Hello hello!

Hope you are all doing very well!
I am feeling wonderful, in my flow, calm. The short break to Southern France has done me a world of good. I can’t believe I returned home a week ago…time flies. I so want to be back in Rennes le Chateau. Only been there a long week, but I feel like I have been there before and been there so much longer. I really miss it. Being home is also a good feeling, but most of all I realize that home is truly where the heart is. It is where ever you go. I feel like I am coming home to myself more and more and I am finding it more and more comfortable. Actually I can now openly say and mean it that I love myself. I really do. It has taken me a couple of years, but I am happy with who I am and I am grateful that I am here. I rock haha! And what about you? Do you rock? If you think you can’t fully love yourself yet, because something is lacking or not right, than please address this, don’t push this away. Come back to love. This world needs you to love yourself, as love can safe this planet and we can ascend all together and live in peace and harmony. But it all starts with us loving ourselves.

Ehm I got a bit side tracked here. I dropped in to share this week’s Oracle message for us all. For this week I felt drawn towards the New Earth Frequencies card deck as these use pictures (by Hanneke Hoppenbrouwer) of Rennes le Chateau and surroundings.

Communication / Contact

The guidance for us this week is Communication/Contact.
Wow how appropriate for me this week as I am now writing a blogpost about communicating our truth (to be posted sometime this week). I am sure this message comes at a right time for all of you that reads it right now.

To speak our truth is to let Spirit communicate through us. From our Higher Selves, from our hearts, not our minds or ego. We are asked to be authentic and speak our truths … with love and compassion. True communication is about sharing and building positive change.

We are asked to communicate from Higher Self to Higher Self, make true contact. In order to hear our Higher guidance we need to tune in and listen. Be silent and open up to not knowing, the void, so a space is created to receive the answer.

Knowledge versus wisdom

So much knowledge has been collected over lifetimes. Knowledge obtained from others. Knowledge that has been diffused, divided into bits and pieces, stored away in boxes, archives and libraries, so almost no one now remembers that true wisdom is within ourselves. In books, blogs, etc. we will find other people’s experiences and interpretations. They are a good jump off point, a trigger, but we must never forget to think for ourselves.

We are now asked to be adventurous and to have the courage to step into the unknown. All we need to do is open our own temple of knowledge and turn this into wisdom. Let us live all the positive knowledge we have collected, experience it and make it our own. This life is to be experienced and shared. Let the truth, meaning your truth, be revealed to you. Open your temple with an open mind and heart. Trust that you are always welcome in this temple of silence and light.

Every one of us is asked to share our insights and vision, so together we can build a strong foundation to built a house that will bring joy and laughter to all of us. A base for a brighter future.

The energy of Communication and Contact is an invitation to open up, to stall all previous ideas, beliefs and emotions and create an empty space from where your truth can reveal itself. Trust that the truth you feel within you is yours to share. You don’t have to wait for the one big truth to be revealed. Just trust that you are an inseparable piece of the puzzle called creation.

When we truly communicate with one another, this is a pro active way of communicating. A way where we can surrender to a larger truth, which shines through all of us.


Awareness comes with expansion of sensitivity. Our five senses will be heightened and the ability to perceive things beyond these senses will increase. Communication means making contact, with yourself and your senses, all of them. It means learning to listen to what is being revealed to you and acting on it. All these insights and revelations will help you move to a higher plan. When you surrender and trust what you sense, all doubt will disappear and make way for a fundamental trust in all that is.  This card helps us build a bridge between ourselves and all that is and makes the impossible possible. It shows deep respect for life and all that it encompasses, the good, the bad and the ugly. This is because this energy helps us see from a different frequency, from a place where all is clear and well.

This frequency also teaches us to listen to our intuition and to respect others. In order to evolve it is also important to listen to others, truly listen to others. We are all part of a larger whole and this is all we need to know to be at peace. When we really listen to others we often find the answers which we are seeking. As we can find the answers in the things that happen around us. We just need to be aware of and open to perceiving the answer.

The energy of Communication helps us to to seek answers in ourselves and in our interaction with the world around us. The world mirrors to us in which state of being we are living, what we are feeling and believing. These mirrors are here to help us.

Why do we seek certainty?

As humans we tend to be impatient in finding answers to our questions. We forget that answers will come when the time is right. We have a fear for the unknown. But why is this? Why do we fear the unknown so much? Why do we seek certainty? Is something ever definite and certain? Why is it better to get an answer instead of going out there and seeking our own truth? Can we all rest in our knowing that we don’t know anything? And we definitely never will know it all, for there is no one truth? Doesn’t that make you sigh with relief?


There is plenty help from other dimensions to bring us new ways of listening, seeing, hearing, feeling and smelling that suit our vibration, in order for us to receive the insights that we seek. This will give us compassion for self and therefor for others.

So please let us let go of endless digging for answers, outvoicing, pedantry, doubting ourselves, mulling, not listening to others, insecurity and forcing opinions. Let us all come home in serenity, expansion, clearness of expression, honest and respectful exchaneg and refinement of the senses.

This week let us all ask ourselves if we have trouble listening to our inner voice? Do we act on what our heart is making known? Do we act in accordance to our feelings?

I wish you all a beautiful week full of positive sharing and beautiful insights.

Happy vibes all!

Much love and Sat Nam,

