or that is what it feels like. I also feel a frustration of keep going round in circles, like life is one big groundhog day. I have so much inspirations, so many ideas, so much drive to move forward, but somehow I can’t seem to get anything of the ground at the moment. So I decided to let it just be for now and let go of the guilt and frustration of not knowing.
Passion & creative expression
I have this deep need for passion in my life. Our time in the sign of Leo has connected me with my urge to self-express and rekindled the fire within me. Also we just had six planets going retrograde and this was an excellent time of reconsidering what we are doing, why and how. A time of getting in shape and prepare and now that the retrogrades are over, it is time to move a lot of stuff forward, hence the restlessness. This time in Leo has been great for figuring out new types of creative expression. Doesn’t matter what you are doing, as long as you love doing it (and ofcourse do not cause harm).
Skills & needs
We have also learned to take a new look at how we use our skills, maybe past skills that we neglected and alternative applications for old skills. Which skills are transferable to other areas, etc. In following our bliss we often forget to also figure out what a societal need is and if we would we actually like to do that, could we really deliver. This world now needs people who actually show up, not promise a whole bunch of things and than let us down.
A virgin Sun
From the expansive fire sign of Leo, the sun now moves into the hard-working and detailed-focused earth energy of Virgo. This Sun brings transformation, purity, clarification, perfectionism (more about this later), service, health and abundance. We are asked to take good care of ourselves and balance our energy between work and rest. This is the perfect time to release anything old not serving your highest self; subconscious patterns, past life blocks, ancestral trauma, you name it. If there is a time each year to take care of the details of getting organized, creating new systems, or getting a routine going, this is it.
With the retrogrades it hasn’t been time to make final decisions, it’s only been time to gather information, rethink, rehearse, reimagine, research, rework and figure out what you want to do and if you are doing it in the right way. Mars retrograde has shown us where we are passive aggressive, or where we are tolerant of that energy, where we are defeatist, where we blunt our own energies and where we are frustrated. Retrogrades teach our minds respect, humility, and show us that we have to reference our heart. Our own unique self can be found in the heart and this is where true awareness happens.
Ah the heart
So yes the heart. My heart has been physically aching and beating out of my chest, it is pulsing and it clearly so wants to be heard. It’s passion wants to be unleashed. As Mars is now moving forward again, things we are passionate about have more fuel and we really see where our passion lies. All other things just don’t seem to come off the ground, it is very clear now. Things are moving slow at the moment as we are asked to wait, to clean our own house before moving forward. Slow down and get to your truth before you speak or build something. Also there is a deep need for self-care and freeing up of creativity and self-expression. Where are you inspired? And some of us just really need to take a break and connect to our hearts again. Ask yourself what fuels you? Where are you now putting your energy, your attention? Who do you love? What do you love ? Sit still and when your heart is moved, it is time, don’t let impatience mess up the process, trust, listen en be open to inspiration, guidance from the heart.
Perfectly human
My biggest insight lately was the realization that we are not here to try and be perfect, but to be perfectly human. We don’t have to know everything! Let us not judge ourselves for not being perfect or not knowing it all. When we become more natural with ourselves, there is always something new to learn. And you know what, I LOVE IT! How can you ever be bored? There is so much to learn, so much to try and explore! We must not get distracted by the sideshow drama of the dense world. Remember they want us to be angry and exhausted. They want us to drop into bed at night and have no energy to create. We need to remember to maintain our body and mind at our best. And that doesn’t mean being perfect. Make self corrections where you have been distracted from being your best, that is all.
Have fun learning
Another lesson I learned is to have fun learning, to do something and stick with it without reservations. Don’t fall into the trap of wanting to learn quickly, you know the quick fix, the so many steps to-blueprints, etc. Life is not about shortcuts as so often we just give up before we get anywhere. If you love it go for it. Do not get distracted by the ego mind who compares, tells you you’re not good enough, tells you you don’t make enough money with this venture, tells you it’s too hard, etc. etc. Just have fun learning and don’t give up. All that stuff the ego mind goes through and compares us to some kind of ideal and makes us feel incompetent. It defeats the point of the joy of learning and paying it forward, whatever it is! Get past the self defeating thoughts and the frustration of not knowing and we are going to be fine.
Be willing to put in the work
A lot of people (including myself) want to make money whilst doing what they love. You know the whole follow your bliss thing. Now keep in mind that it is not just doing what you love, but also look in the world and see what it needs and what you may learn to do and love doing it. If you want to generate something, generate it. You actually have to put in the work. Do what suits you, what you are good at, that matches your energy. One size doesn’t fit all. Love doing it and BE WILLING to do it. For example be comfortable with knowing that if you’d rather be home and don’t take up a profession that requires you to be on the road all the time. Be clear on who you are and what you really want. BE honest to yourself. Know thyself.
Now tomorrow we have a Pisces Full Moon on the 26th and this helps us takes stock of how we feel about all of these changes and what we really value. What is important to us now, and I mean really important. Now sit, rest and regroup, acknowledge what is growing and do some pruning, the real implementation starts mid-September.
So what light are you to the world, what song do you sing? It is time to stop singing other people’s tunes, your unique voice needs to be heard!