A lot of so called spiritual people and Light Workers run away screaming when they encounter the very word Evil. But ask yourself, are we strengthening and supporting the very real effects of evil out of existence by denying that it exists? Hereby refusing to attend to any signs of its operations within ourselves. As this stance requires little reflection or action. Seeing everything as perfect and light we are marginalizing the relative physical world. Many so called Lightworkers are trying so very hard to be pure, to push away all darkness, which guarantees that they will act out their shadows. If we don’t work with our shadow, all that is left is fake love and light, which just brushes the surface and has no deep resonance at all. We in this world so often throw around the word love and light, it has lost it’s true meaning. True love and light don’t shut out the darkness, but empower us to see it all, to shine our true inner light on it with power and without judgement. So that is why at this point I am bringing up the topic of False Light, or False Spirituality.

Dangerous Behavior

As an intuitive empath I can sense layers and patterns that other people may not notice. And even though part of me would love to stay safe in my happy rainbow bubble, I have a deep drive to speak my truth and to share my insights. I also know how important it is to do our shadow work and stop hiding from all things “dark” or “evil”. And no I haven’t joined Team Darth Vader, but I know and have experienced that so called spiritual people often prefer to passively accept and even condone other peoples bad or even dangerous behavior. All is seen through loving eyes or even not seen at all, as all darkness should not be paid attention to because it may grow stronger. Overly identified with the light and trying so very hard to be pure, they become rigid, self-righteous, and one-sided, which guarantees that they will act out their shadow in the world unconsciously, and destructively. I know Source creator is all love and light, but our live in this sphere just is not. We live in duality and so do beings in some other spheres and dimensions.

False Spirituality

Choosing light and positivity does not mean closing our eyes to the negative. Of course there is a difference in seeing darkness and taking action to expose and counteract this darkness and lying down and wallow in it. Some people are just too far into exposing the dark and dwell on it too much and too long. This is also not productive. We need balance. We are living in a world of dualism and contrast. However, sweet Lightworkers, this does not mean that we should passively accept and condone people’s negative behavior and claim that there is no evil in this world. This is very dangerous. So I ask you to please open your eyes and see there is a difference between the true light and the false light. False light promises us happiness, health and growth, but robs people of sovereignty, personal authority and inner strength. This is something we unfortunately see in all forms of spirituality, from churches to temples and from spiritual centers to websites, teachers and gurus. It is important that we, the people who so long for conscious growth, to discern between authentic spirituality which empowers us to stand in our own power and false spirituality that makes us dependent on others. Never put anyone, be it a spiritual teacher, Angel, Ascended Master, Galactic Healer, etc. on a pedestal. They can bring you teachings that can help you, but always use your inner guidance and discernment, just don’t ever blindly follow or take anything on just because they say so. Especially not when it is not resonating. Your heart knows, listen to it.

Light Workers

The topic of owning our power and Lightworkers has been on my mind for a long long time, but I never wrote about it. But last week I was talking about this subject with a friend who mentioned the word Lightworker. And I had an experience with a client recently who wouldn’t claim her own power, but just wanted to receive help and be fixed. She gave away all her powers to False Light. I had to let her go, because she wouldn’t step up and reclaim her power. I can only help people who want to help themselves and step into their own power. I can be of service with that, but I can’t fix anyone without them stepping into their truth. There is no quick fix, sorry. Also this topic of Lightworkers and False Light has been popping up again on websites and in fora. So I felt called to write my insights, experiences and feelings on this. This is such a sensitive and difficult topic for me as I have spent so much time, money, yes energy on these teachings and beliefs. I also fell for the False Light. As much as I still love working with Angels and Ascended Masters as it brings such joy and light and these connections are very real, I do need to write about discernment and pitfalls that come with spiritual teachings and working with beings outside ourselves. I haven’t shared this before as I know it will rub some people the wrong way. But then again I am done keeping my insights hidden and I am open to sharing my experience which may be of benefit to others. And again if this doesn’t resonate with you, fine, we all have our own experiences and none are good or bad, right or wrong. It is a quest and I am just sharing some of my puzzle pieces with you.

Spiritually Stuck

I notice that so many so called spiritual people, spiritual seekers, are so stuck in life. They are desperately seeking enlightenment, go from one teaching to the next, read tons of books, receive lots of healings, etc. etc. But still they don’t seem to get anywhere. They only seem to spiral further down into illness and poverty or whatever is showing up in their lives to reflect they are not in alignment with their truth. So many teachings are telling us to focus on the light and clear, cancel, delete all negativity and we will be fine. But sorry people,  it is not that easy. No one is here to fix you. We need to reclaim our power and take action. Stop being an easy pray for negative forces and stop feeding them with your light and energy.

You’ve Got the Power

I have always felt very strongly about sovereignty and owning our power. Claiming our power. We are multidimensional beings and I always had an aversion to leaders, gurus, religious institutions such as church and temples, religion, governments, etc. Anything or anyone that we put above ourselves, on a pedestal and we blindly follow and/or obey. I have always, ever since I was a little child, been a bit rebellious. With teacher that taught top down and didn’t encourage our own wisdom and creativity. I could just never follow other people blindly. I always had a strong inner guidance and bullshit radar and I always question everything I am being told and what I see.

I have done a lot of different (spiritual) courses, workshops, events, etc. And I mean a lot, a true seeker, but also someone looking to be saved or find the Grail that will end all suffering. I now know that I do not need to seek outside myself, but that it is already in me. Even though I was visiting so many different events and courses, I always had this nagging feeling in the pit of my stomach that something was off and always left the course or whatever disappointed and drained. I always had this nagging feeling when working with certain Angels and ascended masters and the teachings of certain high esteemed teachers. It just didn’t always feel right. I could never explain it. Back then I blamed myself. Saying I wasn’t clear enough, I still had too much dark in me, I was not shielding enough, I was still learning, etc. Also I have always had strange experiences with cold, strong, blue and bright light. I also saw this when I had my near death experience and it frightened me. It didn’t feel good. At first I thought (with my mind) this was good, protective light, like we have been taught. Whenever I went into meditation or did spiritual work and even during everyday life. I would get flashes of bright white light or blue/indigo light. This always was accompanied by a strong overwhelming energy. I always thought this energy to be Archangel Michael and I was always grateful for his presence. But I also felt a bit blocked by this energy. And when I tried to move around it I would always get severe  and I mean violent head- and neck aches. Again I thought this was to protect me or that I was doing something wrong. Now I feel that this is not the case. It was blocking me from my true, higher inspiration. Now after connecting with the true energy of Archangel Michael and connecting with true pure love and creation on Ayahuasca trips, I now know and FEEL the difference and this gave me the insight and the power to revoke all negative experiences and agreements. And this has been such a big difference. The pains are gone and my connection to source has increased so so much. The energy is also so so different. I feel so much more ease and grace and well love.

Deal with it and kick some butt

This experience has also led me closer to myself and recognize how powerful we truly are. That we do not need to give our power away to other beings. Of course we can ask for help and support, but we should never put any other being above us. It is time to rely on ourselves and to be very aware of all the posers and cheaters out there. Now having done this work for quite a while and working with these energies on a very regular basis. Doing profound healing on myself, regaining my own strength and regularly connecting with my I AM, with my higher self, I can now and dare now state that I do no longer want to give away my energy to any false light being. And now I am entering territory where I will alienate a lot of people, this brought up fear in the past and that is why I kept silent. But no longer. We are not already enlightened and we have no time to be complacent and lazy and point out that the universe is just a dream and use this as an excuse for not dealing with our responsibilities of relative reality. No we are here to take back our power and we need to kick some serious butt to do this. So please let us stop worshipping the false light and connect with the true light of source creator.

False Light and the Demiurge

It wasn’t until I read this post by Cameron Day a few years ago that things started to click into place. And now all of the sudden this article is popping up left and right in my field again, I guess a lot of people are waking up and looking into this subject, hence why I am also writing about this at this time. His article is about how some Lightworkers unconsciously are working for the false light of the corrupt Demiurge. Now I find his statement that all Lightworkers give away their power to angels, guides and ascended masters so they can feed of our energy a bit well black & white, there is a nuance, a gray area. I belief that there are different Angels, I do not believe in hierarchy, good or bad, higher and lower, but I do believe in infinite creation and that all kinds are present. On his website, Cameron Day writes about the False Light Matrix or demiurge and he explains the ongoing deceit behind the “ankle biters” posing as archangels, guides, and lords of the light. These posers target the ‘good’ Lightworkers to join them while the ‘bad’ people can fall in with the dark beings. The bigger picture uncovers this dualistic choice as all part of the induced consciousness that has held humanity in a long slumber. The irony is that the Lightworkers and dark minions have both ben serving this lower consciousness.

Dualistic Struggle

Mr Cameron Day has not really brought anything new, but he did provide me with a great reminder to show discernment always. Religions, the New Age movement, bankers, lawyers, doctors, etc. can be deceiving (most of them are whether they know it or not). There are cults and control mechanisms out there that we need to be mindful of. However Mr Day also presents us with a very dualistic struggle between true divine light and the false light of the Demiurge. However he brings forward many good points. And I do feel that he doesn’t mean for us to now forget the Light, but to show extra discernment and not follow any person or being blindly. We are not alone, benevolent beings are not here to be gurus but are here as friends. Though there are also beings that are very indifferent to humanity, so be careful who you connect to. We don’t have to go at it alone, but we need to center ourselves and trust our own inner guidance. The means of overcoming the duality is to recognize that the dark and light serve the same ends which is essentially the evolution of consciousness. To purify our thoughts and emotional responses and building a chord between our higher self and our physical self, will allow the soul to integrate with the personality and then we will bring more happiness and creativity to the world.

Night Warrior

Reading Cameron Day’s writings, I do very much recognize the energy drain at night time. I was always extremely busy in my sleep and woke up exhausted. For so so long I have had very vivid dreams, astral travels and almost never a night of peaceful sleep. I was mostly awake in my dream and it was very violent and intense. Seldom did I wake up rested. I always woke up at exactly the same time and more tired than when I went to bed, even though I always immediately fell asleep at night, almost like passing out. Zap, it was that fast. Like I was being beamed up. The part in the article by Cameron Day where he reports about the dream missions really struck a chord with me. According to him a lot of people, so called Lightworkers, are used to fight battles in their dream time. Deep down this feels true to me. ever since I started proclaiming peaceful sleep and that I will not be doing any missions at nighttime, I have slept like a baby and woken up rested and happy. Now when I forget, boom, again I wake up exhausted after a heavy night ‘sleep’. Therefor I feel it is important to revoke ALL agreements made with any and all beings that did not have our best interests in mind, no matter WHO the beings were or claimed to be. It sounds like such a simple thing, but somehow I had overlooked it. During the process, I felt resistance from beings who were claiming to be positive, but I stood strong and told them that I refuse to be manipulated into giving energy to the demiurge. It is also very nice knowing I am going to get a good night’s sleep when I go to bed because I am not going to be pulled into any ridiculous “missions to battle the dark” that the (false) light beings are so fond of setting up for their “lightworkers.” Part of me believes that setting the intention of getting a good night sleep is doing the trick, but something deep in me resonates with what Cameron Day states here as my nighttime travels were so intense and so real and so so draining and I now feel so much better and more rested when I wake up. I am so grateful that I am sharing this and hope this will help those who are experiencing the same energy drain at night. You can do the same. We have free will.

Lulling Channellings

Also I have always had a problem with most channellings. They just always felt off. I could never quite put my finger on it. Even though some do resonate, but again there are so many posers out there or people who thing they are channeling a being of the light, but are really tapping into some other Source, like our collective field or a being of false light. These days it feels like everyone is channeling and I do believe that this may be because we are waking up to our abilities to do so and nothing wrong with that at all, but again always use discernment. And it is also a good thing to ponder why people seem to take the messages from Angels or ETs more seriously than when we say it comes from our higher self, now why is that? I personally feel our higher selves are just as pure and enlightened as any other being. I for one work with my higher self and the unified field when I do readings, healings and coaching, I do not channel angels or other beings (anymore), because you just never know who is taking your call. As I do feel that not all Angels are working for the true light. ETs same story, most are very benevolent and advanced, but there are some real tricksters out there. So be careful is my message and never give away your power. I have a real problem with channellings and messages that lull us into a passive sleep about how all is well and we will be saved, just sit back, be love and light and wait to be rescued. This makes me so upset as it takes us out of our power and passifies us to snoozing slaves. Now like I mentioned, I don’t agree with all Cameron’s insights. But I do feel very strongly that we do not need to worship other beings or put them on a pedestal. We should not give away our power, for we are powerful ourselves, we have just forgotten. We should not consent to our power being drained and used for anything other than anchoring the pure light of source on earth. There is no good or bad, but there are different planes, different vibrations. And we can choose where we want to connect with.


So how can we discern this false light. Cameron Day describes different things to look out for such as hierarchy. Spiritual seekers often feel weird, not accepted by the ‘ordinary’ world and too sensitive perhaps to fit in. We as people have a natural need to belong, it is a survival issue, a strong primal drive to be accepted and loved and this can lead to diminishing ourselves so we fit in with our chosen tribe. This may result in shutting off our intuition and inner knowing in terms of what our unique soul is here to do and learn. Now I am not saying connection isn’t important, it is very important, but we should always honor our own unique nature and be aware of hive mind thinking. Also we tend to give away our authority to a parental figure, especially when we had no true parents in our own lives. We are looking for people to look up to and tell us what to do, someone we can follow. This is also herd mentality. This parental figure may be a guru, a medical professional, a celebrity, or the government as a strong example. We admire these people and trust that they have the best intentions for us and know what we should do, because we ourselves are so disconnected from our truths, we feel so lost and we blindly follow these Figureheads without questioning and listening to our intuition. Hierarchy feeds this group thinking and shuts down our sovereignty and autonomy. It is important that we set healthy boundaries and establish healthy self-love parameters.

Stop being lazy

There is work to do! I ask you to have alarm bells go off when you hear or read teachings, gurus, beings, etc. proclaim that there is nothing to do, all is well, that we are already enlightened. And we then use this to justify our complacency and laziness at the relative level, I ask you to feel if this is so enlightened or just well intentioned fuzzy thinking? Do you belief the universe is a dream and therefor there is no need to deal with responsibilities in the wold of relative reality? You know what, that is called spiritual bypassing or well just plain ignorance. But please do know that this way you are only feeding the so called evil you are avoiding to face. If you find this interesting, please read up on Paul Levy’s work, “Dispelling Wetiko – Breaking the Curse of Evil”.

Light versus Dark

I am not at all saying that there are no angels, or that all angels and guides are ‘bad’. Not at all, I am just asking for boundaries and discernment. We need to use our expanded awareness to discern ligt from dark entities. False entities are negative, frightening, hold a lower perspective, are selfish, manipulative and dark. The Beings of Divine Light are supportive, loving, giving, beautiful,respectful,empowering, nurturing, and they care about you as an individual and respect your Free Will. They understand that you are a vitally important aspect of an intricately interconnected creation. They have the utmost respect for those of us who volunteered to incarnate into this system of the corrupt demiurge in order to help dismantle it form the inside. Indeed there must be Divine Agents working from both within and outside of the corrupt demiurge in order to dismantle it. We, each and everyone of us has already made this decision and now we need to carry out our individual mission. In order to do that, it is important to sever all ties with the false light, take time to regain energy and strength and ask our Divine Inner Selves to reveal to us what we specifically need to do.

Clear, cancel, delete

It is time to rediscover your higher self and firmly connect to true Source. It is important to clear your energy and revoke contracts on a daily basis.This is also what I do with healings, these are big and thorough cleaning sessions of all your fields. These are needed when energies have been really clogging up and need to be scrubbed and rubbed until shining new again. But just like brushing our teeth and taking showers, we need to clean ourselves regularly, on a daily basis, sometimes more than once a day, as we make new chords to people and other entities all the time. We gather so much energy in our field. It is good to use spiritual hygiene and stay clear and pure. This makes discernment and your tolerance for stinky crap so much lower. You will be more sensitive to the true light. I strongly feel that the only agreements we should make is with ourselves. We have free will. We need to be our own saviors, that is if you feel you need to be saved. We create our reality. So let us stop giving our power away.

Support Ourselves

To clear ourselves and make our channel to our higher selves as clear as possible, we can support ourselves by eating as clean as possible, if at all possible organic. Drink lots of clean, filtered, water. Personally, I bless all my food and drink and everyone I meet to keep my field clear. Connect to Source daily and surround yourself with a protective bubble of light that prevents anything negative into the aura. Yes back in our bubbles, but not with closed eyes. We need to honor our feelings and trust our instincts, sty calm, ask or even order any negative beings to leave and envision them leaving, cleanse our homes regularly, with water and soap but also with sage or white light. Cleanse our own energy field regularly like taking a shower.

Time for Cosmic Change

These are intense and uncertain times we are living in and in desperation we grab on to things. But we need to stop giving our power away and make our personal God connection. There are ascended masters and angels, but our concept and reliance on them needs to be corrected. We need to see that some have taken them for their own means t justify their own programs. True beings of light do not need a platform, a pedetal, they will let you be free and respect your autonomy and see you for the powerful and beautiful being you already are. It is now time to break free and unlearn everything we know. It may feel like we are losing our minds, but we are losing the programming that has been controlling our minds lifetime after lifetime. People are waking up en masse. September will bring a lot of energies in and a lot of chaos and confusion. Full Disclosure is near, but the world seems to become more and more insane. This month a big escalation of disinformation will be unleashed in the media, both mainstream and alternative. Therefor it is so important that we now step into our power and always use our discernment. Be aware that the false light community will use every trick available to make you doubt the true light community and yourself. Just say no to anything that is not your free will, do not agree and change this reality we have helped create. Hold on tight to your vision and focus on the true light within you. Let us follow our inner guidance and remain in balance. Our goal is peace on earth and abundance for all of mankind. It’s a complete change of life on this planet, an entracne into a new reality system without money, without struggle, without suffering and without duality. It is a Cosmic Change! Now KNOW that this is feasible and nothing will stop us from reaching it.

Thank you for being YOU!

Much love, Charissa xxx