As the U.S.A. elects a new president on November 8th, the world watches with concern and mockery. Clearly this week will be one of the most significant in our recent history as this does not just affect the United States. Whoever wins the election, we are in the beginning of a new civilization. This election will shape the years to come and will be formed by how we individually and collectively choose to be. We need to decide what we wish to experience as we move ahead.

Sovereign beings

These elections have speed up the change on the world stage, as it has exposed so much corruption and destructive intent. The dark cabal’s control systems are being revealed. So many lies have come to the Light under all this darkness. Humanity is becoming more and more empowered as we take on more responsibility for our lives. We see through all false rulers deception and truly feel we are sovereign beings.

Journey into truth

I am here not going into all the dirt on Clinton and Trump, enough websites expose this. I am also not choosing a side of who I would like to see win as there is no choice. It’s up to each state legislature to decide how they want to choose the state’s electors. It may be a situation in which the fact that we have an Electoral College (elite), rather than direct voting (masses) for presidential candidates, may prove to be helpful. Public voting has never mattered. They let us vote to give us a false sense of control over our own destiny. Well, wether all this “conspiracy talk” is true for you, it’s time for each of you to wake up and start investigating the possibility maybe it’s all true. And maybe humanity collectively is so soundly asleep in things that do not matter like sports, politics and fake wars against fake enemies–collectively we don’t know what being awake even feels like anymore. But such a journey into truth takes great humility. Great courage. Great releasing of ego. Yet in truth, it only takes a simple surrender in your heart to a Higher Truth (God, Universe, I AM).


It is time to deconstruct your world not as it appears to be, but as it truly is and ask how and why. It’s time to develop a much keener sense of discernment.
I have written many articles about disclosure and waking up, such as this article may be helpful

Peaceful new reality

There is chaos and after the election it will look worse, no matter who wins. But this is the time it comes down to, the time where we can work towards a peaceful new reality. It is up to us, not to a false government. In order for the world to move to a peaceful new reality we need to open our hearts, free ourselves from our chains and trust ourselves. We need to stay calm and committed to being an example, a beacon of light and steadiness. Everything in our lives will need to be re-evaluated. Everyone we have ever held in high regard or dubbed as “righteous” per “traditional culture” norms will quickly come into fast question. It is our place as way-showers to guide and support the people that are now still fast asleep. Waking up is an intense process of grieving, so many emotions come up as all of you who have gone through this know. We’ve been lied to and the cabal gained control over all aspects of our human experience and deliberately kept the masses ignorant via their vast and absolute network of proven control mechanisms. But no more!

Stay in your core

I ask you to stay connected to your intuition and be aware of more lies and false or partial disclosures. See through all deceit and power display. It is all staged and we will see through their games. Stay in your core and don’t panic. All will be well. A significant part of humanity’s collective consciousness has made the choice for peace and we are not alone. I just ask you to show discernment now more than ever. Partial of false disclosures are being pushed. Don’t loose your intuition in all the chaos.

Bring positive energy

Join millions of people on today at 7PM NY time for a synchronized meditation to lift the energy of the upcoming presidential election. Author James Twyman will focus the vigil from the Celebrate Your Life Conference in Scottsdale, Az. Join him and many other spiritual luminaries there live, or go to to get complete information.

We are not endorsing or condemning any candidate, but simply calling for a massive movement to bring a positive energy back to the election. PLEASE JOIN US!

Weekly Reading

For our weekly reading I asked support on how to show up best in order to stay in our core, in love and peace.

OMG! What a perfect card! The Oracle and Tarot never seizes to amaze me.

Adjustment seeks balance and growth around core principles, but never forgets that understanding the past brings insight to the future. Finding harmony with the higher Self brings stability to both the internal and external landscapes. Viewing something objectively and soberly, as well as recognizing one’s personal responsibility in it. Also this card warns against becoming unable to act because of too much careful consideration

Adjustment represents finding balance during turmoil while at the same time seeking the principles of negotiation and truth. Adjustment is the ability to find reconciliation and harmony in opposing views.

In order to make sense of the chaos, you must find perspective. Your intention through this process is to bring more clarity, stability, and simplicity into your life. This is the time to acknowledge your personal truth and the ideas and thoughts that support who you are now, rather than the opinions and beliefs that no longer serve. You must clear out the clutter from your mind and view existing circumstances with all honesty. By finding your correct alignment, you are able to gain new perceptions on old situations. You are then able to assimilate the lessons of the past, the circumstances of the present and the possibilities of the future. From this place of integrity, you become centered and discover the harmony you so desperately seek.

On the darker side of Adjustment, you may tend to over-analyze and dissect every word, every thought, every idea, until becoming incapable of any perspective at all. You may be plagued with indecision, overwhelmed by information, and forget the reason you questioned yourself in the beginning. You may lose sight of your authenticity and fall back on old patterns as you cling to old ideals. You can become harshly critical of both yourself and everyone around you. This may result in nothing learned from these past lessons. You may see no connection in the present, and ultimately view the future with pain and confusion.

The Adjustment is a symbol for the balance of contrasts, complementing one another and also building up room and time. She combines the High Priestess and the Magician. Both are connected – true, conscious action results from realization, wisdom is based on action. The principle of activity completes itself with the passivity of inner reflection, the adjustment being the balance in between.

Another common name of this trump is ‘Justice’ – the card tells one to be righteous in all aspects of our life, to ignore, suppress or prefer none if need be. Only when we have an objective view of all and accept them, can we can find inner balance and silence.

The Adjustment stands for uncompromising honesty and objectivity, the realization of cause and effect, background and consequence.

We can be angels and we can be demons, it is our choice. We shape our futures by what we do and think now. If we stop blaming other people, or forces, if things go wrong then we take control of our own lives. Justice shows us that the natural cycles of the Universe will reflect back upon us exactly what we expect – so expect joy and happiness! This card emphasizes the requirement for constant assessment and balancing which opens us to spiritual expansion.

If you are one of those people who cannot, at this time, decide to be happy, because of surrounding circumstance, try for today, to find something to be happy about – a little ray of sunshine cutting through the darkness. It will make a difference to the imbalance you might be experiencing – go some way toward adjusting your situation.

Affirmation: I move towards balance and harmony.
Drive: Will for knowledge, harmony between reality and instinct, objectivity
Light: Balance, justice, fairness, always looking at both sides
Shadow: Self righteousness

Personal Truth